Had you paid better attention to my avater you would notice that it is from the Epic Mahābhārata ,Krishna blowning his Horn before the battle.
Had you read it you would understand why it is relevent to the topics here. Krishna by the way tried to stop that war , but one side refused - saying he would not give up even one inch of land , reminds you of anyone ...?. Not so diffrent than our story.
Krishna by the way in many places in the wold ,is not used as a religous image , but more of a symbol for peace , love freedom , happiness.
Starting with the hippies movment in the 60 that brought those ideas from India , it is now a universal synbol . same as the smiling Budha :
e,g :
And speaking of india.
India is one of the few countries that manged to get free from colonialism . with little use of violence.
India is one of the few countries that rather than keep resentment to their past occupiers , respect the british colture and adupted from them stuff they like.
They now beat England in cricket and UK have a PM of Indian descent.
So maybe there is something to learn from them after all ?