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Generations pay off debts through slavery

Yeah, the countries that currently make up the developing world, really got the short end of the stick in the past two centuries.

It has been going on for much longer than the past two centuries. The Mongols rose in the 12th century. The Islamic invasions started in the 7th century, the crusades, the conquistadors and many more even before that.

There is no country in the world that has not been at the receiving end at one time or the other.

There is no depth human beings have not sunk to.

Colonization, exploitation, and in some cases even extermination. Look at what the Europeans did to the Native Americans, or what the Japanese did to the Chinese during WW2.

Yep. Even Churchill caused millions of Bengalis in India (now mainly in Bangladesh) to starve deliberately while ships full of grain were passing by India for storage in godowns of Europe.

They took inventions from Asia (gunpowder, etc) and used them to tear us apart. Never again.

Absolutely. Never again. We let our guard down and suffered for it.

The world is a heartless place, you can never be too cautious.
Our morals and beliefs? Equality. This is done not by breaking down those who are rich, but by making the poor richer and able to afford a better life. Equality is not only between people but between countries, such that one day, national borders do not need to exist. However, this should be attained through peaceful ways, and not by the US way, which is to conquer everyone, and once the world is conquered, there will be global peace.
the IQ of wall street regime subjects never ceases to amaze me! they will talk about google being so free, yet when google returns undesirable results they say it's conspiracy theory :lol: you can't have it both ways, either google is conspiracy theory, or its not.

whats funny is some high school dropouts talking to me about what is a conspiracy theory :tdown:

Do you even know what Google does? It is an effing search engine not a custodian of articles. You, being the ignorant self that you are, used a software tool to return results from conspiracy theory forums. Garbage in, garbage out. Thanks for polluting this thread with garbage and then blaming it on Google. You, sir, are what we call a tool.
Do you even know what Google does? It is an effing search engine not a custodian of articles. You, being the ignorant self that you are, used a software tool to return results from conspiracy theory forums. Garbage in, garbage out. Thanks for polluting this thread with garbage and then blaming it on Google. You, sir, are what we call a tool.

When you cannot argue with facts, you resort to personal attacts. The typical trait of the uneducated :tdown:
When you cannot argue with facts, you resort to personal attacts. The typical trait of the uneducated :tdown:

You mean when you cannot argue with "garbage"?? What a shame that you should go on and on like this? Your poor attempt at trying to cover up the genocide alone shows that a massive genocide actually happened. No one in their right minds would go this far (relying on garbage sites as vestibules of truth) to be defensive especially when they know that they can easily get caught with their pants down. I am sorry that the Chinese people had to suffer the massive injustices meted out to them and even more sorry that they have living commie compatriots who are heaping even more injustice through their profusive yet absurd denial of that terrible calamity. We'll see when the Chinese people get real access to Google and other social media sites and are free and unhindered to interact personally without fear or favor with another equally free citizen of this world. Your replies are a tragedy to your citizens. Please wake up and walk into the light.
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