There are two Jewish run countries in the world, Israel and USA, both with roughly 6 million Jews. So, Palestinians and Americans have that in common--being ruled by Jews.
The Palestinians have self-respect and never accepted Jewish rule and are struggling to free themselves. However, the Americans have accepted slavery. Their kissing of Jewish a$$ seems to know no bounds.
During the time of slavery there were the loyal slaves, called Uncle Tom, who served his white master and oppressed fellow blacks. Now we have Uncle Sam who serves his Jewish master and oppresses fellow whites. He makes war and fights and dies for his Jewish master. He becomes gay or transvestite. He shares his women with others. He loses his religion. His children watch transsexual perverts dance naked in school. His women act in **** movies. All for the shekels his Jewish master gives him.
It may be called poetic justice. The white master has become the slave of the Jewish master. He will make war on anyone who looks at his Jewish master the wrong way. He's the best and most loyal slave that Jewish money can buy.
No, Uncle Sam will not be neutral. He will fight to the death for his Jewish master.