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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Jew killed more than 200 kids and women in these 3 days.

I'm blind? or you're blind?
Didn't I tell you that they would bomb the entire Gaza to pieces after what Hamas did?

But you were cheering. When some people here were saying "this will be bad for the Palestinians",you ignored us and celebrated,you were so happy,you acted as if you won some war. But the rest of us knew how the Israelis would reply.

Now you're saying "Jews killed more than 200 kids and women in these 3 days".

What did you expect? You knew how yahood react.
Venezuela says it will send aid to Gaza

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro emphasized:

🔹Venezuela opposes the genocide of the Palestinian people by Israel. We will send humanitarian aid to Gaza.

the only coward country amongst all muslim world title goes to Pakistan.
When you have weak leaders what do you expect. I guarantee if immi was in power you would have heard a number of condemnations.
The USA started to make a serious military buildup in the region. They are preparing for war. This is truly insane, the USA is going towards suicide, to collapse theirs 70 years of efforts in the region.

What suicide? If it gets too 'hot', the Americans would go back across the pond in the safety of two friendly neighbors and two giant oceans.
Anyway, any American presence in the E. Med. Sea would be music to the ears of China and Russia. Already there are some concerns about the aid to Ukraine being impacted due to the upcoming increased aid to Israel.
You claim to be a Greek, not Serb, then you insult Mehmed in Serbian.

You are a Serb pretending to be Greek.
First I was an Indian.
Then I was a Pakistani from Greece.
Then I was an Indian from Greece.
Then I was a Shia Iranian.
Then an Arab.
Then an Israeli.
Then a Jew from Greece.
Now I'm a Serb.

Screenshot_2022-05-06 Hamas’s Sinwar threatens a ‘regional, religious war’ if Al-Aqsa is again...png
What suicide? If it gets too 'hot', the Americans would go back across the pond in the safety of two friendly neighbors and two giant oceans.
Anyway, any American presence in the E. Med. Sea would be music to the ears of China and Russia. Already there are some concerns about the aid to Ukraine being impacted due to the upcoming increased aid to Israel.
US Middle East policies may collapse radically, that's what I mean. The USA is left with two terrorist organizations and Israel. Don't you see that everything is collapsing?
There is strange quiet on the developments in Israeli occupied territories regarding what the war criminal Israeli military is currently up to. We heard big mouth farts from Israeli defense and foreign ministers that they will change the face of Gaza and claims that what will happen now has never happened before. Where are those cowards now? Many Muslim haters were over-joyed on hopes that now at least Gaza will be clear of Muslims. But it looks like the coward war-criminal Israeli leaders are still trying cope with the big rude blow that Palestinian freedom fighters have given to them.

We have all seen how cowardly Israeli soldiers/officers are in the last three days. The Palestinian freedom fighters have chased and killed them like tigers hunting hapless sheep. No one Israeli soldier tried to fight back. Mujahideen simply mowed them down. The sheer number of killed military persons and the total destruction of military bases/installation must have shell-shocked the Israeli war-criminals to the core. All those claims of turning Gaza into this or that non-sense have evaporated since then.

The most these coward Israeli war-criminals and terrorist jewish settlers can do is kill the innocent unarmed Palestinian children with aerial bombing and long-range artillery fire. These war-criminals can only use F-16s to demolish tall residential building, schools, mosques, and even hospitals to murder scores of innocent civilians. They can impose a blockade on Gaza to stop the supply of water, electricity, food, and medicine to the people living there. But these coward war-criminals cannot fight face to face with the Palestinian freedom fighter. These war-criminals can make and spread fake stories and use their global propaganda networks to portray Palestinians as terrorists and mask their own grave and massive war-crimes against the humanity through this propaganda.

These lowest of the lows in the whole human history have stolen the lands of Palestinians, expelled scores of them only to live in refugee camps in other countries for generations now, and have turned Gaza into an open jail for those Palestinians who refused to leave their lands. Now all those resources (such as water sources, electricity, food, trade, even exit entry points) are controlled by these war-criminal occupying Israelis.

When you systematically deprive the whole population of a country (i.e. Palestine) of their land and other resources and make/treat them as hostages, kill them at will then no one should expect that Palestinians will take all that as granted. If not the old generations, the new generation Palestinian are determined to fight back and hunt the occupying war-criminals and terrorists down whenever possible.

World community cannot blame those who are fighting for their survival and freedom. Every self-respected person should condemn the oppressor Israeli war-criminals for their illegal occupation of Palestine in violation of all international laws. If Israeli jews want to live a peaceful life then they have to go back to the pre-1967 borders. If Israeli war-criminals think that they can slowly finish off all Palestinians, they will then keep getting killed as happened on 7th of October 2023. That's the human nature. If you try to corner even a cat, she will furiously attack at your neck.

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