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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Hamas, a terrorist group regularly targeting women and children, also has massive public support throughout muslim world, and tacit approval from many muslim nations.

I have to really dig deep for similar christian terrorists groups.
Lets say LRA in the congo.
These groups are widely rejected by the christian world. And france and usa even militarily opposed them.

There is a mental sickness in the ummah….
What a difference from Saladin for instance.
Pkk is widely recognised as the terrorist group in the Christian countries yet they are allowed to freely function in the Christian communities.
I thought that all lives matter? Even Israeli? Heck,you guys would cry about Afghans getting killed by Soviets and Americans.
I will not say "sorry" for not feeling happy when I see families executed and old women dragged to Gaza as captives.

In the same way I will not cheer for Israeli bombings of civilians in Gaza and mistreatment of Palestinians in the West Bank.

I think you are obssesed with Indians.

All lives matter - even little Indians like you. Your continuations of ignoring what Israeli have been doing for 70 years is noted. You are a cheer leader - look at the posts you like - you are a liar and on numerous occasions get caught out and disappear for a couple of hours then come back for more.
Im on a Pakistani forum and you telling me im obsessed with Indian? Stop talking crap Indian and pretending to be something that you want to dream of being.
Yes , you denied as Serbs Srebrenica massacres though, the Hague concluded that it was the massacre.
Also here on other other threads you approved of that same massacre . So let's concluded here .
You don't believe Judiciary process in The Hague but I should believe what you believe.
First of all,this is a huge subject to start talking about now,it will completely derail the thread.

Second,it's extremely ironic how you hate Jews,dislike Americans,hate "western propaganda" and yet,you somehow find the Hague and ICTY as perfectly neutral and unbiased,as well as the western propaganda concerning Serbs,which suddenly is true when it's about Bosnia,but always a lie when it's about any other conflict.

OK understand that Bahraini guy hurt you. I know that you worked as a mail escort in Hotel Intercontinental Belgrade and 2019 due to Bahreini you needed your anus stiched up in Athens. That's why you hate Arabs. But be objective, he bought you a flat in Athens. He still cares for you.
I read your story in one of Belgrades tabloids, your name is Raddoje and your stage name was Suzy Loony.
It's too early to be drinking that rakija.


All lives matter - even little Indians like you. Your continuations of ignoring what Israeli have been doing for 70 years is noted. You are a cheer leader - look at the posts you like - you are a liar and on numerous occasions get caught out and disappear for a couple of hours then come back for more.
Im on a Pakistani forum and you telling me im obsessed with Indian? Stop talking crap Indian and pretending to be something that you want to dream of being.
Why do you continue to call me "Indian"? 😂 😂 😂

When did I ignore what Israelis have been doing to Palestinians? Where did I cheer for Israeli bombings? Where? Just find the post and show it to me. All I said was Hamas is a terrorist organisation and what they did was inhuman and evil.

You know,Palestine is not only Hamas...Palestine is much more than Hamas and Palestine existed before Hamas.
Man people here have awful military knowledge.

Israels lebonan border isn't manned because of these "pillars" and very powerful monitoring systems. So they don't have to worry about spending time deploying forces there. Its for the reason no Hezbollah manned posts exist on their border. Destroying these pillars is the key from their POV to cut off Israels eyes on the border and force them to divert manpower to the border where they can be more easily confronted.

This is all common sense.
First of all,this is a huge subject to start talking about now,it will completely derail the thread.

Second,it's extremely ironic how you hate Jews,dislike Americans,hate "western propaganda" and yet,you somehow find the Hague and ICTY as perfectly neutral and unbiased,as well as the western propaganda concerning Serbs,which suddenly is true when it's about Bosnia,but always a lie when it's about any other conflict.

It's too early to be drinking that rakija.

Why do you continue to call me "Indian"? 😂 😂 😂

When did I ignore what Israelis have been doing to Palestinians? Where did I cheer for Israeli bombings? Where? Just find the post and show it to me. All I said was Hamas is a terrorist organisation and what they did was inhuman and evil.

You know,Palestine is not only Hamas...Palestine is much more than Hamas and Palestine existed before Hamas.
Oh Western propaganda in the later part of your statement but in the first part, you are stating that I have Western biases? Hahaha. How possibly you can contradict yourself, just in one paragraph?
Oh , Srebrenica is propaganda now ? A month ago it was justified massacre ACCORDING TO YOU.
Now so called massacre by Hamas is not Israeli propaganda?
How does it work? Ah. I know as you said, it is all very complicated.
Let's make it simple.
According to the Jewish tradition, the dead are buried quickly. I want to know the names of the dead, date and place of burial that i can send via Amazon some flowers.
Considering that you know Tel Aviv well and the certain details, due to your attendance of the biggest gey parade , all of this shouldn't be too difficult.
In the reality, the reason I call you Homo ,besides that you are really Homo , in 3 sentences you contradict yourself. The mentality of a woman trapped in the man's body.
J t ma er u p zdu
P cino
I know,they just deny the videos completely. First,they cheered for Hamas and rejoiced for their massacre. If you check the first 20-50 pages,they proudly count the victim numbers.

Then,they started denying the video footage,saying "it's fake". The same videos which Hamas itself was happy about and boasting of their great victory against the Zionists.

It's as if these people have never seen radical Sunni groups committing the exact same kind of atrocities in numerous wars around the world.

Now as for the footage: As I was reading the incidents,I recognized many of them,because they were already released. You can easily find those on youtube. However,the more gruesome ones weren't released (at least unblurred). I think the first link was from the Guardian,the second I don't remember what media it was. But I want to find more reporters' testimonies about all that,because I know the same people here will easily discard certain nationalities as "biased",even if the videos are there and they are the same for everyone to watch.

But this is almost standard practice.

First many rejoice in some horrible orgy of blood.
Then comes the justifications
“were forced to”
Then comes the blatant denial
“did not happen”

We see this with the Pontic and Armenian genocide.
We see this with the arabian saharan slavery.
We see this with the barbary states slavery and piracy.
We see this with the East Bangladesh genocide/mass rape.

It all “did not happen”, or at the most “was much smaller scale and justified because whatabout christians/jews”

yet at the same time they are begging the west for money and weapons, and blaming and attacking the western “kuffars” for being too biased. Sometimes alongside threaths that “our time will come”.

And then people wonder why I have trouble sympathising with the “muslim cause”
Yeah but you caring isn't diddly squat

NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE, to end the brutal apartheid occupation of a of Palestinians

Israel has been expanding illegal settlements.
It's continued it's brutal occupation, and controls the borders, air space, sea space of the Palestinians

It doesn't matter that you care, the UK cares, U.S cares, France cares

Israel is not challenged in any way,told to stop, given consequences NOTHING

The Palestinians are expected to suffer endlessly under occupation
On that we agree.

So when you have a response to this brutal endless occupation like what Hamas did
Then you guys come swooping in with your moralizing and support for Israel regardless of what it has done
Here,I disagree with you,if Hamas had attacked only military targets,I wouldn't have said anything.

This attack was bad for two reasons:
1.They brutally killed civilians and not in some random rocket barrage or bombing,but in a cartel manner
2.The attack and its brutality caused a huge number of Palestinian civilians to die in reprisals.
@Windjammer Who told you the resistance forces, especially Hezbollah dont have air defense systems? Hezbollah has downed a few Israeli drones in this war, and just because AD systems arent active doesnt mean they aren't present.
I know Hezbollah has the capability and much greater firepower, but currently they are not in the fight.
I was referring to the current resistance forces.
But this is almost standard practice.

First many rejoice in some horrible orgy of blood.
Then comes the justifications
“were forced to”
Then comes the blatant denial
“did not happen”

We see this with the Pontic and Armenian genocide.
We see this with the arabian saharan slavery.
We see this with the barbary states slavery and piracy.
We see this with the East Bangladesh genocide/mass rape.

It all “did not happen”, or at the most “was much smaller scale and justified because whatabout christians/jews”

yet at the same time they are begging the west for money and weapons, and blaming and attacking the western “kuffars” for being too biased. Sometimes alongside threaths that “our time will come”.

And then people wonder why I have trouble sympathising with the “muslim cause”
What would we see , if we look into you?
For example 40% of Jewish families owned the slaves? So , the Kykes were in the good business with Arabs?
Don't talk shit , ok?
Whatever you say us the Shit.
Piece of Shit , in Europe in the 20th century 1,5 millions cases of Cannibalsm? Etc .
What the f are you talking about.
You are just a common trash. What's worth to debate with a trash like you?
100s k of rapes in Germany and Italy. Actually everywhere? Eine frau im Berlin?
But this is almost standard practice.

First many rejoice in some horrible orgy of blood.
Then comes the justifications
“were forced to”
Then comes the blatant denial
“did not happen”

We see this with the Pontic and Armenian genocide.
We see this with the arabian saharan slavery.
We see this with the barbary states slavery and piracy.
We see this with the East Bangladesh genocide/mass rape.

It all “did not happen”, or at the most “was much smaller scale and justified because whatabout christians/jews”

yet at the same time they are begging the west for money and weapons, and blaming and attacking the western “kuffars” for being too biased. Sometimes alongside threaths that “our time will come”.

And then people wonder why I have trouble sympathising with the “muslim cause”
Yes,the infamous double standards.

What would we see , if we look into you?
For example 40% of Jewish families owned the slaves? So , the Kykes were in the good business with Arabs?
Don't talk shit , ok?
Whatever you say us the Shit.
Piece of Shit , in Europe in the 20th century 1,5 millions cases of Cannibalsm? Etc .
What the f are you talking about.
You are just a common trash. What's worth to debate with a trash like you?
Cannibalism? What are you even talking about?

@waz @LeGenD @Kambojaric @PDF @WebMaster @KAL-EL @RescueRanger Will you guys ever do something about this guy?

It's not about heated debates anymore,this guy is too toxic,he won't stop insulting and being vulgar.
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