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General alert: Chinese troops on Indo-Pak LoC

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Yeah and you can tell the Naxalite's, Kashmiri, Sikh's, Manipuri, and untouchable's

None of them are discriminated against in the country, least of all our Constitution. Can you say the same about Pakistan's constitution? Oh, yes, we dont go around killing people who dont agree with our views and sending the killers Valentine's day cards and love notes!
i honestly feel sorry for the indians its only these indians living in the west that get to eat 2 times a day and they thinking there country gets same meal ,if ever you want to live in a fantasy world always speak to an indian

dude, i think even my country is better than from where you 'seem' to come from. Or is that a fake one ???
Lol. I aint interested in your rear. I prefer well toned curvaceous ones of the fairer gender.

Praise the Lord, knew you weren't like that bro :)

We have enough $hit in our hands to handle. believe me my country is in utter mess right now and getting an additional piece of land containing my disgruntled Kashmiri brothers is the last thing we want.

Stop fantasizing brother, we do not live in an ideal world where creation of a pure islamic country is the only hope.


Now let me ask you how much has the chinese contributed in solving the above issues????

You are too good to be true. Therefore, it cannot be true. Hello indian guy :)
None of them are discriminated against in the country, least of all our Constitution. Can you say the same about Pakistan's constitution? Oh, yes, we dont go around killing people who dont agree with our views and sending the killers Valentine's day cards and love notes!

LoL - you had a thread here, where indian members described Godse - Gandhi's assassin a "patriot" = idiot's are everywhere.
Chinese soldier across the LoC and you are already thinking yourself as Chinese? :rofl: :rofl:

No - that is what is called a sense of humor - do you know what that is ;)
You are too good to be true. Therefore, it cannot be true. Hello indian guy :)

Dont give me that insult by saying that I am Indian.

I am being practical or is that too much for you to handle???

My country has resources to become an economic superpower in itself ONLY IF, the issues mentioned by me are addressed fast and in an effective manner.

Nothing would give me more happiness to see my country get the better of you all economically.

I know its a long long way ..... but one day we will ... there are quite a few youngsters like me who are thinking away from extremistic views and ready to alleviate my country from the depths it has fallen.

Kashmir or no kashmir ... is the last thing on our minds.
yes its our country we are free to bring china turkey or alien here . none of your business as you bring Israel there.

There is no Israelis there. American and NATO soldiers are already in Pakistan. Now Chinese and someone be happy to bring others as well. :P
Chinese are different, you people are our competitors and will remain so. Pakistanis, contrary to what manyt both in India and Pakistan want to believe, are family. All this squabbling you see is the squabbling of one big family. Didnt you witness that during the Indo-Pak cricket match or the final match?

Anyway, you wouldnt understand. Just keep saying you support Pakistan and you will be happy with the thanks. You wont/will never understand the complexity of our relationship.

Dont bring in your Bollywood sentimental crap here cause we Pakistanis would never buy it.

India is a bigger threat to Pakistan than it is to China or any other country on earth.

You Indians didn't think twice when breaking East Pakistan from Pakistan in 1971. The same you are trying to do in Balochistan. When you didnt claim East Pakistan as a disputed territory or Balochistan as a disputed territory. You crossed INTERNATIONAL BORDERS and broke Pakistan in 1971. No other country has done that. And we Pakistanis dont have any internationally recognized disputes with any other country except for India.

Why are you Indians worried about Line of Control when you Indians crossed International Borders and invaded Pakistan in 1965 and 1971.
I think our Pakistani friends might take issue with this statement...
Some do. But the term Desis - referring to people from the sub-continent gives it away. Infact Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladehsis, live together, help each other and respect each other when on foreign soil. My best friends are Pakistanis here. Its the politics which tears us apart.
I'll be the first to admit, that I am not very knowledgeable about issues in the subcontinent.

There are two things that I do know though. Pakistanis are our closest allies and friends, while India hates us.

This is from my own reading, and my own personal experiences.
India doesnt hate you. You are our competitors so its natural that we want to better you. Take that in the competition spirit. And trust me on this one, its true.
Pakistan, for all facts and purposes, is China's counter (for want of a better term) against India. The sole reason China is interested in Pakistan is because of the thorny Indo-Pak issues, which keeps India tied down. If that is resolved, Pakistan would provide a land route for China's energy supplies bypassing the Malacca Straits. Do you seriously think China is interested in Indo-Pak peace?
Dont give me that insult by saying that I am Indian.

I am being practical or is that too much for you to handle???

My country has resources to become an economic superpower in itself ONLY IF, the issues mentioned by me are addressed fast and in an effective manner.

Nothing would give me more happiness to see my country get the better of you all economically.

I know its a long long way ..... but one day we will ... there are quite a few youngsters like me who are thinking away from extremistic views and ready to alleviate my country from the depths it has fallen.

Kashmir or no kashmir ... is the last thing on our minds.

Namaste zombie land, what's the weather like in Bangalore. :azn:
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