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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

They might be homos but even they can understand Israel is a horrendous apartheid occupational state
Occupational yes, Apartheid no. Apartheid is seen in context of what rights citizens have. Israeli arabs have same rights at least on paper as the jews. Palestinians are not citizens of Israel
What’s so brave hiding behind the funding of the dollar?
Bravery is working in a hospital treating children being bombed constantly by people committing genocide and war crimes. Knowing the next patient could be your own child or relation and continuing to work - thats bravery.
I definitely did.

In your dreams. Keep hiding in your cave.

I will keep spamming you since you keep spamming on this thread with your genocidal cheerleading.

Once again -

Why does Israel kill children even when there are no active conflict?

Adam, Fuad, Abdullah, Omar: The 28 Palestinian Kids Killed by Israeli Forces This Year (Jan - June 2023)

Adam, Fuad, Abdullah, Omar: the 28 Palestinian kids killed by Israeli forces this year | Opinion

How does it feel to lick your Zionist child killing masters' boot?
Yaar - every other post he launches has got an edge of anti Islam. So desperately pretending to be onjective but anyone with half a brain can see that his stance doesn’t add up.
Have you ever wondered that it might be you who is actually biased and close-minded to the point of not even wanting to see something objectively? Maybe I'm not the one who is "pretending to be objective",but you are the one who can't accept the idea of something different from his narration?

To focus on some barking dog getting shot and bringing it up time after time - shows us plenty of his intent.
Hey,Surinder go back to Pajeetabad. Do you understand what I told you? Someone made a comment lamenting the death of a cat,saying Israelis killed a cat. So I was like yeah ok and Hamas killed dogs,so what's the point?

Do you have the capacity to understand that? Do you need help? You want me to break it down a bit more? Analyze it a bit more maybe?
Also HamA$$ killed hundreds of innocent Israelis so your point is trash...

depends what you mean by innocent ?

Settlers ?...


most them are IDF or IDF trained.. hardly innoccent

just bcos Hamas caught them when their pants were down.. literally.. doesn't make them so
Prove that all those books do not exist, using the references, can you?
I don't think so.
I never said the books don't exist,notice how I said you always mention some obscure writer and books nobody's ever heard about.
View attachment 966352

You've come up with a fictionary character,given him an ethnicity,way of life,sexual preferations and a little bit of background.

I don't know if you're actually drinking all the time or you're just some guy with limited social skills and capacity,I don't care actually. The problem is that you've been repeatedly offending me with some of the worst insults and yet the entire forum mod team has been doing nothing about it,encouraging such behavior @waz @Deino @LeGenD @BHarwana @Major Sam @PakSword @Jango @WebMaster @Amaa'n @Serpentine @Kompromat @Hyde

@mehmed bey brother can we stop this please. There is no justifying personal insults on this level.
i think it just goes to show that none of these people have any genuine concerns about gaza or its people

and thus there will be no wider military involvement or aid to them

palestinians are on their own
Seems that way unfortunately. By now 20 days in people are used to the imagery coming from Gaza. It is becoming normal. If anyone wanted to act they would have done so when the hospital was bombed or when 100 planes bombarded the area 2 days ago.
Sad but this is Palestinians life now, wait for thier turn to be martyred ☹️
doesn't mean Hamas killed them ... as Biden said civilian casualties are a result of war
Oh yeah? Going people's houses and shooting them is casualty of war? **** Biden,he's a senile old man who can barely function
Have you ever wondered that it might be you who is actually biased and close-minded to the point of not even wanting to see something objectively? Maybe I'm not the one who is "pretending to be objective",but you are the one who can't accept the idea of something different from his narration?

Hey,Surinder go back to Pajeetabad. Do you understand what I told you? Someone made a comment lamenting the death of a cat,saying Israelis killed a cat. So I was like yeah ok and Hamas killed dogs,so what's the point?

Do you have the capacity to understand that? Do you need help? You want me to break it down a bit more? Analyze it a bit more maybe?
Greek cunt stfu and get your pink glory anal hole raped by some Turks. Using terms like Pajeet to seek validation wont stop your gangrape on this thread, you are literally a textbook definition of beta..trying so hard to seek validation, that too online 🤣🤣
Occupational yes, Apartheid no. Apartheid is seen in context of what rights citizens have. Israeli arabs have same rights at least on paper as the jews. Palestinians are not citizens of Israel

Apartheid yes

If you have occupation, and the occupational state controls the borders, air space and sea space of millions who are subjugated

It's apartheid
Lol,I agree. It's like Trango Towers who keep mentioning homosexuals and gay stuff all the time and...that's kind of creepy and suspicious you know. Meanwhile,Mehmed Bey has been insulting everyone and daring anyone to meet him and fight it out. Like a drunk bar brawler. He's always like "place and time!" and always insulting mothers,sisters,ethnicities. Meanwhile he proudly talks about how he has copies of Mein Kampf and how he had relatives in the SS etc.

And this guy is still on the forum,posting.
Admins should deal with this guy lmao
Bruh you're from Bangladesh. You're literally the last person to talk about the education system loooool.
First of all you can kid some people about your
Nationality but not anyone with half a brain knows you are not.
Desperately seeking attention suggests indian hereditary genes. Asking to speak to mods in private seeking protection on a forum is truly pathetic 😉
Now stop putting others down when you can’t debate on point. He makes a fair point - you can’t handle and make personal attacks.
Do you have anything to say about kids being targeted in Gaza or do you want to just troll?
Aside from western rants, it is true that Palestinians suffered a huge number of civilian losses. That is true and undeniable.

On the other hand Israelis despite having complete support of western hemisphere and American boots on the ground failed to achieve their objectives. First thing that was imposed on Israelis was loss of their deterrence. It is proven that Israel was penetrared by Hamas deep inside the occupied lands. The second loss was Israel's bogus claims of being undisputed in this part of the world which is now a complete joke.

An other victory for Hamas and the Palestinian resistance was that the economic backbone of Israel in Mediterraneans is unavailable at the moment and as war becomes a long term conflict, Israel bleeds severely.

Third victory for Hamas was destroying the trust of wealthy settlers in Israeli might. No billionaire wants to taste Hamas rockets that rains over Israeli cities.

These achivements for Palestinain resistance is achived along with huge losses which was worth it. Palestinians will exist for an other century, no matter how many western powers support this cancerous tumor called Israel.
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