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General alert: Chinese troops on Indo-Pak LoC

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Of course. But when one "outsources" a highly sensitive issue such as defense of one's own country to a foreign country, one loses sovereignty. Why do you need an army then, if you cannot on your own provide for your own defense?

Oh, btw Israel doesnt protect our borders

you seam to forget india got half a million on our border and nato stongest nation on our east its an invested interest china and pak thinking on same level like raw and cia trying to destabalize balochistan guess who's gonna come out better us

:pakistan: :china:
why would this idiot general need to create such a big fuss about.

rather than making public panic, he should talk to his seniors......

There is a strict chain of command, so when the Lt. Gen. talked to the media, its quite obvious that he's got the green light from the top. IIRC, there are no loose cannons in IA.
Self delete.......
There is a strict chain of command, so when the Lt. Gen. talked to the media, its quite obvious that he's got the green light from the top. IIRC, there are no loose cannons in IA.

I think its just a ploy to increase defence spending......again.....-.-
It wont be too long before we start hearing about shang-arachi, beigin-amabad, lahori-kong. Long live china occupied pakistan! :rofl:

LOL, what nonsense... :P

We were invited there by Pakistan, our closest ally.

Also, do you really think that we are powerful enough to just "occupy" countries at will? When even the sole superpower America is getting embarrassed by a bunch of Taliban with AK-47's?
Oh lord so i guess its lose of sleep time for many across the line... array just enjoy the scenery.
Lol. So much for sovereignty and respect and nationalism and what not?

Khud mein dam nahi hein kya?
Well, I do agree that the only realistic chance for India to counter China is by inviting US troops into India. Only US can protect India and any Asian country from the PLA if a conflict do break out. As what the former Prime Minister of Singapore said, in 20 years, all the Asian countries combined without US assistance would not be able to counter China. This is given the fact that the military gap between all Asian countries vs China are growing by the year. So India, like Japan, South Korea and Australia, would need US military presence to have a realistic chance of countering China.But when Pakistan is involved, the situation becomes more complicate as Pakistan is also a US ally. So I'm not sure if its wise for the US troops to be involved even with the invitation of India.

remeber chola incident
Of course. But when one "outsources" a highly sensitive issue such as defense of one's own country to a foreign country, one loses sovereignty. Why do you need an army then, if you cannot on your own provide for your own defense?

Oh, btw Israel doesnt protect our borders.

Pakistans Military eats up most Pakistan's federal budget and still outsources its core workload. First it was some brainwashed jihadi kids.. now its the Chinese.
PA seems most competent to bully its own people (military dictatorships) and kill civilians (in East pakistan in '71 and NWFP post Lal Masjid and Balochisthan), than fight on the nations borders.
LOL, what nonsense... :P

We were invited there by Pakistan, our closest ally.

Also, do you really think that we are powerful enough to just "occupy" countries at will? When even the sole superpower America is getting embarrassed by a bunch of Taliban with AK-47's?

Oh!really ... Then why china raise flags ,when singapore or japan invite indian navy to south china for exercise or multi nation exercise like malabar ... :wave:
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