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Geography’s Curse: India’s Vulnerable ‘Chicken’s Neck’

Well as per some Bangladeshi Posters here... India is taking Bangladesh Very Very Seriously... so much so that Indians have placed a RAW supported Government in Bangladesh.


We are talking about defence related misadventures of India :)

Indeed Indians are sleepless over rising Muslim sentiments politically in BD. ANyway that is another debate.

come back to the topic and that is Siliguri Corridor indeed is vulnerable for India.

When suffocation takes place it wont remain specifically to India but other neighbors are bound to involve
Bangladesh has also got a chicken's neck which is roughly the same width as Siliguri corridor . We can also strangulate or even cut off the chittagong hill tracts if the need arises.


Again it will involve other players
Which neighbor. :wacko::wacko: 

Perhaps you are forgetting the embargo of 1971 when even a bird could not trespass into East Pakistan without the permission of India which made your liberation possible quite easy. :sarcastic::sarcastic:

Only very old and senile people love to live in the past. Moreover, the 1971 was a combined/joint effort. Learn to live in the present and plan for the rainy days ahead.
Did anyone noticed?? The place from BD's distance to Nepal is 25KM (narrow most in chicken neck) is itself a very tiny strip(hardly 3-5 KM wide and 25-30KM long). And they threaten us to cut off chicken's neck. LOLs.
Only very old and senile people love to live in the past. Moreover, the 1971 was a combined/joint effort. Learn to live in the present and plan for the rainy days ahead.

India made trespassing of West Pakistan into East Pakistan impossible both through sea through naval blockage and air. Your geography benefited you in your liberation war and same can become curse if you dream of harming India. :cheesy:
@eastwatch ... you should read more about this "Siliguri Corridor" or the "Chickens Neck" area of India b4 dreaming up scenarios about India getting humiliated.

This corridor is one of the most fortified places in India as equal to LoC if not more. The Eastern Command of IA, based in Kolkatta,WB, is one of the largest where its basic role is more of defense than offense. If the need be India will move into the sovereign territory of BD to counter any Chinese thrust from the north, because this corridor is too crucial to be lost. In case of a war with China, BD wont be able to turn against India or even remain neutral. You wouldn't want to loose half of north of BD by turning enemy to India.

Bold part: Yes, you are right that IA troops will try to move into BD territory. But, this is why BA has mobilized much of its artillery and tanks in our NW near that corridor. Note that MBTs are operable only in the NW.

BA will certainly not give any shelter to the IA troops and a demoralized IA will lose ground witha PLA attack. So, I do not think IA will force-enter into BD territory. Can IA counter a two-front attack? One from north and the from BA in the south?
India has army in both east and west of bangladesh.. Where is Chicken neck ? It is bangladesh who should worry ???

Not to forget the IAF which conducts regular sorties over Bangladeshi air space from east to west without the Bangladeshis having any clue about it :lol:
The article is about a strategic pitfall india was facing from 1947 to 1971. It was taken care of 42 years ago. Now it must mean nothing to indian strategists but for Pakistan it is the biggest certificate of stupidity and professional incompetence its Generals from first 24 years of its existance have collected.
Even a novice in military strategy in 1947 would recognize this spot on map as the biggest strategic advantage that came pakistan's way in this partition. From here onwards military course was obvious for pakistan: Militarize east pakistan. In case of war cut off indian north eastern states by a drive into the mountains linking up with frontiers of nepal, sikim and bhutan. and then help those states declare independence.
But pakistani generals stuck to the senseless view "defence of east pakistan lies in west pakistan". This meaningless dictum cut this country in half.
The article is about a strategic pitfall india was facing from 1947 to 1971. It was taken care of 42 years ago. Now it must mean nothing to indian strategists but for Pakistan it is the biggest certificate of stupidity and professional incompetence its Generals from first 24 years of its existance have collected.
Even a novice in military strategy in 1947 would recognize this spot on map as the biggest strategic advantage that came pakistan's way in this partition. From here onwards military course was obvious for pakistan: Militarize east pakistan. In case of war cut off indian north eastern states by a drive into the mountains linking up with frontiers of nepal, sikim and bhutan. and then help those states declare independence.
But pakistani generals stuck to the senseless view "defence of east pakistan lies in west pakistan". This meaningless dictum cut this country in half.

Thanks god pakistan does not have strategist like you. India has army on both east and west of east pakistan, Also heavy navy presence along with air force. You accept india to be sit idle after being attack on sikkim...
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