Of course, as a non state actor/militant/terror group Hamas can only do this. If there are no civilians for them to use as human shields and use as cover how do you think Hamas can survive until this day? These type of terror militants groups like Hamas, ISIS, ETIM(Uygurs jihadists), Al Qaeda, TTP, Chechen rebels jihadists against Russia , Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah or the jihadists in Sinai fighting Egyptian government etc can only use civilians as cover and blend in with them instead of fighting their opponents openly or an even ground. Since they know they stand no chance against their opponents. So their best chance for survival is to use civilians as cover. If civilians evacuate North Gaza as Israel said, then Hamas fighters will be left to fend for themselves and fight Israel alone. Something they want to avoid at all costs, since they know they will basically be wiped out of that happened. This applied for all of these non state actors/militias/terror groups. The ability to blend in with civilians and avoid open confrontation like a conventional army is the key to their survival. Whether its right or wrong it doesn't matter to them. The end justifies the means .