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Gas pipeline blast in Karachi.

there were few more posts.... one from @Areesh where did it go??? earlier when a post was deleted it used to be shown as deleted with a reason... but now you cant see it... any idea????
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there were few more posts.... one from @Areesh where did it go??? earlier when a post was deleted it used to be shown as deleted with a reason... but now you cant see it... any idea????

The deleted posts are not shown any more.
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It was a gas pipeline. Alhamdolillah no casualty.

A change in terrorist activities is being seen. Formerly they used to target defence assets. Now they are targeting lifeline of Pakistan. Decrease in gas and oil supply will result in increasing power crisis. It's not good news for the common mass of Pakistan.
there were few more posts.... one from @Areesh where did it go??? earlier when a post was deleted it used to be shown as deleted with a reason... but now you cant see it... any idea????

Giving reason is optional...
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A change in terrorist activities is being seen. Formerly they used to target defence assets. Now they are targeting lifeline of Pakistan. Decrease in gas and oil supply will result in increasing power crisis. It's not good news for the common mass of Pakistan.

Would be repaired in a few hours. Not a big issue.
Giving reason is optional...

i am not talking about the reason... normally if you delete (even if the poster himself) or a Mod delete a post... it used to be there in the thread saying post deleted .. now the entire thing is vanished and no trace of it. thats what i meant with that.
i am not talking about the reason... normally if you delete (even if the poster himself) or a Mod delete a post... it used to be there in the thread saying post deleted .. now the entire thing is vanished and no trace of it. thats what i meant with that.

Nope...the posts are shown as deleted posts with the name of the user...we almost never vanish the posts (permanently delete).

Refresh the page and check again.
Nope...the posts are shown as deleted posts with the name of the user...we almost never vanish the posts (permanently delete).

Refresh the page and check again.

No i cannot see the trace of those posts.... its the case for few weeks now.... more over when you look at the heading of a thread in thread list.. there was an indication which shows there are some post deleted.. but that is also missing these days... may be weby did something about it?

I didn't find any trolling comments, atleast till now? It's your perception of finding troll in consolation.

You are late... mods deleted it i guess...
No i cannot see the trace of those posts.... its the case for few weeks now.... more over when you look at the heading of a thread in thread list.. there was an indication which shows there are some post deleted.. but that is also missing these days... may be weby did something about it?

Check after post 19...of member 420canada, after that post there should be three deleted posts of Drone Mailini, Areesh and nair.

Post a screenshot of the whole page after post 19.

If problem persists tell me and I'll shift these couple of posts to the Suggestions section.
It was a gas pipe line blast. Thanks OP for raising excitement level of Indian members through this thread.

Actually in this thread I found the reactions of indians to be mature. ... But I'm new to this thread so I'm not sure what usually goes on here.
Actually in this thread I found the reactions of indians to be mature. ... But I'm new to this thread so I'm not sure what usually goes on here.

Spend more time on this forum. You would know what happens here.
@nuclearpak, remnants of deleted posts are not shown anymore. I don't know whether its a glitch or webby has made some changes, me too have been noticing it for last couple of days.
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Check after post 19...of member 420canada, after that post there should be three deleted posts of Drone Mailini, Areesh and nair.

Post a screenshot of the whole page after post 19.

If problem persists tell me and I'll shift these couple of posts to the Suggestions section.

Untitled_zps8288c09f.jpg Photo by nair76 | Photobucket


I cant see it... i hve pasted the print shot as you suggested
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