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Gilani disqualified as PM: SC

yes but indians are not robbing their country clean - left-right-center as we do here!

That 3G scandal had figure of 30 Bn. I think they are just skimming off the top, though, their top is just that much. We have gunda raj and so annay wah kamai.
from a different point of view, judgement was made back in April yet the SC let Gilani work for two months? why is that? why couldn't they give that clear verdict at that time?
from a different point of view, judgement was made back in April yet the SC let Gilani work for two months? why is that? why couldn't they give that clear verdict at that time?

It was speaker's responsibility to do that. She didnt and then political parties filled petition against him

This is one of the problem in Pakistan. Legal procedures take time
Who is the next PM?

Makhdoom Shahabuddin, Ahmed Mukhtar, Makhdoom Amin Fahim ???
So Fata members are saying they might quit government alliance. Hmmmmm. Electing new PM may become very costly for this country
So Fata members are saying they might quit government alliance. Hmmmmm. Electing new PM may become very costly for this country

And bringing the same people/parties again and again is even more costlier.
Makhdoom Shahabuddin can be arrested at any time in drug case’


Islamabad: Makhdoom Shahabuddin Qureshi, who has been short-listed as one of the candidates for the prime minister’s slot by the Pakistan People’s Party after the disqualification of Yusuf Raza Gilani, is likely to be arrested anytime by the Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF) in connection with the ephedrine case, country’s leading English daily The News International reported on Wednesday.
Quoting a well placed source in the army-led ANF the newspaper said “Qureshi’s arrest is a matter of time and He can be taken into custody anytime”.

The ANF has been investigating into the drug case also involving the son of outgoing PM, Ali Musa Gilani.
The paper said a Supreme Court bench, headed by Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, had already directed the ANF to arrest Shahabuddin, who had approved the ephedrine quota. Shahabuddin is being considered for the slot together with Chaudhry Ahmad Mukhtar and Syed Khursheed Shah, with majority betting on him as he belongs to south Punjab.
it said the investigators had undeniable evidence of Shahabuddin’s involvement in the ephedrine case. “He was the man who being the health minister issued quota to Danas Pharma,” The News quoted the official as saying.
The ANF last summoned Shahabuddin in May for interrogation and he admitted issuing a quota but pleaded innocence, saying he was unaware of the purpose and persons behind the move.
Hearing the ephedrine case on June 7, the Supreme Court questioned Brig Faheem of the ANF as to why Shahabuddin had not been arrested even after it was established that he had approved the illegal ephedrine quota.
Brig Faheem had told the court that bureaucracy was creating hindrances for the ANF to proceed against the suspects in the case.

‘PM-hopeful Makhdoom Shahabuddin can be arrested at any time in drug case’ | The News Tribe
It was speaker's responsibility to do that. She didnt and then political parties filled petition against him

This is one of the problem in Pakistan. Legal procedures take time

But should not, then, the SC take the speakers decision as an insult and against the constitution and disqualify her from her post as well as the President for chairing political meetings?
But should not, then, the SC take the speakers decision as an insult and against the constitution and disqualify her from her post as well as the President for chairing political meetings?

In contempt of court case SC didnt order Speaker to disqualify him. Speaker gave her verdict which SC declared as wrong and changed it

Regarding President its in Constitution that President should be the symbol of State (being Chairman of PPP is in conflict with this) but not everything written in Constitution carry legal weightage, this is one of them
No one has wrested power from the PPP. A crime was committed by one of their men, and the established SOP kicked in. You have no proof, no one serious really alleges that Kayani had any hand in this either.................

It is more accurate to say that nobody has been successful in wresting power form the PPP yet - but attempts to undermine it continue. I can appreciate application of "established SOP", but that does not appear to be the case here. Please see this:

from: PM

In disqualifying a sitting, democratically elected prime minister, the Supreme Court has taken an extraordinary — and unfortunate — step. This whole story could have played out very differently, in ways much less disruptive to the nascent democracy this country is trying to build, if the SC had steered clear of a course of action that has now brought the judiciary, parliament and the executive in direct confrontation with each other. At a number of junctures the court could have avoided pursuing the contempt of court case as doggedly as it did, especially considering that the larger issue — corruption — was a matter involving the president, not the prime minister. Legally there might have been a case against the prime minister, but it was best for the supreme judiciary not to have waded so deep into such obviously political waters. Even at a later stage, it could have let the speaker’s ruling — which has the backing of a parliamentary resolution — stand. If that was not possible, it could have declared her ruling unacceptable and referred the matter to the Election Commission rather than simply asking that body to issue a denotification. Even if the outcome had ultimately been the same, at least the court would not have taken on the role of directly disqualifying an elected prime minister. By doing so, it has both disrupted an existing democratic set-up and set a worrying precedent for the future.

But the damage has been done. And the PPP has an important choice to make. The party should now take the high moral ground and focus on the system rather than the individual. There are disruptive options: refusing to accept the order, for example, or delaying the matter by using the constitution to argue that the president can ask the prime minister to continue in office until a new one is appointed. For the sake of preserving the system, if the party has reservations against the judgment it should express these, perhaps even through a strongly worded parliamentary resolution, have Mr Yousuf Raza Gilani step aside and parliament elect a new prime minister as soon as possible.

Indications are that the ruling coalition has already embarked on this course. But it is still deeply unfortunate that matters have come to this stage; completing the five-year tenure of both an elected government and its chief executive would have been a much-needed win for Pakistan. What is critical now is that elections are held, whether early or on time and as free and fair as possible, so that the final judgment can be left to the people’s court.

It is almost certain that there will be gross manipulation of the coming elections in favor of the preferred establishment candidate.

SC sab ki baja raha hai, military included. Why do you think the military's man MR suddenly jumped into the scene?

The SC is on the verge of being abusive of its powers and falling prey to the same trap that most institutions fall into in Pakistan: overreach based on a few egos, followed by the inevitable national calamity.
The SC is on the verge of being abusive of its powers and falling prey to the same trap that most institutions fall into in Pakistan: overreach based on a few egos, followed by the inevitable national calamity.

Not at all. I see it as BB & Zardari looting the state. The PM assisting them and as a result the law being applied. Any other suggestion is scurrilous and to suggest such is just that.
Makhdoom Shahabuddin can be arrested at any time in drug case’


Islamabad: Makhdoom Shahabuddin Qureshi, who has been short-listed as one of the candidates for the prime minister’s slot by the Pakistan People’s Party after the disqualification of Yusuf Raza Gilani, is likely to be arrested anytime by the Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF) in connection with the ephedrine case, country’s leading English daily The News International reported on Wednesday.
Quoting a well placed source in the army-led ANF the newspaper said “Qureshi’s arrest is a matter of time and He can be taken into custody anytime”.

The ANF has been investigating into the drug case also involving the son of outgoing PM, Ali Musa Gilani.
The paper said a Supreme Court bench, headed by Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, had already directed the ANF to arrest Shahabuddin, who had approved the ephedrine quota. Shahabuddin is being considered for the slot together with Chaudhry Ahmad Mukhtar and Syed Khursheed Shah, with majority betting on him as he belongs to south Punjab.
it said the investigators had undeniable evidence of Shahabuddin’s involvement in the ephedrine case. “He was the man who being the health minister issued quota to Danas Pharma,” The News quoted the official as saying.
The ANF last summoned Shahabuddin in May for interrogation and he admitted issuing a quota but pleaded innocence, saying he was unaware of the purpose and persons behind the move.
Hearing the ephedrine case on June 7, the Supreme Court questioned Brig Faheem of the ANF as to why Shahabuddin had not been arrested even after it was established that he had approved the illegal ephedrine quota.
Brig Faheem had told the court that bureaucracy was creating hindrances for the ANF to proceed against the suspects in the case.

‘PM-hopeful Makhdoom Shahabuddin can be arrested at any time in drug case’ | The News Tribe

So now PPP has nominated a drug dealer for the post of Prime Minister?
My opinion may be wrong but I firmly believe that in this particular case, the Law may be with the Supreme Court in letter only but not in “Spirit”.

If Gilani had been convicted of an offence such as stealing, corruption, nepotism etc. which he is without doubt guilty of; I would go along with the SC decision wholeheartedly. However if you analyse the root cause of this momentous event you will see a clear political bias.

Step one: NRO is declared ‘Null & Void’

Step two: SC orders that a letter should be wriiten to Swiss Court to re-institute proceeding against Zardari who happens to be incumbent Head of the State.

Step 3: Gilani refuses to write the letter against his President and party leader.

Step 4: Gilani is convicted of Contempt of Court and disqualified.

Doesn’t the above sequence of events clearly indicate that the whole affair has been staged primarily to go after Zardari?

This implies that CJ and Supreme should decide who can be the Prime Minister of Pakistan? Dosen’t this contradicts the essence of democracy where this right is reserved with the ‘Voters’ who thru their elected representatives choose the Prime Minister.

Let us look at another case. Nawaz Sharif was convicted by the Court of Law and senteced to prison. He did a deal with the Dictator and was pardoned. The same Supreme Court decided that when the pardon was granted, both the conviction as well as the punishment was ‘wiped off’ and he is qualified for third time Premiership.

While two wrongs don’t make a right; can’t you see a clear bias in the judgement of the Supreme Court and the CJ?

Remember we are not discussing how bad or good PPP leaders are, here the point is whether a non-elected body should go after the President and the Prime Minister, mainly because they were not for Chaudhry Ifitkhar as CJ and only did so under pressure.

Everyone has a right to his/her opinion whether right or wrong. Now it is water under the bridge, nevertheless my view is that this Supreme Court, especially the CJ is highly biased and prejudiced and as such incapable of upholding the letter as well as the spirit of the Law and if CJ has even an iota of conscience, he should resign.
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