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Girls outshine boys again

Well in my case it's more of "why, why" but otherwise the genetic make-up is exclusively XX

:lol: @ WHY WHY

Well not really. Depends on what one thinks is romance. Some are satisfied with one, some with many

well and some are just Insatiable :undecided:


My theory stands and you proved it

Lol their is no THEORY that has proved correct since the exsistence of TIME on this subject so best of luck trying to prove your theory!!! :enjoy:

on a serious note....Romance is just getting used to someones presence.....when they leave your ROUTINE gets messed up you get used to it EVENTUALLY.....so ROMANCE is nothing but just an escape from internal LONELINESS :smokin:

where have we taken this thread ME, RATUS & NADIA JI

hahaha sorry JEYPORE your thread is derailed completely

My theory stands and you proved it

Lol their is no THEORY that has proved correct since the exsistence of TIME on this subject so best of luck trying to prove your theory!!! :enjoy:


on a serious note....Romance is just getting used to someones presence.....when they leave your ROUTINE gets messed up you get used to it EVENTUALLY.....so ROMANCE is nothing but just an escape from internal LONELINESS :smokin:

Hahahahaha, you seem to have been dumped one too many time!

where have we taken this thread ME, RATUS & NADIA JI

Not to Kashmir if that makes anyone happy :lol:

hahaha sorry JEYPORE your thread is derailed completely

Yes, my apologies as well. Told you na, tighter leash!:angel:
Yes, my apologies as well. Told you na, tighter leash!

You leave for few hours, and the thread is a mess. It goes from sexual fraustration to Romance with equations of R=T(A^2) + W(b/c) / yy*xy.:tsk:

Well in High school we use to catagorise the girls in 5 types:

1. Looks but nothing up there (LNT) (Cheer leaders).
2. Nerdie
a. Nerdie ugly
b. Nerdie posibility
3. All round trash (ART), these are the ones you find them in closet passed out in a party.:D
4. Gothic (Stranges bunch of them all)
5. Daddy girl (These are best to date, but need an approval).

Ok I just screwed these thread even further.:D
Zob: you sound as if the essence of love and romance passed you by.

jeypore: you need to come out from under the thumb and take control, at lest of your own thread.

Also naturally girls/women will do better. They twist us poor males about their little finger fro day 1.
Also naturally girls/women will do better. They twist us poor males about their little finger fro day 1.

Huh, never heard that term before:eek:, is there such thing out there:D


To all the members This thread must brought back on line. No more romance, Why Why, sexual fraustration, etc.....:agree:

The thread master has spoken!!!
In Pakistan at least as long as I've lived, I've only witnessed girls outshining guys af far as grades are concerned. How much they actually know a subject is generally another matter. That reflects on the much smaller percentage of girls in jobs. They get kicked out sooner! I'm talking out of the collective experience of our undergrad batch.

I would not be so sure that women are incapable of understanding practical stuff.
IT sector in India had about 30% women in 2005 and it is increasing (Ratio of women in IT industry rising steadily) . In voice support (call centers) it is above 50%. Considering that these two sectors are the big drivers of "New Indian Economy", I would say that they do have a real role to play and are bringing home the bacon (or aloo parathas) for India.

Or if you take Kerala, a state of India which is 100% literate and more or less liberal, there are more women graduates than men.


Out of those who complete school education 49.19% are girls. Among those who graduates 67.4% are women. They count 78.20% among the postgraduates.
3.09 lakhs of Kerala women are working abroad.

I would say that it is a reflection of the social system and a reflection of different expectations on men & women that cause this disparity. In India it is considered OK for a 22 year old man to hang around for a while without jobs, drinking and partying. On the other hand a woman is either married off or is expected to study. Obviously women want the same success in life as men and so they study.
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I would not be so sure that women are incapable of understanding practical stuff.
IT sector in India had about 30% women in 2005 and it is increasing (Ratio of women in IT industry rising steadily) . In voice support (call centers) it is above 50%. Considering that these two sectors are the big drivers of "New Indian Economy", I would say that they do have a real role to play and are bringing home the bacon (or aloo parathas) for India.

Or if you take Kerala, a state of India which is 100% literate and more or less liberal, there are more women graduates than men.


I would say that it is a reflection of the social system and a reflection of different expectations on men & women that cause this disparity. In India it is considered OK for a 22 year old man to hang around for a while without jobs, drinking and partying. On the other hand a woman is either married off or is expected to study. Obviously women want the same success in life as men and so they study.

Just found an updated link. Women-Men will reach gender parity in IT sector by 2010 in India
Women are IT
btw what is Nerdie posibility?:what:

Nerdie Possibility is a cultural figure of the nerd by analyzing images of nerds in movies, news articles materials, and in schools. This analysis shows that the previously liminal feminin identity of the nerd gets rehabilitated and partially incorporated into hegemonic feminin. In the process, the nerd becomes implicated in a variety of discourses about race and class as well as feminin. Discussions of nerds at work perpetuate stereotypes about computer users. The changing and contested meaning of the term nerd allows for both progressive uses and those which protect the status quo of hegemonic feminin. All of these discursive uses of the nerd identity suggest that our use of computers is deeply connected to identity issues regarding race, class and gender.

What it boils down to is you let her hair down, put on some make-up, and get her to dress nicely. You get yourself Nerdie possibility!!!:D
This year 824,421 students - 331,922 girls and 473,499 boys - took the Class 10 board exams in the country
CBSE Xth results: Girls outshine boys again | India.com

well so much for the bull crap they teach us here in UK about how girls is developing countries are deprived of basic education compared to boys. In year 10 there are 2 girls for every 3 boys which is good and much higher than what i though it was in Pakistan/India. but i think these are urbanized zones and of course the ratio would be different in countryside and villages.

NB: Oh I noticed 331,922 girls and 473,499 boys don't add up to total 824,421 students :confused:
Nerdie Possibility is a cultural figure of the nerd by analyzing images of nerds in movies, news articles materials, and in schools. This analysis shows that the previously liminal feminin identity of the nerd gets rehabilitated and partially incorporated into hegemonic feminin. In the process, the nerd becomes implicated in a variety of discourses about race and class as well as feminin. Discussions of nerds at work perpetuate stereotypes about computer users. The changing and contested meaning of the term nerd allows for both progressive uses and those which protect the status quo of hegemonic feminin. All of these discursive uses of the nerd identity suggest that our use of computers is deeply connected to identity issues regarding race, class and gender.

What it boils down to is you let her hair down, put on some make-up, and get her to dress nicely. You get yourself Nerdie possibility!!!:D

:lol: by far this has to be your best work so far.... a MASTERPIECE JEYPORE if you ask me :enjoy:
Guys are crazy...no seriouisly all guys are like that!
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