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GHQ Check-Post Attackers Killed - Hostages Rescued!


Two commando's embraced shahaadat and two were wounded during the operation. May God bless them for sacrificing their lives for our better tomorrow.

Present arms!

Innalillahi wa Inna ilaihi rajioon.
What is source... never heard it on Geo which i am constantly watching.

DG ISPR's statement. It's being shown on AAJ News.


Two commando's embraced shahaadat and two were wounded during the operation. May God bless them for sacrificing their lives for our better tomorrow.

Present arms!

Two commando's embraced shahaadat and two were wounded during the operation. May God bless them for sacrificing their lives for our better tomorrow.

Present arms!
:cry: The enemy is well trained , who is training them ? :undecided:
May Allah bless the shaheeds of the motherland and the Talibaan burn in hell. Most of the talibaan are homosexuals and God destroyed Qaum-e-loot and Talibaan will be destroyed too. It is time that we take the war to their GHQ in South Waziristan and the Indian Consultaes in Afghanistan and the undercover RAW agents working as civilians in those consulates.:pakistan::sniper::sniper::sniper::sniper::sniper::sniper::sniper::sniper:
how sad it is that the sons of our motherland have turned against it. they have been brainwashed to such a degree. i some time just cant believe how far can some go and how far can some one be brainwashed. we should not let our brothers turn terrorists.
(just got emotional at the so much bloodshed)
how sad it is that the sons of our motherland have turned against it. they have been brainwashed to such a degree. i some time just cant believe how far can some go and how far can some one be brainwashed. we should not let our brothers turn terrorists.
(just got emotional at the so much bloodshed)

There are lots of foreign foot soldiers are there as well along with majority of locals. Indoctrination has no limit specially when victim has suffered social evils like poverty and illiteracy.
Sultan Salahudin Ayubi has to kill 100,000+ maulvis in Egypt before he faught the crusaders. Yes, he use to cry in the Isha Prayer that he feels bad for killing muslims, but on the other hand he knew that every maulvi had a separate sect and group and divided muslim in smaller groups. The maulvis were weakening the muslims, but he wiped them out and then united the muslims. Allah blessed with not oot one, not two, but 3 victories over the crusaders. Allah also kept him undefeated until the end. He was the only muslim warrior that was never defeated. Lets revise the legacy of Salahhuin and clean up all these little groups Lashker-i-Islam, Jaish, Let, TTP, who ever or what ever maulvi is causing problems. Long Live Pakistan. Pakistan Zinabaad!:pakistan:
Well the answer is quite obvious. But its better not to point fingers at anyone for now. Rehman Malik however, recently developed a "Spine" and has been accusing a lot of nations for interfering in Pakistan's internal problems.

Actually he is right. According to some reports in Baluchistan alone some 9 intelligence agencies are there to protect their interests or say harming Pakistan.

Remember Sweeds arrested some days ago from D.G Khan (which were released yesterday on pressure of Sweedish govt.) they were also coming from Baluchistan and were traveling towards SWA.
Yeah Geo also showed it. Explosions are taking place.. according to Geo news forces are wasting explosive brought by terrorists.

Is it normal to do that. I thought they would be used for investigation? like make and model etc.

Anybody knows if we get any of the terrorist alive?
Enough is enough.Army must clear Wazrisitan now.Anyway the terrorists were really dumb to attack GHQ.They are all gonna die like rats now.

sleeper cells were activated in the last few days and that is why we've had a string of suicide attacks - its high time the interior ministry and the police start performing their duties and not leave the dirty work for the army to do !!!
We need to go to the source and take them out in South Waziristan and the under cover civilian RAW Agents working in Indian Consulates in Afghanistan and the RAW Agents working with Afghanistan's Intelligence Agencies. We need to hit them at the source and clean up the swamp.:pakistan::sniper::sniper::sniper::sniper::sniper::sniper::sniper::sniper:
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