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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

They can target US forces somewhere else, not in turkey. Unlike Arabs, Turkey does not enter wars it is not prepared for.
This war has showed the true colour's of all alot of these "muslim majority" countries.
Shehab correspondent: 103 martyrs and 192 wounded, the total number of martyrs and wounded who reached recovery from this morning until 4:05.
Turkish base which pathetically and shamefully hosts US air force assets and nuclear weapons; a very worthy and legitimate target of protest.
So you don't have any concrete information. Which US entity are you actively talking about? Currently, only refueling aircraft from the 10th Tanker Base Command, as well as some logistics and signals intelligence aircraft, are based at the base.

It is one of the six bases in Europe under the Nato nuclear sharing agreement for nuclear warheads. It is not possible for Turkiye to exit this agreement until it independently declares nuclear capacity. Turkiye's threat perception is not single-axis, but two-axis. While the NATO alliance provides assurance for one axis, it creates a conflict-free mechanism within the second axis. I am aware that it is very easy to demagogue without understanding Turkiye's unique security problem, but unfortunately this issue is not as simple as you think.

Apart from this, there is no independent US presence in Incirlik. Türkiye is part of the NAT. On the other hand, the Turkish army participates in many regions within the NATO, from the high-readiness mission command to the European base central command in Naples, Italy, with both air forces and land forces, and even serves as the term commanders of these units. According to your logic, the Turkish army has a military base in Naples, Italy or a military base in Romania.

If Turkiye leaves this alliance before completing its preparations, it will lead to a direct conflict with this alliance. Turkiye has deep conflicts of interest with some alliance countries, the NATO framework ensures that these problems are put in the refrigerator.

Again, There is no independent US presence at Incirlik base, and also there is no combat military presence within the scope of NATO. The deepening conflict of interests over the PKK-PYD has resulted in the US moving its combat presence out of Turkiye.

Edit: At the moment, there is a base and an American brigade with special priviliages within Greek territory, 40 kilometers from the Turkish border, and there are combatant American fighter jets in different air bases within Greek territory. There is also an American military presence in Syria and Iraq on Turkiye's southern border. The Turkish state sees this military buildup as a threat to its own security. Turkiye should take its steps with the right strategy and in the right order and timing. Do not rush to definitive judgments.
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well, this is different than Starlingrad....The problem is, in Stalingrad, Germany is on a schedule to take it, and they took a lot of risk they don't have to, and in the end, they took too many risks and got flanked.

I wrote a detail take on Israeli battleplan on Senior Section 3 weeks ago for @RescueRanger on the 16th of October.

I will say Israel will take their time on this operation. especially as I wrote 3 weeks ago that I don't even see there is a single objective the IDF had on this war.

these Israelis manuevers that only make sense fighting against a regular army with teeth (offensive troops) and tail (logistics). Hamas mujahideen are everywhere and nowhere at the same time, they use tunnels and have no strategical specific points to defence. Gaza I was describing sadly day to day becoming like Stalingrad bombed out buildings roads blocked perfect for defenders like Hamas to use it to their advantage. Gaza will be Israel’s tanks graveyard.
Incirlik Base is one of the Air Force bases of the Turkish Armed Forces, together with all the facilities on it, owned by the state of the Republic of Turkiye. It is also one of the six NATO bases in Europe with tactical nuclear weapons under nuclear sharing agreement.

This military base is the most important command for the Turkish air force in terms of logistics and intelligence activities across the Eastern Mediterranean. The idiots involved in this incident should not be shown the slightest mercy.
It was a peaceful protest organised by ihh and they have a right for demonstration however members of an iranian proxy group the men of Alparslar Kuytul from Adana sneaked among the protestors and they started to violently attack the security forces. The ihh leadership was aware or the situation and they called off the event.

That irani proxy group will be held accountable for disrupting a peaceful protest.
Turkish base which pathetically and shamefully hosts US air force assets and nuclear weapons; a very worthy and legitimate target of protest.
Shut up and go protest against iran or hz
It was a peaceful protest organised by ihh and they have a right for demonstration however members of an iranian proxy group the men of Alparslar Kuytul from Adana sneaked among the protestors and they started to violently attack the security forces. The ihh leadership was aware or the situation and they called off the event.

That irani proxy group will be held accountable for disrupting a peaceful protest.
This idiot Alparslan Kuytul is one of the covert operations of the Fetö organization and what you are saying is a masking tool of the Fetö. But in general, they are nothing, ther tiny organization has largely collapsed years ago.

IHH is the group playing the real dangerous game here. They are doing their best to drag the Turkish state into a war. What their leader said the other day and his implicit threat to the state is an unacceptable mistake. He will be held to account.
And the Turks & Saudis are openly allowing for their own demise.
Go rescue your Niazi first from jail then we may take your seriously and respond to you. It took just one order from USA to get your pm in jail. What a joke and still without shame you’re btching about Turkiye. namak haram
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