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Ghaggar-Hakra believed to be mythical Rig Veda Sarasvati river proven false

This is how conversation between Pakistanis and supposed Indian professionals like Joe and other think tanks start.

Pakistanis to Indian: We ruled you for 1000 years, enslaved you blah blah

Indians to Pakistan: Actually you didnt rule us, you just converted and forget about your great history. And just because of being Muslims you guys now claim to be rulers of India for 1000 years.

Pakistanis to Indian: You know what you are right, we converted and our history is indeed great Harappa Civilization, Vedic & Ghandara civilization. And we are proud of it thanks for reminding us.

Indians to Pakistanis: Stop right there, you guys are claiming our heritage. These all are "Indian" civilizations. Please look elsewhere for your identity. :cheesy:

but shan i strongly beleive that IVC were monotheists and after so many generationS changes occured in IVC .
Generally I don't wish to reply to people who are insane. But since you (at least tried but failed) to quote me or refer me... let me give you a simple analogy.

Remember Russia? They hold a small enclave in 'East Prussia' called Kaliningrad. Before 1945-46 it was known as Konigsberg.
Do you know its significance? I am sure you don't.

Konigsberg was the heart - nay the seat of Prussia. The same Prussia who chancellor Otto von Bismark united all germanic kingdoms into A German State in Reformation of 1871. After World War II Soviet Union captured the area and kept it after the treaties were signed. While most of the East Prussian(Germany's most populous state before the war) territories went to Poland, Konigsberg went to Soviet Union. It was renamed as Kaliningrad. The same city from where the modern state of Germany was created.

By your analogy - Bismarck was Russian. And Germany is a Russian State. Idiotic - right? Exactly my thoughts :D

In any case the bottomline is simple - I don't care what you think. We are proud of the history of this land. You can call us anything you wish to, but our faith has remained stronger than those of your ancestors. While you do not mind to destroy the old Dharmic temples in your country, we often rebuild them and protect them. You can surely create lofty place for yourself to get into and say - "Look pathetic Indians are this and that" - but you know what? I don't care. It just gives us some mild entertainment. Maybe like - "Hey kid, see mad men shouting, eat this food without nuisance or else he will come".

Good day.
Just look at SarthakGanguly, perfect exemple of what i was talking about.
You were claiming something called Pakistani civilization, no such term existed until it was invented in some dormitory of Cambridge University of the United Kingdom.

I didn't claim anything, history belong to the people of the land. Unless you can prove that all of them moved to South India when Aryans invaded. Even PNAS didn't call Harappa "Indian" Civilization, thats how neutral sources now write history.
Their main problem is the Hindu connection of their history. Few months back some of them were desperate to prove that Taxila University had no Hindu connection. :lol:

:))) And you Indians have a problem that when it comes to invasions it was Pakistan and Pakistanis who were invaded by Mughals and other Kings and when it comes to claim heritage well then Indus Valley civilization just become Indian one .

So lets listen to Sarthak Ganguly viz a viz Shared history
Are you for real?

Since when did the Gangetic Plain or any other plain divide a territory?

Mountains divide territory - Large seas do. Besides, I have seen your history books. I know what you claim and what you don't - even officially. So it is best if you at least try not to embarrass yourself. But then that would be asking too much from you.
Europe didn't have a Gangetic Plain separating it - Indo-Gangetic Plain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The region is known for the Indus Valley Civilization, centered in Pakistan, which was responsible for the birth of ancient South Asian culture.
The flat and fertile terrain has facilitated the repeated rise and expansion of various empires, including the Gupta empire, Kanauj, Magadha, the Maurya Empire, the Mughal Empire and the Sultanate of Delhi – all of which had their demographic and political centers in the Indo-Gangetic plain. During the Vedic and Epic eras of Indian history, this region was referred to as "Aryavarta" (Land of the Aryans) which was bordered on the west by the Indus river, on the east by Anga region of present day easternmost part of Bihar and doorstep of Bengal and on the south by the Vindhya Mountain range. During the Islamic period, the Turkish, Afghan and Iranian rulers referred to this region as "Hindustan" (Land of the Hindus), deriving from the Persian term for the Indus River. This term was later used to refer to the whole of India but even into the modern era, the dialect of Hindi-Urdu spoken in this region is called Hindustani, a term which is also used for the local music and culture

As you can see we are completely different civilizations from the very beginning, it was only your marauding Marauyan monarchy which invaded our land and converted us into your silly jungle religion.
In any case the bottomline is simple - I don't care what you think. We are proud of the history of this land. You can call us anything you wish to, but our faith has remained stronger than those of your ancestors. While you do not mind to destroy the old Dharmic temples in your country, we often rebuild them and protect them. You can surely create lofty place for yourself to get into and say - "Look pathetic Indians are this and that" - but you know what? I don't care. It just gives us some mild entertainment. Maybe like - "Hey kid, see mad men shouting, eat this food without nuisance or else he will come".

Good day.

What Land?

You mean that little clump of land in South India?

The rest belongs to Pakistani history, it is our heritage and you are denying it with hate filled in your religion from your forefathers about us.

Nobody is stopping you from worshiping monkeys or whatever it is you do, it is your life, be happy and do what makes you happy.

But you can't deny our history just because you are still practicing our old traditions and cultural inventions.
You better provide proof that no such thing happened.

Who need proof here? Did you provide one for Sanskrit being common people language despite asking several times? You obsession with asking for proofs is pretty amazing when you cant provide anything for your bs claims.
There it is. Your blatant hatred for everything Indian shows itself.

1. I never claim that Shah Jahan etc belongs to India and not to Pakistan.
2. History is a shared one.
3. We partitioned the Land. Even then we learnt nothing. Now if you wish to partition the heritage - sorry ain't gonna happen because we are talking about culture and customs here. The idea is abstract - not something you can cut in two.
4. If you are proud of the heritage you had - good for you. I would love to visit the historical places. I honestly would love to.
5. It is the - 'This history is mine and not yours' that is pathetic. But then I don't care. Most Pakistanis and Indians believe in a rich cultural, social and historical ties. If you want to disagree, you are free to do so.
What Land?

You mean that little clump of land in South India?

The rest belongs to Pakistani history, it is our heritage and you are denying it with hate filled in your religion from your forefathers about us.

Nobody is stopping you from worshiping monkeys or whatever it is you do, it is your life, be happy and do what makes you happy.

But you can't deny our history just because you are still practicing our old traditions and cultural inventions.
I didn't claim anything, history belong to the people of the land. Unless you can prove that all of them moved to South India when Aryans invaded. Even PNAS didn't call Harappa "Indian" Civilization, thats how neutral sources now write history.

The people of those land live in both countries.
Generally I don't wish to reply to people who are insane. But since you (at least tried but failed) to quote me or refer me... let me give you a simple analogy.

Remember Russia? They hold a small enclave in 'East Prussia' called Kaliningrad. Before 1945-46 it was known as Konigsberg.
Do you know its significance? I am sure you don't.

Konigsberg was the heart - nay the seat of Prussia. The same Prussia who chancellor Otto von Bismark united all germanic kingdoms into A German State in Reformation of 1871. After World War II Soviet Union captured the area and kept it after the treaties were signed. While most of the East Prussian(Germany's most populous state before the war) territories went to Poland, Konigsberg went to Soviet Union. It was renamed as Kaliningrad. The same city from where the modern state of Germany was created.

By your analogy - Bismarck was Russian. And Germany is a Russian State. Idiotic - right? Exactly my thoughts :D

In any case the bottomline is simple - I don't care what you think. We are proud of the history of this land. You can call us anything you wish to, but our faith has remained stronger than those of your ancestors. While you do not mind to destroy the old Dharmic temples in your country, we often rebuild them and protect them. You can surely create lofty place for yourself to get into and say - "Look pathetic Indians are this and that" - but you know what? I don't care. It just gives us some mild entertainment. Maybe like - "Hey kid, see mad men shouting, eat this food without nuisance or else he will come".

Good day.

As long as you stick with history of "your" land i dont care how proud you are of your religion. 98% of Indians had nothing to do with foundations of Hinduism as we call it today with caste system and all that. 98% of Indians didn't come from jungles of Africa with religion called Hinduism, they were converted by North west subcontinent Vedic Aryans, its historical fact.

And i never denied Pakistanis sharing heritage with Indian Punjabis ever! Your post proves you belong to that category of Indians who remind Pakistanis of their history when talking about muslim invasions of India. At the same time when they say look you are right, we have great history. You are not happy with that either. :lol:
The people of those land live in both countries.

In major part of Pakistan and small part of north west region of "India". Thats why for Harappa they say it was in "Punjab" and not India or ancient India.

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