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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Hindu Dalits should not involve themselves in Abrahamic conflicts
why he uses pakistan flag then?
Clear Warning to india do not act or do something stupid. Incase they get ideas themselves due to the tragedy unfolding in the Middle East. Thinking they can do it too.
🤣🤣🤣👍 pakistani gave kashmir to the fckkking hindus on a plate 5 aug 2019..

Where wher the missiles then, morons
48 farouk got fckked( nasser was colonel. And got trapped in isreal, mercy of isreal, they gave back prisinors).
67 nasser got fckked_ by isreal
73 anwar got the doodle. By isreal<< marwan> mossad agent was married to nasser dzughter,,

U want now sissi, to get the sausage up his?? By isreal,
He may bark, to please his, zombies, but wont bite, isreal.
Servant FO
Jebemti sentru u usta
Ok I will stop destroying the tunnels lol
look, the tunnels (some of them work fine ;) , don't worry. it's over 500 km tunnels .
local sinai tribes are armed to the teeth.
Egypt regularly destroys many of the tunnels going into Gaza, making life a lot harder for the Palestinian resistance in Gaza. This should be stopped entirely
Hindu Dalits should not involve themselves in Abrahamic conflicts
that guy only posts anti-Palestine anti-Iran anti-Pakistan gibberish, definitely a false flag Hindu troll
1. Egypt should not accept any mass immigration from the Gaza Strip.
2. Egypt must keep the tunnels open.
3. Egypt should avoid the possibility of war as much as possible. But even if it favors peace, it should not hesitate to show its military power.
4. Egypt should declare NAVTEX off Sinai and organize naval exercises. If possible, Egypt should invite the navies of as many Muslim countries as possible, from Pakistan to Turkiye.
5. Likewise, a large-scale joint air force exercise should be launched.
6. Egypt should invite the heads of state of other countries in the region who are parties to the conflict and who could be directly affected by the risk of war in the region to Cairo for an extraordinary summit and show of force.
7. Egyptian media outlets should give more prominence to the relief organization that is already underway and show the mobilization of the Egyptian state more loudly to the international community.
Egyptian military march music is all over the Egyptian national TV.
1-Egypt is trying to do that by saying that if mass immigration happens it would be the end of Palestinian cause
2-Yes and no, terrorists used those tunnels between Gaza and Sinai to kill the police and army personals
3-We are trying to do so. We don't want war
4,5-The army just launched an exercise
But true we have to launch a massive exercice
6-The king of Jordan visited Egypt yesterday something like. Even when king Abdallah toured Europe, he said the displacement of Palestinians in Egypt is a red line
Or try the fcvk to find where baghial is?
I am sure it has something to do with your mama
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