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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I don't care. all I asked you is to you read the article.
Jews blew up British and American facilities in Egypt and they claimed it was us who did it.. so anything is possible.
But the Brussels terrorist was caught and killed.
so the article is unrelated.
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You must be confused. He would not say that.
But he said "yes"

Screenshot 2023-10-19 at 18-23-01 Gaza-Israel Conflict October 2023.png
Brother in the centre of Gaza there is still a fountain built by Behram Pasha Sokolovic , who was governor there.
How many charitable holdings of the family Rizvanbegovic their are in those areas, you can't count.
And how we can forget Jazzar Pasaha the hero of Acca? God knows how many Bosnian villages were erased by the Kykes around Haifa etc and our charitable holdings Wakufs
Yep, for such small fragment of muslim population trough history we produced quite number of chads.

Zipa ovo
Godine 1982., kad su Izraelci ušli u Libanon i okupirali glavni grad Beirut, tražili su moju glavu iako sam bio časnik libanonske vojske. Naime, u rujnu 1948. iz zasjede sam ubio 12 izraelskih vojnika i pokopao ih u dolini između dva sela, Ajtarun i Blida,
unutar libanonskog teritorija. Isto tako, kad sam došao zaprositi sadašnju suprugu, njezin otac tražio je za miraz živog ili mrtvog izraelskog vojnika. Iako se on, poslije sam doznao, šalio, shvatio sam to ozbiljno jer nisam dobro razumio arapski jezik.
Kako sam bio stručnjak za protutenkovske mine i kako sam znao rutu kojom redovito prolaze Izraelci, digao sam u zrak automobil s tri Izraelca. Dvojica su poginula, a jedan je preživio. Upravo toga živog, neozlijeđenog, priveo sam kao vlastiti miraz pred svog budućeg tasta.
Prasnuvši u smijeh, objasnio mi je da se šalio te mi dao ruku svoje kćeri. Jadnog Izraelca predao sam libanonskoj vojsci i više ne znam što se s njim dogodilo. Upravo zbog tog Izraelca, za kojim su tragali, i zbog onih dvanaest ubijenih, Izraelci su raspisali tjeralicu za mnom.
Kako me nisu uspjeli pronaći, za osvetu su devastirali grobove osmorice Jugoslavena." Kamel Rustemović
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Ironic that Israel will now not have diplomats in the two non-Arab nations in the region (Iran and Turkey), but still have pristine Embassies functioning normally in many of the Arab nations (Jordan, UAE, Bahrain, Egypt, Morocco)
They left Jordan and Egypt as well.
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The Sultan of Turkey, Erdogan, has remarked that democracy is a streetcar you get off from when you reach your destination. That being said, this infatuation that democracy must be the universal form of government is misplaced. If the last 75 years have taught us anything, democracy is not an elixir for all of a society's ills. When forced to hold elections after Mubarak, Egypt elected Morsi of Muslim Brotherhood. Hamas came to power in 2006 Gaza elections. So, this belief that elections produce the likes of Washington and Jefferson is a mirage. This may come as blasphemy for some people, but a good dictatorship is better than democracy sometimes.

Ahh, many of America's Founding Fathers were Slave Owners themselves and America was one of the last Western countries to abolish slavery--even in 1776 the Brits pointed that out seeing the Declaration of Independence. And Lincoln's 'Emancipation' was not so charitable: He clearly expressed his views that the African-American slaves are better suited to be sent back to Africa. The North-South war was essentially about resources. But then victors write the history...

As to the bolded part: I now think in most poor countries, especially with low literacy, a 'hybrid' system is better: Controlled democracy. First educate the population before talking about grand French Revolution ideas. Stalin, despite his brutality, pulled tens of millions from a barely-agrarian society to form a Super Power. China achieved a miracle never seen in human history. Singapore is also a miracle.

Well, that was off-topic but I had to jump in.

Question: What should happen to resolve the Israel-Palestinian conflict? My own views are clear: The current conflict should widen and prolong in duration. I am of the Scott Ritter solution: 'Tragically Necessary'.
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