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Gen Musharraf is now on facebook

No doubt the current mess deliberately created by PPP through their blatant disregard for any sort of accountability and shame in pursuing party goals instead of national ones has only given rise to the thought that Musharraf era was much better...indeed in all the indicators...the Musharraf era was far better and that cannot be denied...that we are suffering the consequences of his decisions is exaggerated since we are suffering the consequences of decisions taken perhaps 3 decades in the making...had BB or Nawaz been in power (two most likely ones) i could not imagine any other decisions rather than what Musharraf took...however he initially had good sense and did good as well...the NRO is and will always haunt him though...what started with CJ was known to be bad advice of some of his insincere advisers but eventually he cannot deny the responsibility for that fiasco and NRO as well...that will always be his shame...reconciliation may have been the motive but it caused great damage to Pakistan, that was obviously something wrong...

Musharraf's ascend to power was not legal but two years have passed and we have a president who has no right to be one...indeed a very disturbing thing to see...we see democracy giving rise to the most unpopular person in Pakistan as president...a cruel joke of the heavens to rub our own indifference and casual approach to life in our faces...we jump up and down shouting blood murder at everything that has little to do with Pakistan...when it comes to Pakistan...we move not a muscle and let it all slip by...

Let us see how Musharraf come to politics...i am sure he has the knack...but no party will accept him since he will outshine nearly any politician currently in our country...
I was reading this post and suddenly the light went off.I got angry and thought it was all PPP fault.But then when light came back i googled how much time does it take to make power plants and the answer was even with the most polluted means like coal at least takes 3 to 4 years for building a Coal Plant which provides significant Power.And Then i again thought of it.Who is responsible for all this mess yes MUSHARRAF.And people on this thread don't realize it.This Man only cared about extending his grip on power.If you all his actions were based on ME FIRST COUNTRY LAST.
I can imagine your frustration bro and by no means any of us say that Gen. Musharraf didn't make any mistakes.

All we say is that he is the better than all the other options. FYI, Thar Coal project was initiated and study was also completed but at the last minute Chinese company got stuck on financial aspects which was not entirely in Paksitan's favour. At the same time Gen. Musharraf faced the Lal Masjid and SC issue.

Ghazi Barotha project was also initiated and work on Kala Bagh was also started in anticipation of approval from all provinces but our political parties couldn't agree on KB dam. I have seen pictures of the work done at KB site and I am actually freinds with the engineers who were working there.
Gen. Musharraf did hundred of good things for Pakistan and even one good deed of him over comes all the mistakes he made.
Look Sir i don't care what MUSHARRAF Did or did not.Wether he made projects or wether his projects failed or wether his projects passed.The only thing i knew that Musharraf had absolute power for 9 years which is more than enough.I frankly dont care about him or any other politicans.I just want my fundamental rights and electricity is one of those.Sir my field is software engineering and you can't Imagine the anger when you are working and suddenly without any intimation the power goes off.and your precious work for which you had spent hours just vanishes in the air.You can't be even sure that your work will be safe even when saved on a hardisk because of the voltage disturbance your hardisk at any moment could be fried erasing your work for which you had worked hard for months.Sir this situation is particularly bad for people whose complete living depends on electricity for example for people from IT sector since you have to make a living on computers.No electricity means no computer and even if their is electricity you live in constant fear.Sir world has reached moon and ALLAH knows what else and we in Pakistan still long for things which other countries had for centuries.
Look Sir i don't care what MUSHARRAF Did or did not.Wether he made projects or wether his projects failed or wether his projects passed.The only thing i knew that Musharraf had absolute power for 9 years which is more than enough.I frankly dont care about him or any other politicans.I just want my fundamental rights and electricity is one of those.Sir my field is software engineering and you can't Imagine the anger when you are working and suddenly without any intimation the power goes off.and your precious work for which you had spent hours just vanishes in the air.You can't be even sure that your work will be safe even when saved on a hardisk because of the voltage disturbance your hardisk at any moment could be fried erasing your work for which you had worked hard for months.Sir this situation is particularly bad for people whose complete living depends on electricity for example for people from IT sector since you have to make a living on computers.No electricity means no computer and even if their is electricity you live in constant fear.Sir world has reached moon and ALLAH knows what else and we in Pakistan still long for things which other countries had for centuries.

My friend,
The Electric Power shortage, Fuel shortage, Gas shortage, Sugar shortage, Wheat shortage, all king od above hsorages are gift of this govt. Else trust me look 3 years back when Gen. Musharraf had full control over things people almost forget the pain of electricity shortages. Everyone was earning every one had money big cars, luxrious houses, branded wearings business oppportunities you an IT folk right you know who flooded this contry with IT and Telecomm. HEC had money grants scholarships local/international specially in field of telecomm and IT.
Why we always forget all good things of a person. Let me tell you look into your past year during the month of Ramadan there was on loadsheding. Where from we get all the power to full fill our needs, and why after Ramadan we again went into shortages.
This is all bloody political trick to keep the nation busy and do whatever they wana do, They are playing around and then trying to post innocent. I have sympathis with this nation and i pray for my motherland that may Allah embrace wisdom to this nation to understand the difference between the Good and Bad, so that while selecting their leaders they should decide wisely. Ameen! Musharraf was a great leader and yes the matter of mistakes by a being, Every human commit mistakes even propeht younis commit mistake and he bare the circumstances by living in a fish abdomen for 40years. He is not a sait or angel so if 1 out of 100 he was wrong we should ignore this 1%.
Rest hunting down CJ was i belive some decision. I have no personal grudge with CJ but because o his silly decision i lost my brother in GHQ. He le the whole GHQ attacker's team (Dr. Aqeel Group) go as per CJ the evidences against them were not sufficienct enough to hold them for long. Very frankly how many much of the team members get caught by security agencies? They never have this much time to waste over lame targets they work in a very organise and calculated way and only invest their time over potential targets. They spend time to arrest the whole team and the CJ let them go. In late future they commit this deadly devastative attack over GHQ credit goes to CJ Ifikhar Mohd Choudhry.

Make God give us goo leadership

eh shouldnt he be in jail or something, as far as i am concerned hes just as shameless as zardari
Pervez Musharraf most popular Pakistani leader on Facebook​

* Zardari follows with Nawaz on third spot
* Bloggers believe key reason for ex-president’s popularity is his liberal ideology

By Afnan Khan

LAHORE: The face of Pakistani leadership may be entirely different now compared to a few years back but the Facebook fan club of former president General (r) Pervez Musharraf with over 100,000 fans shows that the former president still rules the roost, at least in the cyberworld, beating President Asif Ali Zardari’s page, which has over 86,000 fans.

However, no other leader is even close to Musharraf and Zardari on the most popular social networking website in the world, as two-time prime minister Nawaz Sharif languishes in third place with merely 6,000 fans.

A large number of Pakistanis using the Internet and taking interest in political issues and the future of the country is being seen as a good omen. Although the majority of the people are still deprived of the luxury of using the Internet or even getting an education to participate in online political forums, blogs, groups, discussions and communities. The people believe that such interactive groups not only provide them an opportunity to share their views and get political knowledge but also provide the leadership of the country an opportunity to directly see what the people think about them and what their expectations from their leaders are.

Reasons: Musharraf’s Facebook group consists of members of all ages although majority of the fans comprise the youth. Expert bloggers believe that the key reasons for the former military dictator’s popularity on the web are his liberal thoughts and his stance on extremism.

A large number of fans of President Zardari’s page are also from the youth but they either discuss the ongoing problems in the country or make fun of the government. Only a few of them appreciate the leadership for its services.

Some of Musharraf’s fans also criticise his policies on his Facebook page while some pessimists are of the view that Musharraf, Zardari, the Sharif brothers and other famous politicians are all alike.

It was noticed from the comments on the page that some young fans of Musharraf were keen to see him back in power and had expressed this desire in different ways.

The page also features a brief note from Musharraf on how he felt about leading the country and some of his activities these days.

The message reads, “I’ve had the good fortune and privilege to lead my country and serve the people of Pakistan for almost nine years. Since my retirement as president of Pakistan in August 2008, I have been keeping myself busy with a series of lectures worldwide. I’ve found this to be a stimulating experience as I get an opportunity to share my thoughts with audiences of different nationalities and diverse backgrounds.”

Meanwhile, member of Nawaz Sharif’s group mainly discuss issues the country is facing, including the National Reconciliation Ordinance, from an opposition party’s perspective. It also provides personal information about Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz leaders and Nawaz’s contributions in the development of the political system of the country.

Criterion: An expert blogger and danka.com director Foad Nizam told Daily Times that though websites like Facebook provided people an opportunity to interact with each other and a chance to freely express themselves, they were by no means a criterion to judge somebody’s popularity or credibility. He said a fan club was only used as a marketing tool by some people while some joined these groups just for fun. He said the real picture of a situation could only be seen through serious discussion forums and blogs on the Internet where experts commented on various issues in a more intellectual way.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
I hope Musharraf comes back. But he he will not, because he is a coward. He does not want the truth to come out and face the murder charges for Bugti, BB and open up Kargil inquest for unnecessary deaths of 5000 Northern Lights soldiers. Also Zaedari should pretty soon leave Pakistan & go in exile to enjoy his $1.8 Billion fortune and avoid prosecution in Pakistan!
so for sure we have more than 100k people who are fan and supporter of a Traitor on the run
Someone please give me a clear example of why he is a 'traitor'? And dont give me no 'dictator shictator' crap.

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