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Germany will sell Saudi Arabia 100 war ships


Nov 23, 2013
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It was made public today that Saudi Arabia ordered more than 100 military boats coast guard ships in germany. The deal is worth almost 1.4 billion € and has the full support of our government. Internal documents show, that chancellor Merkel plans a "Hermes Bürgschaft", that means that our government guarantees the delivery:

Rüstungsexporte: Regierung fördert Deal mit Saudi-Arabien - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Since chancellor Merkels new cabinet combined with the SPD holds the absolute power now, the opossition to this deal will be small. The Green Party and the left has almost no say in german parliament. Merkel has almost absolute power. That she brings a "Hermes Bürgschaft" into the deal shows her determination in this project.
Posting in this section might be a mistake since nobody answers here -.-

If you posted it on the ME/Africa section you would probably have 30 replies by now but 90% of them would be Farsi trolls and only 10% of the posts would be related to the topic. So just wait a little.

Do you have a English link to that news? My German is rather weak.
Congrats to KSA,
Any specs of these warships?

Unfortunately not, the deal is still in very early stage.

All that is known is that they will be build from the Lürrsen Yards and thet our government will support it with a guarantee.

Saudi-Arabien will deutsche Patrouillenboote kaufen - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Its most likly that it will be the Lürssen patrol boats:


You can learn more about them on their website

Lürssen Defence | Overview
My first guess was the Gepard fast patrol boat tho it's quite old and to be withdrawn from service by 2021 in Germany

unfortunately i only have our newssite.

If the opposition doesn't make a hell of a noise then we might hold talks about procuring the fallowing:

A- 2 AIP T-209 delivered before 2020.

B- 4 AIP T-214 delivered by 2020.

C- 3 AIP T-216 delivered by 2020s.

D- 3 AIP T-218 delivered by the mid 2020s.
If the opposition doesn't make a hell of a noise then we might hold talks about procuring the fallowing:

A- 2 AIP T-209 delivered before 2020.

B- 4 AIP T-214 delivered by 2020.

C- 3 AIP T-216 delivered by 2020s.

D- 3 AIP T-218 delivered by the mid 2020s.

We virtually have no oppossition anymore in germany. Merkel holds so much power now, that she grants the opossition parties more talking time in parliament as good will. Don´t worry man. That deal is sealed.

I see Lürssen also offers is website in arabic:

Lürssen Defence | نظرة عامة
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Why a rich country like Saudi Arabia is not making small things like coast guard ships?
Why a rich country like Saudi Arabia is not making small things like coast guard ships?

Well...your country doesn't even make its own meds and needs to steal them...at least the saudis have enough honor to buy their products.
lol,are you a kid?
Go and google what India makes indigenously for Indian navy?

Im talking about the patents your government stole from Bayer for cancer drugs. You cant develop yourself...so you stole it.
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