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Gen Musharraf is now on facebook

Why don't you vote Zardari and Sharif?
They are desperately short of votes.

@ Dear Freekin; As we know majority rules and this is democratic rule! so who the dictator are those who blame majority to ba as dictator and look at the lovely Musharraf despite being awami leader did not blame the criminal minority of Sharif and Zardari voters as dictator.

Musharraf always spoke to the people he participated in open debates with opposition, he gave interviews to every channel, he went to people to tell our side of story because western media don't print it.
On the other hand, I have never seen Sharif or Zardari on TV.
I only see bunch of anchor person representing them.

Sir Why shraif is in your black list any solid reason?
I was reading this post and suddenly the light went off.I got angry and thought it was all PPP fault.But then when light came back i googled how much time does it take to make power plants and the answer was even with the most polluted means like coal at least takes 3 to 4 years for building a Coal Plant which provides significant Power.And Then i again thought of it.Who is responsible for all this mess yes MUSHARRAF.And people on this thread don't realize it.This Man only cared about extending his grip on power.If you all his actions were based on ME FIRST COUNTRY LAST.

Who is responsible for all this mess yes MUSHARRAF :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

What the hell others, prior to MUSHARRAF, were doing? :azn:

You don't like Musharraf then please provide some other concrete reasons :smitten:
Someone please give me a clear example of why he is a 'traitor'? And dont give me no 'dictator shictator' crap.

''TRAITOR is a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country''

where Treason is the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith

a Head of State is a person whom a nation have trust and responsible to protect the rights of citizen. in our case its President so what would be the biggest Treason a President could do than selling his own Dear Countrymen to other without any justification or evidence? i.e. Dr Afia and hundreds of other missing person.
how would you feel if Mush had done same with you.
''TRAITOR is a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country''

where Treason is the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith

a Head of State is a person whom a nation have trust and responsible to protect the rights of citizen. in our case its President so what would be the biggest Treason a President could do than selling his own Dear Countrymen to other without any justification or evidence? i.e. Dr Afia and hundreds of other missing person.
how would you feel if Mush had done same with you.

Musharif Shaib is not a Traitor infact he is a very Patriotic Pakistan here is why

a) Lal Masjid ~ the decision to take operaton was obvious as people
were held hostage , and also it was a coverdly act to take over
a mosque.

b) Protection of Citizens:
Well after 9/11 , due to Musharif Sahib's stance against Terrorism
pakistan enjoyed great partnership with US to try to capture
Ladden. Sure some people were captured and taken to
Gitanamobay - but what the heck were they doing in Afghanistan?
What in the god's sake were these ppl doing in there????

Would any sane person ... go to Afghanistan ?? Now ..or then?


c) Dr Afia : While I would like on compassio case since she lost her
children she is mentally unfit , and also the evidence against her
is so weak....she should be released, Musharif sahib made it clear
how she went to US , is not with in his knowledge. [FACT]

d) Ms Benazir's assasination - the guy told Ms Benazir to please avoid
coming to Pakistan , as terrorist may try to target her she decides
to do open rallies ... with no protection ...

e) Judiciary issue yes it was critical issue but Musharif Sahib was trying
to tackle terrorist other wise I am sure he would have left a while

f) When he was leaving he tried to implement NRO so every one would focus
on fighting terrorism - which is #1 priority but ppl labeled him as someone who
forgave curruption the question is , now its proven he was right Terrorsm is our #1

Pakistan is a country of 80 million + people , so is our President suppose to keep track of every single kidnapping ? There is police
and there are other institutes of though to track those issues.

If anything he has been a loyal servant to Pakistani people

How many people shed a tear when they leave office the Man loved serving his country ...

Thank you musharif Sahib:pakistan:


*** Achivement

* Post 9/11 Protected Pakistani Interest
* Negotiation of Gawadar port development
* China's involvement i Gwadar
* Formation of dairy farm initiatives to be #1 in milk products
* Trade and economic development
* Real Estate boom during his gov
* Strategic alliance to get in Frigates from China
* Strateic aliance to get in AWACs to Pakistan
* Non Nato Ally status , billion and billion dollar air to our nation
* Earth quake relief efforts thru army
* Political stability , credit ratig of pakistan was B+ Highest rating
* UAE investment in pakistan (when things were good)
* Mobile Network privitization so we can enjoy cell phones
* Improvement of IT sector , and IT and Business Trade oppourtunities
* Being invited at GW Bush stake dinner has to merit something come on
* JF17 Thunder prototypes
* Iran-Pakistan-China peace gas line negotiations deal closed in gilani era but
all work was already done in Musharif time.
* Improvement in Banking sector - to grow national reserves.
* Successful handling of AQ Khan scandal with swift style

What has every one else done???
Nawaz sahib - Hair growth is top priority he does not understand
his time is over please go away let younger person come up
Zardari Sahib entangled in court cases
Altaf Bahi - out of town govening karachi from overseas great
Imran Khan no where to be seen these days
Benazir Sahiba - ...RIP ...
Bilawal lol ...please....


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would you please ENLIGHTEN us on his achievements :cheesy:

Pak-China relationship ties improve

Pakistan gets knocked off the verge of becoming a failed State thanks to him.

Nuclear program develops under his command.

Economy grows by 550%. GDP almost triples.

Equal rights among women.

Free'd the media.

Billions of $ invested into electricity program with China.

Takes part in debates,discussions, and interviews all over the world including India.

Gwadar project.

Protection of AQ Khan and 'others'

Advancements in our armed forces.

Need I say more? :pakistan: :victory:
Connector of the Day: Pervez Musharraf

Former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf is becoming one of the biggest stars in Facebook.

His personal Facebook page has more than 127,000 fans and he regularly answers questions and posts status updates.

Musharraf swept to power in 1999 in a bloodless coup, removing Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and appointing himself president in 2001, while remaining the head of the military.

Considered an ally by the United States in the fight against Islamic extremists in the region, he was criticized for impeding democratic elections in 2008 – including delaying the elections, suspending the country's constitution, restricting the media and having political protesters arrested.

Ultimately, the pro-Musharraf party – Muslim League-Q – finished third in the voting and he stepped down only after the ruling coalition announced it would seek to impeach him.

Musharraf, speaking on CNN's "Fareed Zakaria GPS" last May, said he wishes the current government well and that he "would be the happiest person" if the nation deals well with threats such as the growing political and martial strength of the Taliban.

We want to know what you think. What would you like to ask the former Pakistani leader?

Connect the World: Blog Archive - Connector of the Day: Pervez Musharraf - Blogs from CNN.com
151,304 fans!!!!!!!
How many accounts per family, the adults, the kids, even the ones that are not yet born? and the multiple accounts plus fake ones? I guess about 50,000 accounts would have single handedly made by gaali baz Qureshi for him (after all gaali baaz is on his payroll, and I don't see he would have much work to do other than making fake accounts). If this dude ever dared to go for an election, even his deposit will be confiscated. First ask this coward to come back and face the people; as of yet no one has filed cases against him and he is running like crazy, imagine what will happen when he'll come back.
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would you please ENLIGHTEN us on his achievements :cheesy:
Sure, following is a list of his 'achievements'.

1. The Ex-PM Sharif and Ex-PM Vajpaee were negotiating for the peace in Lahore, and the renegade Musharraf was sending troops (without taking into confidence the Corp Commanders, the Services Chiefs of Air force and Navy, the PM, the Cabinet) and sabotaging those peace talks between India and Pakistan.

2. When the PM dismissed him (with full constitutional and legal authority) from his post due to the disobedience and unprofessionalism he showed during Kargil, he reinstated himself unconstitutionally and illegally with the help of the other renegade Corp Commanders and threw the elected PM into the jail and even got him punished in the false accounts by the lower courts.

3. He allowed the American troops in his country, and gave them airfields to carry out attacks on the neighboring Islamic country.

4. He sold out undisclosed number of Pakistanis (innocent until proven guilty) to the Americans without first trying them in the Pakistani courts of law.

5. He instructed his serving General of the political wing of ISI to rig the general elections and brought PML(Q) and so-called Islamic parties into power, and used this illegitimate parliament as a rubber stamp to further his ambitions.

6. He, through the help of his illegitimate Parliament (result of rigging) and sold-out/oppressed Judges (result of LFO), adulterated the constitution and introduced clauses in order to achieve full amnesty for his unconstitutional actions and illegal rule.

7. He mishandled the Lal Mosque issue, which resulted in the loss of life (both the civilians and the Army personnel) and resulted in a widespread anger against the regime, and the Army.

8. He, through his banker PM, Shoukat Aziz sold out the profitable national assets on the rates far below their actual value and not to the highest bidders. Only Pakistan Steel managed to escape and that too because of the intervention of the honorable Chief Justice.

9. Under his regime, the nation was deliberately and at institutional level misguided on the economical condition/progress. The government’s coffers were artificially inflated due to the money sent home by the overseas Pakistanis post 9/11 and which had nothing to do with the economical policies of his or his banker PM Shoukat Aziz. His banker PM introduced novel and totally misguiding scales of measuring the economical growth, that were, number of cars running on the roads and the cell phones sold.

10. He dismissed the honorable Justices, put them and their family members under house arrests, and tried to destroy the judiciary.

11. He patronized a known terrorist lingual organization in Karachi, hired the terrorist elements of this organization to hijack Karachi in order to stop the visit of the CJP and publicly supported their terrorizing actions that included a dozen deaths on May 11.

12. He mishandled the Balochistan issue, gave a free hand to the Army and intelligence agencies to abduct anybody anywhere. None of the abductees ever presented into the courts of law or given a chance of legal defense. Sardar Akbar Bugti was extra-judicially murdered and his rival clan was ‘awarded’ the right to rule Sui and Dera Bugti.

13. He introduced the black ordinance called NRO to cut a shameful deal with the exiled political leaders, pardoned them for all their corruption even murder charges in return of the extension of his presidency.

14. He mischievously tried to bag the credit for freeing up the media which in reality was the result of the selfless struggle and sacrifices largely by the press and to some extent electronic media and lots of pressure from the free-media-obsessed Western countries.

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