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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Egypt and Jordan leaders dont give a sh*t about Palestinians, wake up, they just use them to distract local people from their own problems, just like all others ME leaders who cry about Palestinians and dont invite them to their countries.

Arab countries have learned the hard way over the decades that they can't fight the mightiest and the richest alliance in human history for Palestinians without destroying whatever prosperity exists there. And it is not just Arab countries: Pakistan, Turkey, and more remote Muslim countries are also like that. They WANT to help but the repercussion would be so huge that they dare not. It is not that Arab/Islamic countries had not tried before-- Pakistanis even fought against Israel in 1973 in a limited capacity.

What's going to happen to the economies of Arab/Islamic countries who depend on the commercial interests with the West when an outright war breaks out? Unemployment, chaos, and pushing back their economies decades.

Only Iran--and that too in a calculated, reluctant way is willing to put itself in great danger by helping the Palestinians.

PS. My personal viewpoint remains that this conflict should be escalated, widened and prolonged. I don't think Israelis would be able to stomach the losses from that. That will end this conflict once and for all: Either Israelis bring up another Rabin for some compromise or Israel will vanish. But it is not my call to make, sitting at safe distance.

Oh lord, for they are helpless, so help them. Ameen.

🤣🤣🤣👍 pakistani gave kashmir to the fckkking hindus on a plate 5 aug 2019..

Where wher the missiles then, morons

Kashmiris have not been given away okay. Will You Guys stop demoralising yourself’s it’s not simple as you make it out to be anymore you cannot launch and rein missiles on Delhi. Arabs army’s found out sadly the hard way they cannot help Palestinian because of Washington military threats to them. Pakistan faces those challenges too from US its not going let you beat up their new star pupil Delhi as supposedly nowadays it’s a counter weight to Beijing lol. This issue will flair up at some point only quite of Mushraf 9/11 he caved in to Washington. he stopped mujahideen fighters activities from inside of IOK!!
Clear Warning to india do not act or do something stupid. Incase they get ideas themselves due to the tragedy unfolding in the Middle East. Thinking they can do it too.

I mean whatever hype was created between 16-18 Oct on Indian side and then Indian media itself exposed their soldiers went to hell in Kashimir that they were not able to cover and that created this drama against Pakistan, and in response Pakistan issued a warning. Make sense now and picture clear.
I am disappointed with the role Iran and Hezbullah have played in past 10 days

Poor and pathetic are the words that come to mind


One of the reasons why we muslims are where we are. When we are more busy in condemning each other. Sad state unfortunately
From chaos in Lebanon to Syria to Iraq to Yemen, every road leads back to Iran

I'm trying to get a handle on you..so what's your deal???

Are you the Uber secular, liberal baloch type who supports the BLA and that's why you have a stick up your *** about Muslim issues?
The reason why Islam won so many battles with the discipline was because muslims did not blame each other especially the ones who were actually doing something. Why was Hazrat Khalid Ibn Waleed a general who never lost a battle? Two reason, one he had belief, secondly the people under his command had the same belief they were never once thought that he was a non believer before and thought of indiscipline.This system of muslims losing discipline happened in the latter stages of Rashidun. Another thing I want to sadly point out is unless we get out of the mindset of Iranians not being muslims we are at a loss and that’s what the enemy wants. Division. So either accept we are all muslims and move on or stop complaining.

Whether it is Hezbollah or hamas or Jamate islami, we should be united.
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There are allegations that arms dealers in Ukraine sold Javelins to Hamas. (If true, bye bye to Biden and his entire defence bureaucracy)
I am disappointed with the role Iran and Hezbullah have played in past 10 days

Poor and pathetic are the words that come to mind

What Iran can do to stop bombing of Gaza?!

We were able to give heavy and advanced weapons to Hezbollah because Syria helped us.

Egypt did not cooperate with us to arm Gaza. Everything we sent was smuggled with the help of people
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