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Gay marriage opening the door to legalize polygamy. Next are incest, bestiality..etc?

Do you support gay marriage?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 27.4%
  • No

    Votes: 45 72.6%

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Indeed it is, but how do you explain sacrifices of kids for hindu goddess 'kali' ?
kid sacrifice is not the topic, but i shall put ur inquisition to rest anyways.
first of all, there is no such thing now (but it did exist at some point of time).
secondly, how can i explain if some nut decided to play nut.
is it ok to single u out for wat has been done to the armenians??
Polygyny - More than one wife.
Polyandry - More than one husband.
Polygamy -- More than one spouse.

If it is between consenting adults, then eventually polygamy will be legally allowed.

Incest is more problematic because there are biological consequences. There are already difficult cases to resolve, in principle if not legal.

Brother and sister who didn't know they were related are to marry... despite knowing union is illegal | Daily Mail Online

The couple did not know they were related. In their minds, as consenting adults, how they feel about each other trumps the potentiality of negative biological consequences. Society will have a much more difficult time resolving issues with consenting but incestuous relationships than with issues in polygamy.

Bestiality ? Never mind. Where is the consent here ? This will not pass.
Well,What's wrong if someone want to marry with a dog?It doesn't affect others.How do you know that dog isn't consenting in its own way?
And what's wrong with incest?They can adopt a child like gays do.What's wrong if mother want to marry her son,it doesn't affect others too if they don't bear a disabled son.
........and all these are relevant to the discussion relating to "gay marriages" ??
Not at all, but the usual propaganda pishing from RAW should be nipped in the bud.
Not at all, but the usual propaganda pishing from RAW should be nipped in the bud.
do u think i m RAW?
and do u think this topic has something to do with RAW ???
LOL this moronic argument again? Apparently some people are not mature enough to understand the ideas of adulthood and consent... But then again, we are talking about people who are seriously interested in the sex life of random people... How pathetic :lol:
being gay is not a choice it a sickness a mental problem and should be seen in this way, bcz it always has been adam and eves not adam and steve
Gorillas do it. Adam and Steve has been doing since the beginning, same with masturbating. Why can't there be Adam(s) and Eve too?

gay getting married and adopting childern and ruining thier lives even if they are normal people and think straight is worse kind of criminal activity
PROOF! Where's your proof of evidence on this stance, or is it just your opinion?

Polygyny - More than one wife.
Polyandry - More than one husband.
Polygamy -- More than one spouse.

If it is between consenting adults, then eventually polygamy will be legally allowed.

Incest is more problematic because there are biological consequences. There are already difficult cases to resolve, in principle if not legal.

IMO Consanguinity marriage between 2nd cousins and closer should be considered Incest and outlawed.
Gorillas do it.

Gorillas also fvck their mothers. Gorillas sometime have child in their own daughters. That doesn't mean humans should follow that.
Everything immoral is accepted in the west.

LOL, while they discourage moral things like religious fundamentalism, sectarian violence, social injustice etc etc Is that the reason why all the folks from the "moral" countries want to live there?
This matter can really get messed up . I perdict we will have such discussion about necrophilia and pedophilia in future
This matter can really get messed up . I perdict we will have such discussion about necrophilia and pedophilia in future

Congrats, you just proved that you are incapable of understanding the terms: adulthood and consent.
someone say pedo ?

I think people should be allowed to do anything as long as it is not hurting others or themselves.
This matter can really get messed up . I perdict we will have such discussion about necrophilia and pedophilia in future

The difference between those examples and homosexuality is neither a dead body, a child or an animal would be able to provide consent if a man or woman did want to have a relationship with them, whereas in the case of homosexuality, there are two consenting partners.
Its amazing how people's sensibilities gets messed up when they think about homosexuality.

being gay is not a choice it a sickness a mental problem and should be seen in this way, bcz it always has been adam and eves not adam and steve

Really, please show scientific evidence of that. And who told you it was Adam & Eve, some books written by some random dudes talking to burning bushes. :astagh:

They can do it in private whatever they want with their bodies and hope their asxhole do not break apart.

But asking for marriage which is defined as something between man and woman is about challenging the sound society and making society descend into crackpot and degenerates.

You agree these guys are mad also, dont you.

Exactly, its non of your business what they do. Sound society. hahaha.

gay getting married and adopting childern and ruining thier lives even if they are normal people and think straight is worse kind of criminal activity

Yes Gays are the biggest problems that is causing the degradation of human societies. Not the greed, not the relentless wars, not the genocides being committed in name of religion and god, but homosexuality.

Everything immoral is accepted in the west.

Sure they should take a hint from greatness of East, which by the way only exists in minds of its inhabitants.

Well,What's wrong if someone want to marry with a dog?It doesn't affect others.How do you know that dog isn't consenting in its own way?
And what's wrong with incest?They can adopt a child like gays do.What's wrong if mother want to marry her son,it doesn't affect others too if they don't bear a disabled son.

And you won the darwin award for coming up with the stupidest argument against homosexuality EVER.
Where the world is going :(
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