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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Stalin died in 1953 , so he never said that.

As for statistics , here are some statistics for you :


I`m sorry,I dont mean to laugh but the way you`ve written that out looks like a conventional elementary school math problem,except that the answer that you came up with was 9,700,000!!!!
Perhaps if you hadnt added the "+" symbol and the line under it then it might`ve made more sense.

Thank you for that completely unintentional piece of humor,I certainly needed it in these grim circumstances.

The quote that Stalin is originally credited with is this:

The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic.

As you can see I merely altered it very slightly in order to properly reflect the callous inhumanity of zionist sentiment,and not to toot my own horn,but frankly I think I did an okay job.

The different is Palestinians are the subjugated people fighting a occupier

Israel is the occupier trying to subjugate the people
And act like honorless gangs?

Desperation desperation
Saudis are the new kings of middle east and with that boxing event in Saudi Arabia while tel Aviv is being rocketed down tells you a greater shift....
Israel will be on the levels of Syria and Lybia now.....
While Saudis are the new gaurantuer of American interests...
Zionists time is over in USA as you can see...
Their greatest agent since early 80s BIBI Nethanyahu is going down and so are all his buddies....
Oh hey there,nice to see a genuine Belgian.
. .
It's out in the open now the US, Sunak, Frenchie president, a few other idiots are state sponsors of terrorism. These mofos need to stop crying wolf with putin and the ayatollah.
Ah, this specimen. Ladies and gentlemen, bear witness to the Overcompensating German. This species was born after 1945 out of collective arse-covering necessitated by the Germans who were humiliated by the public record of their complicity in the Holocaust. Today they can be seen loudly attacking others who are critical of Israel, but never truly addressing their antisemitism, and glossing over the various far-right Nazi derivative parties that openly operate in Germany.

Allow me to provide some feedback, Hans, or whatever your name is.

Several major lies were uncovered within a day based on said Isra"el"i claims. The first, as you have acknowledged yourself, was the claim of 40 "beheaded babies". This claim was made by an IDF soldier (documented that IDF soldiers are told to lie to cover up their crimes and to implicate Palestinians in violent attacks such as to justify genocidal actions against them, for instance, see Exhibit A). This claim was unquestioningly repeated by a Western excuse of a reporter, who by her own body language betrays that she is lying (you can see how uncomfortable she is, constant sketchy facial gestures, pressured, jumbled speech- surprisingly, this video was completely taken off of YouTube and the statement was walked back by said reporter on Twitter). Said reporter is nothing but a mere propagandist and has violated the most fundamental tenet of journalism.

Further information here:

Later, the White House itself would report that they were mistaken. And yet the rumor persists. PM Netanyahu then posted AI-generated images of "burned babies", and this was debunked soon after as well.

Reports that the Palestinians surrounded the music festival and executed everyone were lies as well, as from the released videos you can see a Merkava tank as well as a platoon-sized detachment of Israeli police engaging in combat.

Another lie surfaced soon after about an Israeli-German woman who was raped and killed, dragged through the streets by Palestinians. While her unconscious body was indeed put on a pickup truck and spat on by Palestinians, her mother would later confirm she is alive and being treated at a hospital in Gaza.

Instead, you see the churning of more lies and a hurried effort toward action. The most egregious lie consisted of the cover-up of a JDAM attack on the Baptist Hospital, resulting in 500-700 deaths. As per the video, the projectile hits the structural weakpoint, causing the entire building to collapse. And yet we were first told it was Hamas who shot a rocket (plenty of picture evidence attests to the inability of said rockets to make entire buildings collapse, as well as their general inaccuracy). Then, when proof is provided against that, it is claimed Palestinian Islamic Jihad launched said rocket. It's important to bear in mind this group is smaller, has less capable weapons, and is less active than Hamas. Quickly, U.S. and European countries confirmed their "expert researchers" examined the evidence and concluded it was launched by PIJ. And yet, in the midst of shelling and bombing of Gaza, guarded by Hamas, how in the doggone hell did U.S., German and French research teams arrive at the scene and how did they conduct thorough examination of debris, impact, and other damages? The lies are so half-assed because it is in the nature of Westerners to believe them. You so desperately want to believe Muslims are rapists, violent, and deceitful that you eat the garbage given to you by Netanyahu. Be ashamed of yourself, for you are aiding and abetting another genocide. But that's normal for you Germans, isn't it?

Here's another half-assed Isra"el"i attempt to lie:

Supposedly, Hamas radio communication was intercepted by the IDF, and it shows us a conversation between two Arabs who apparently can't speak the language properly. Nevermind that Hamas and other groups do not use radios to communicate as that would be the dumbest thing to do. It's established that they learned to use couriers as HezbAllah does.

And so, we have a continuous series of outright fabrications and ***-covering by the Isra"el"is and their compradors. Similar lies include "Hamas fires from schools and hospitals". This is debunked as well, because in order to fire a rocket you need a clear line of sight, and in order to fire said rockets, Hamas has created mobile firing platforms, as firing from a fixed structure is suicidal given Isra"el"i response and Hamas needs to minimize its forces' casualties. In fact, this canard is promulgated because it is IDF policy to inflict massive civilian casualties in order to turn Gazans against Hamas.

In your personal life, if you had caught someone lying six, seven times- would you continue to believe them? Probably not. In fact, I tend to be a trusting person, but I would disregard anything else coming out of the mouth of a person who was caught lying so many times to be veritable horse dung. Alas, the Germans aren't known for their skepticism. A madman managed to rise to power in your country not so long ago, convince you to kill Jews, and gain your public consent to start a war with at least six countries. You are a credulous bunch, indeed.

Furthermore, figures of casualties ranging in the 1,400s are unfounded. To date, most investigators identified 900 casualties or so, with 1/3 of them being IDF soldiers and many others armed settlers who function as more or less a local militia. While Hamas did attack civilians, it did not do so in the way that Isra"el"i authorities want you to believe. In an age where gore pictures proliferate on the internet within hours of a battle or attack, no such evidence was shown, and that which was shown were empty rooms with blood stains and some footage from ISIL attacks in Iraq, with victims that look more like dark-skinned Arabs than white Isra"el"is.

You have revealed yourself to be very unintelligent and I hope my expose has taught you to keep your mouth shut.
A lot of words to give the hamas side of things?

The hospital was leveled?

also i was discussing those who claim “no civilians were killed” by hamas. despite video proof of the opposite.
You seem to be confused as to what i was discussing…?

It is quite annoying one cannot have critiscism on the hamas narrative without being branded “cheering for dead babies” or “israel can do not wrong”.

As i will repeat yet again…i see israel as “arab light”. A quite shitty government packed with religious nutters in a neighbourhood that is full of shit governments packed with religious nutters.
Yes that also means i believe israel lies/exaggerates alot. USS liberty as example.
Israel is striking Lebanon and Hezbollah is just watching. Fire back !!

Al-Manar correspondent: A second air strike targeted Kharaj

Patience :

Sayyed Nasrallah to Deliver a Televised Speech Next Friday

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah is slated to deliver a televised speech on Friday, November 3, at a ceremony commemorating the martyrs who fell on the road to Al-Quds. The speech is scheduled to begin at 15:00 (Beirut time).

In honor of the martyrs who fell on the road to Al-Quds in defense of Gaza, the Palestinian people, and the holy sites, Hezbollah’s media relations published a statement calling on the party’s supporters to attend the memorial ceremony.


Comparing Palestinians with Japan. Are you okay? Palestinians have been besieged by Israel in inhumane conditions [understatement] for decades. Israel is comparable to White plantation slave owners and Palestinians the brutalized slaves fighting back.
@F-22Raptor This is how history will judge Israel (definitely in the Middle East).
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Let’s be clear: Before Israel, there was a British mandate, not a Palestinian state.-Before the British Mandate, there was the Ottoman Empire, not a Palestinian state.-Before the Ottoman Empire, there was the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, not a Palestinian state.-Before the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, there was the Ayubid Empire, not a Palestinian state. Godfrey IV of Boulogne, known as Godfrey de Bouillon, conqueror of Jerusalem in 1099-Before the Ayubid Empire, there was the Frankish and Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem, not a Palestinian state.-Before the Kingdom of Jerusalem, there was the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, not a Palestinian state.-Before the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, there was the Byzantine empire, not a Palestinian state.-Before the Byzantine Empire, there were the Sassanids, not a Palestinian state.-Before the Sassanid Empire, there was the Byzantine Empire, not a Palestinian state.-Before the Byzantine Empire, there was the Roman Empire, not a Palestinian state.-Before the Roman Empire, there was the Hasmonean state, not a Palestinian state.-Before the Hasmonean state, there was the Seleucid, not a Palestinian state.-Before the Seleucid empire, there was the empire of Alexander the Great, not a Palestinian state.-Before the empire of Alexander the Great, there was the Persian empire, not a Palestinian state.-Before the Persian Empire, there was the Babylonian Empire, not a Palestinian state.-Before the Babylonian Empire, there were the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, not a Palestinian state.-Before the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, there was the Kingdom of Israel, not a Palestinian state.-Before the kingdom of Israel, there was the theocracy of the twelve tribes of Israel, not a Palestinian state.-Before the theocracy of the twelve tribes of Israel, there was an agglomeration of independent Canaanite city-kingdoms, not a Palestinian statehood.Actually, in this piece of land there has been everything, EXCEPT A PALESTINIAN STATE!
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You hypocritic scum, care to comment this lunatic below and while you cheer on murdering innocents but i suppose those are the values you support innately.
Lies about civilians debunked, killed by israel terrorists in cross fire or deliberatly.
Your a bit slow huh?
Quote me for cheering murdering innocents or being a bibi fan?

You literally see hamas members gunning down randoms on the streets. This was also verified by masses of press at the gathering.

What is this neurotic need of you to see hamas as angels who do no wrong?
In the second intifada they blew up plenty of civilian buses, i guess your memory is slow too.

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