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Gilani disqualified as PM: SC


I think the Parliament has supremacy over Supreme Court. PPP(P) will think of some way to save the PM, maybe make him adviser to PM with powers of the PM like they have done with Rehman Malik and so many others.

The Parliament and the Supreme court both have their jurisdiction, and none holds supremacy over the other. The constitution is most supreme, not one organ of the government. We gotta get this fact right, it's about time.

So.. what happens now? Even if PPP comes out with new PM, again SC will ask him to write letter to swiss authorities.. again the new PM will refuse.. again contempt of court.. again disqualification.. Saga will continue just to save one man's a$$.

Democracy is the best revenge, said Asif Ali Zardari after BB's death. He knew what he was talking about, we didn't.
If Gilani had been convicted of an offence such as stealing, corruption, nepotism etc. which he is without doubt guilty of; I would go along with the SC decision wholeheartedly. However if you analyse the root cause of this momentous event you will see a clear political bias.

If the spirit of the law you're analyzing why are you forgetting the reason he was found in contempt? To protect the biggest stealer in Pakistan. He was in essence always against the law for the crime you mentioned - stealing. Choron ko saathi bhi chor hi hota hai.

Step one: NRO is declared ‘Null & Void’

Step two: SC orders that a letter should be wriiten to Swiss Court to re-institute proceeding against Zardari who happens to be incumbent Head of the State.

Step 3: Gilani refuses to write the letter against his President and party leader.

Step 4: Gilani is convicted of Contempt of Court and disqualified.

Doesn’t the above sequence of events clearly indicate that the whole affair has been staged primarily to go after Zardari?
SC did not make Zardari commit a crime of stealing money from Pakistan.

Courts have to make a decision on the merit of the crime. How can you ask there to be justice in Pakistan by forgiving Gilani for not following the law for a 60 million chori but jail beggars who steal now and then out of hunger?

This implies that CJ and Supreme should decide who can be the Prime Minister of Pakistan? Dosen’t this contradicts the essence of democracy where this right is reserved with the ‘Voters’ who thru their elected representatives choose the Prime Minister.

Did they decide who is to be PM? They followed the SOP and convicted a criminal. Your SOP says a convicted person can't be member of parliament.

Let us look at another case. Nawaz Sharif was convicted by the Court of Law and senteced to prison. He did a deal with the Dictator and was pardoned. The same Supreme Court decided that when the pardon was granted, both the conviction as well as the punishment was ‘wiped off’ and he is qualified for third time Premiership.

That decision has never been brought up in court since He has been out of jail for more than 5 years.

While two wrongs don’t make a right; can’t you see a clear bias in the judgement of the Supreme Court and the CJ?
There is no bias, there were ample opportunities for Gilani to save his seat, he chose to commit a crime and was kicked off. What sort of a Pakistan you want? If the PM can not obey the law, why should I?

It is more accurate to say that nobody has been successful in wresting power form the PPP yet - but attempts to undermine it continue. I can appreciate application of "established SOP", but that does not appear to be the case here. Please see this:

from: PM

It is almost certain that there will be gross manipulation of the coming elections in favor of the preferred establishment candidate.

The SC is on the verge of being abusive of its powers and falling prey to the same trap that most institutions fall into in Pakistan: overreach based on a few egos, followed by the inevitable national calamity.

It is wrong to say SC is making attempts to wrest power from PPP since it helps to conveniently forget the fact that no one made PPP the criminals that they are they committed those crimes on their own and as you know the saying goes. You must pay for your crimes.
What we now need from the judiciary is consistency. They should apply the rule of law strictly for all. If all of us support it it will send a message to these people who have brought Pakistan to it's knees by their shenanigans. This is a ray of light in an otherwise dark Pakistan.

My opinion may be wrong but I firmly believe that in this particular case, the Law may be with the Supreme Court in letter only but not in “Spirit”.

It is for the court to apply the law. Any other interpretation contextual or otherwise is only allowed when statute is unclear. Many who openly admit their lack of legal training suggesting any suggestion impropriety on the Justices part in the form of an opinion is simply unhelpful to Pakistan or it's people. If any of you have legal training and have reason to suggest any wrongdoing please let us know.
Should have let him complete his term. One scumbag goes and another scumbag will replace him.

That is beside the point. The motive was to set the precedent that you can't do whatever you want just because you are the PM, and that no one is above the law. Thats's been done.
That is beside the point. The motive was to set the precedent that you can't do whatever you want just because you are the PM, and that no one is above the law. Thats's been done.

Not only that it will serve as warning to the next scumbag that scumbags are not above the law and if they do wrong they will be appropriately punished
What we now need from the judiciary is consistency. They should apply the rule of law strictly for all. ..................

IF they do that, then they have my full support as well as admiration. IF they do that.
It is wrong to say SC is making attempts to wrest power from PPP since it helps to conveniently forget the fact that no one made PPP the criminals that they are they committed those crimes on their own and as you know the saying goes. You must pay for your crimes.

Not just the SC, why forget what the khakis are doing?

Paying for crimes is a deterrent only if applied to everybody. I hope this decision is a start of that, but I am not too sure at the moment.
Not just the SC, why forget what the khakis are doing?

Paying for crimes is a deterrent only if applied to everybody. I hope this decision is a start of that, but I am not too sure at the moment.

Take your evidence to the courts? Has someone followed the procedure?
there is one difference between India and Pakistan, corrupts/criminals being defended by these western countries is very visible in case of Pakistan while in India, people are also selling national interests to US/West but they are hidden :sniper:. all these corrupts and criminals of developing countries always have a sense that they would just follow order of their western Lords and get as much as they can in return of their loyalty to US/UK, and one day take whole family and move to Britain :hitwall:. im pretty much sure that all these corrupt congress leaders including Rahul, Sonia, Digvijay, Manmohan, Raja etc will finally move to UK as they might have got enough in their foreign accounts, in return of their loyalty they maintained with western nations for so long, by selling indian national interests to them :sniper:

But Pakistan SC didn't convict him of corruption, did it? May be the motive of SC was to curb the corruption but the way they took to curb it, IMHO, is beyond SC's reach. Specially I think when SC gave 30 sec jail-term to Geelani, CJ came off as more of activist than a judge.

I'd never want Indian SC to be that proactive.
So...will the Supreme Court order the new PM to write a letter to the swiss authorities as well?

I hope so, the PPP needs to fall, and fall hard.
They are protecting Zardari's assets, not even caring about the nation itself.
I hope they die a brutal death for betraying my beloved country.
Not just the SC, why forget what the khakis are doing?

Paying for crimes is a deterrent only if applied to everybody. I hope this decision is a start of that, but I am not too sure at the moment.

If my understanding correct you are supportive if it is consistently applied. Well in that case surely you should be happy that a start has been made. You should hope for the best rather than speculate that it will not be applied consistently?? You should only be critical if and when what you speculate happens.

So...will the Supreme Court order the new PM to write a letter to the swiss authorities as well?

I hope so, the PPP needs to fall, and fall hard.
They are protecting Zardari's assets, not even caring about the nation itself.
I hope they die a brutal death for betraying my beloved country.

There job is to apply the law consistently we should not look at the Justices to remove them surely that is our job to vote them out?
If my understanding correct you are supportive if it is consistently applied. Well in that case surely you should be happy that a start has been made. You should hope for the best rather than speculate that it will not be applied consistently?? You should only be critical if and when what you speculate happens................

Consistency can be established after looking at a pattern over a period of time. While I am happy that this could be a potential promising start, my skepticism is born of the previous record of state institutions in Pakistan, where past performances virtually guarantee future disappointments too.

However, I am prepared to be happily surprised if and when actual results prove consistency.
Yo - Yo - Get your facts straight. Gillani was a landlord, long before he became a PM.
What about all the illegal property he had made through massive corruption? Because when this bastard came in he was equal to a beggar now he owns massive properties which he was able through massive corruption. This is where I say the job is not complete he should had been charged for corruption & treason for the crimes he has committed against Pakistan & he should also be charged for not obeying courts orders. If all this is not done then what’s the point of removing him because there are tons of other corrupt bastards waiting in line for their turn, to do massive corruption & crimes against Pakistan.

This is where CJ fails to deliver. Serious changes need to be made in all the corrupt Amendments which were made by the corrupt politicians for their benefits only.
Consistency can be established after looking at a pattern over a period of time. While I am happy that this could be a potential promising start, my skepticism is born of the previous record of state institutions in Pakistan, where past performances virtually guarantee future disappointments too.

However, I am prepared to be happily surprised if and when actual results prove consistency.

Having given some serious thought to what you have said I believe that a phrase you may be familiar with is appropriate and that is "lets wait and see" .
Not just the Khakis, include the new judiciary in it is as well!
Not just the SC, why forget what the khakis are doing?

Paying for crimes is a deterrent only if applied to everybody. I hope this decision is a start of that, but I am not too sure at the moment.

Having given some serious thought to what you have said I believe that a phrase you may be familiar with is appropriate and that is "lets wait and see" .
Aryan, since I can remember, it has been the same and has gotten worse with time. I think that 'lets wait and see' approach won't work. The only thing it will do is that it will add - two additional generations - of 'oppressors' and the 'victims'.
The only way out seems to be is to - break everything apart, and then rebuild. But is Pakistan ready for a bloody revolution?
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