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General Bajwa asked US Deputy Secretary of State for 1.2 billion dollars from IMF

Shouldn’t say this but Bajwa has been a gift wrapped present for India I don’t think Indians can believe what a coward traitor Pakistan has as it’s leader .

The day this traitor dies will be remembered as a celebrition day . He will cause untold damage to Pakistan before he leaves for he’s Belgium palace .
Pakistan can offer US military bases. It can also offer to end CPEC and take anti China stand in the region with India. It's okay to sell Pakistan's national interests for aid?

LOL. USA has not asked for any bases, so it does not need them from Pakistan. It is time to stop believing exPMIK's "absolutely not" on this topic, at least. :D

The only way this can work is if both sides can find a common path that serves national interest for both sides.

Iron Brother does not interfere in other countries' internal matters, regime change operations, arm twisting, and assassinating other countries' leaders. Such traits do not exist in Iron Brother's DNA but in the Mother of Evil called the USA.

But that is the point. Why doesn't Pakistan go to its noble and pure of heart iron brother who is rich rather than evil old and bankrupt Uncle Sam at a time of such dire need?

(Or is it that iron brother is even more evil? :D )
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Itny pesy to imran khan ki aik speech per oversease bheg dety thy bhikariyo
They may try to get money into SBP by fining PTI in Foreign Funding case via Election Commission.
They may think that PTI can quickly recover the loss via donations by ex-pats, but we can't, so let's just fine PTI and get some money that way.

اب بھی ٹائم ہے 100 ارب لو ایٹم بم بیچ دو ۔
امریکہ سو کا وعدہ کرے گا، پانچ دے گا، کہے گا باقی قسطوں میں، ایٹمی لینے کے بعد بہانے سے مُکر جائے گا

مانی بھائی، کیا آپ کو یقین ہے کہ وجہ صرف پیسہ ہے۔
دوبارہ پیسہ؟ ۔
I know a person whose sole complaint against PTI was that fauj economy chala rahi hai, COAS went to China and Middle East to get funds bla bla... . .
کیون کہ لاھور میں مبینہ طور پر انھوں نے خود کہا تھا کہ
میں نے اُس سے کہا امریکہ ا نام کُھلم کُھلا نہ لیا کرو، اس نے ھمیں پیسے دینے ھوتے ھیں
اور یہ بھی کہا کہ
سعودیہ چائنا سے پیسے میں ھی لے کر آیا تھا (عمران نہیں)

At 0:40
And 2:25

This is not Bajwa.
. . .
That's right, this is someone providing the minutes of Bajwa's address.

Sorry I'm barging in again on questions directed towards Imran bhai
. . . He is retiring soon. Is this loan for Pakistan or his own pocket :what: ?. . .

Is COAS saving himself or is he saving Pakistan ?
Even if he's retiring soon, still I think he's compensating for the miscalculation, also probably doing course correction.
Don't want to retire with bag that much full of bad reviews (?)
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Listen from current timestamp:
While I agree with his points, I would still not send a penny to Pakistan until I actually see it reform first. There is no trust in the institutions of the nation for those expats who might care for the country. But Pakistanis living in the country who have had an active hand in the mismanagement will need to hold their leaders accountable first.
If and when that ever happens, IK or any other government would not need to ask for remittances from abroad. People will send money and invest all on their own.
They may try to get money into SBP by fining PTI in Foreign Funding case via Election Commission.
They may think that PTI can quickly recover the loss via donations by ex-pats, but we can't, so let's just fine PTI and get some money that way.

امریکہ سو کا وعدہ کرے گا، پانچ دے گا، کہے گا باقی قسطوں میں، ایٹمی لینے کے بعد بہانے سے مُکر جائے گا
Wow genius
LOL. USA has not asked for any bases, so it does not need hem from Pakistan. It is time to stop believing exPMIK's "absolutely not" on this topic, at least. :D

The only way this can work is if both sides can find a common path that serves national interest for both sides.

But that is the point. Why doesn't Pakistan go to its noble and pure of heart iron brother who is rich rather than evil old and bankrupt Uncle Sam at a time of such dire need?

(Or is it that iron brother is even more evil? :D )

Has the Pakistani establishment utilised assistance from China or West appropriately? It's for all to see.

I think only those who help themselves should be helped. Maybe China and US have the same thinking. I have no idea it will be interesting to see how this unfolds it's all unprecedented and coming full circle. I shall watch from afar

he should be tried for treason.

Fully agreed, sir!

May I ask why are you so concerned?
Bored at the other side of border nothing to do ..
Establishment need to be renamed Stab-lishment, always stabs in the back.

But the constant talks and media vibes of unstability is leading to more unstability, this uncertainty need to come to an end. A self destructive adventure turned into misadventure started by the Establishment on US payroll.
That was brilliant
Stab-lishment !!!!

The clear and unequivocal answer is: Nothing

Pakistan is a spent cartridge and squandered whatever advantage it had in the past with its failed policies and geopolitical positioning since birth. Remember a beggar can’t offer anything except it’s ***-hole for temporary relief it’s never a permanent solution. Just look next door - India - how they played the game and there positioning a master stroke. Pakistan has no industry, or base it can take advantage of to develop rapidly, on top a shit education system even our generals can’t distinguish between modaklat and sajish and these clowns are our national saviors.

If bases are required no need to offer the whole country anything just give one or two Papa John franchise and you’ll have basing rights.
Have Qasim Ali Shah on YouTube as Bajwa personal Tutor & lecturer for re-education purposes.

Bajwa has become the New Bimbo of Top Army Brass leadership
Only Islamic nuclear powered nation army chief asking 1 billion $.. hahaha.. Happy to read all these comments
And that to a DEPUTY State department official as well, the shame of it, this is all he is worthy of, the embarrassment of it….
وہ چاہتا تو قانونی اور آئینی طور پر عوامی مقرر کردہ وزیراعظم کے نیچے اپنا کام کر کے عزت سے ریٹائرڈ ہو سکتا تھا ملک کی اکانومی بھی مضبوط رہتی

لیکن اس نے اپنی انا کے خلاف جانا کہ وزیراعظم کو جواب دہ ہو ۔ اس نے رجیم تبدیل کیا بھکاریوں اور چوروں کو ملک دیا تاکہ وہ اسکے تھلے لگے رہیں ملک کنگال ہوا اور آج وہ امریکہ کی کسی انڈر سیکرٹری سے بھیک مانگتا پھر رہا ہے
وہ چاہتا تو قانونی اور آئینی طور پر عوامی مقرر کردہ وزیراعظم کے نیچے اپنا کام کر کے عزت سے ریٹائرڈ ہو سکتا تھا ملک کی اکانومی بھی مضبوط رہتی

لیکن اس نے اپنی انا کے خلاف جانا کہ وزیراعظم کو جواب دہ ہو ۔ اس نے رجیم تبدیل کیا بھکاریوں اور چوروں کو ملک دیا تاکہ وہ اسکے تھلے لگے رہیں ملک کنگال ہوا اور آج وہ امریکہ کی کسی انڈر سیکرٹری سے بھیک مانگتا پھر رہا ہے
Neutral Bajwa as his best 😂
For some ignorant members here who’re asking Bajwa to ask for loans from China

Please wake up and smell the coffee and read Donald Lun’s letter. Limit your dealings with China and you will be forgiven, and that’s what Bajwa did, he jumped ship and went into the US camp.

Now in this circumstance, what will China or a sane minded person say when Pakistan comes begging for a loan? Kitne paise chahiye? Kya chootiya samjha hua hai China ko? Poori duniya me tum hi akal mand ho kya BC? Doosro ke moo me tattay hai?

Last time Bajwa visited, there was no protocol and the best he could muster was some deputy of a deputy of the army. China ne gaand phaar di hogi Bajwa ki and sent him back home with a bamboo up his behind.

Then that Cocomo Wharton free loader Muftah could not do his job to get a deal with IMF because the clauses included tightening of accountability laws, there was a direct conflict with his bosses. Hence, Bajwa is running to IMF like a headless chicken because if no deal, the Pakistani economy might default on their loans and that would impact the defense budget and their DHA plot allotments.

I am guessing the other corp commanders are pretty pissed off that Bajwa has killed the goose that lays golden eggs due to this grand f-ck up. The public is cursing them and to top it off their future revenue stream seems to be in jeopardy.
But that is the point. Why doesn't Pakistan go to its noble and pure of heart iron brother who is rich rather than evil old and bankrupt Uncle Sam at a time of such dire need?
Iron Brother helped Pakistan whenever Pakistan needs someone to stand beside.
While Mother of Evil the USA betrayed Pakistan on every occasion, where there was a possibility.
Remove your American spectacles.

The one who begs is the one to whom the assurances were given for regime change ops. Now that faithful is performing part 'B' of his duty.

(Or is it that iron brother is even more evil? :D )
Look ... who is talking?
USA has not asked for any bases, so it does not need them from Pakistan. It is time to stop believing exPMIK's "absolutely not" on this topic, at least. :D

The 'absolutely not' was actually the slap and the Mother of Evil got red-faced and the pain was immense, the reason to initiate the regime change ops.

Remember, the world is changed much. there will be no Bud-A-Ber, neither there will be Shamsi, whatever you say.

So where is the Iron Brother's help now? :D

You are stuck with no reasonable argument.
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