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Gallipoli War: Great Victory Of Islam ( ) ÇANAKKALE zaferi

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Turkey's total area is 800.000 m2
Easts Anatolia is 150.000 m2
If 3 million Armenians killed in Easts Anatolia:
finding is 20 Armenia grave in each m2 of the east Turkish lands.. :))
Armenian Genocide , why is it that Western propagandist always use the 3 Million figure or 6 million figure ... always in millions

The number keeps going up every year. Somebody needs to stick with a certain figure.It's getting old.
Translation of the national anthem

Fear not! For the crimson flag that proudly ripples in this glorious twilight, shall never fade,
Before the last fiery hearth that is ablaze within my nation is extinguished.
For that is the star of my nation, and it will forever shine;
It is mine; and solely belongs to my valiant nation.
Frown not, I beseech you, oh thou coy crescent,
Smile upon my heroic race!1 Why the anger, why the rage?2
Our blood which we shed for you might not be worthy otherwise;
For freedom is the absolute right of my God-worshipping nation.3
i feel a strong pride when i see this video....

Turkiye and the Former Osmanli Empire are the pride of ALL Muslims around the globe.

The minarets are our bayonets, the domes our helmets, the mosques our barracks and the faithful our army :smokin:
and it isn't our generation.....but it is the men, women, and even young children who now comprise Pakistan many years ago who donated gold, gave whatever money they had for the cause of the Ottomans --even during their last days. The same people were also supportive of Turkiye's war of independence.

this is a historically known fact, and 80 million Turks never forget it. Same way we never forget their support for us through THICK and through THIN


---------- Post added at 10:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 PM ----------

Turkey's total area is 800.000 m2
Easts Anatolia is 150.000 m2
If 3 million Armenians killed in Easts Anatolia:
finding is 20 Armenia grave in each m2 of the east Turkish lands.. :))

well if that were the case, then it means Armenian graves make for good fertilizer....you guys have good fruit and vegetables

the Armenian issue is just a political issue; smear campaign against Turkish nation. Ignore them and stand firm.
what Islam is in Turkey? when you send your sister to college with out wearing hijab.

how can you do that?

you people have disgraced your rich ancestry by kissing western AS$.

I am muslim, im drinking but i believe to islam so then what am i :S ?
And i hate you indians are snoop.A man/woman if she want to drink, she can drink.You cant stop her.Its her choice.
I wonder you indians believe to what ? Do you think all indians are faithfull ? Dont be sure...
what Islam is in Turkey? when you send your sister to college with out wearing hijab.

how can you do that?

you people have disgraced your rich ancestry by kissing western AS$.

you have no idea what the hell you're talking about, dude
Better secular turkey than rule of religious hedonism and fanaticism

Glad you agree with that. I strongly support Turkish rationality.

BTW whats with India hate towards Ataturk??

No. Actually, Indians appreciate what Ataturk did for his country from the beginning. In fact, I have read about the man and I got to say; I am really impressed. He is everything that Gandhi was not. And for a good reason.

Reading too much deoband mullah propaganda??

Now you believe we got nutters too? Thank goodness. I am happy that you see it.

By the way, Indian pointing fingers towards Turks should have a look in their own collar first. Nowadays, I rarely see even Indian Muslim girls to be decently dressed. I have filed a complain against my friend door neighbors, who are an Indian Muslim family from Hyderabad. Their two girls of age 14 - 15 are always wandering around the building in almost semi-nude attire which is disgusting!

Don't bother. It is their will. Let them do what they want. You can advise someone but to force such a thing that is not doing any harm to another will not be taken positively by the girls.
Have you been to Turkey? Only big metropol cities like Istanbul are very diverse with all kind of covered and other types of women.. Anatolian cities still strongly faithfull.

Istanbul is like Karachi in the sense that we call Karachi ''little Pakistan'' and Istanbul (unlike before) is now becoming like ''little Turkiye''

in any large city --especially a metropolis with large financial sector and other sectors -- there will be major rural to urban migration (as the jobs are there)

I remember during my years in Istanbul, there were many different enclaves. There was Levent -- the financial district. You wont see many hijaby girls, mostly people in western professional clothes. You had European side of Istanbul (especially Beyoglu) where you see the real mix of religious and non-religious people; the MOST important thing is that people mind their own damn business. Of course you have areas like Uskudar and Umraniye (lots of conservative Kurds) -- those areas you see some beards and women observing purdah. Again, nobody bothers eachother. At least i never saw people bothering eachother.

outside of Istanbul, of course in rural areas people will be more religiously observant. This isn't a phenomenon seen in just Turkiye (or Pakistan to a greater degree). Even in USA in more rural and remote regions or states, people are more religious and conservative in their views.

i dont know who this indian is who is trying to use PDF as a platform to speak against Turkiye, but its not justified at all. Ataturk was a fantastic soldier and a visionary leader. There's a reason why he's a legendary figure in Turkiye. It's great that they have profound respect for father of their nation. He did so much for the modern Turkish Republic. He suffered a lot in his private life (he had no life of his own --he devoted it all towards his country)
@Selim I

What did Ataturk say? it doesn't matter for us coz we can not judge him. But he is still founder of modern Turkiye. We respect him and love him as founder. You people must leave his alone with his beliefs. If you are muslim and believe Islam its your own opinion.

If he would, he could stop your grands to believe Islam. But he didnt do that and left everyone alone whit their beliefs !!!

He was wise and kind a man. You can not be thoughtful and respectful unlike him.

Do not criticize his beliefs coz no body gave you this right to judge him. Thanks to Allah most of Turks are not like you. They are thoughtful and respectful. As being a muslim, I dont care what didd he say or do? I just care what did he do for us and Islam. And i believe he made a lot things, he achieved perfect things for our nation.
M. K Ataturk's problem was not with Islam itself, but with the people in charge who didn't understand anything about it and yet be in strong positions leading, deciding the peoples fate, they misused the religion for different political, economical gains, the people were kept dumb. 90 % couldn't even write or read!

Besides m.k. Ataturk knew Islam much better then you would think, it is not a ordinairy man, he is a sophisticated person who probably had much more knowledge, and much higher understanding then most of todays so called syekhs.

But still I'm not saying that he was a religious person that's something between him and God. Heck how many of our prime ministers or president's were religious until now? As far as I understand, some use a nationalist feelings of the people, others pretend to be true religious to get the votes. They're all the same, I personallu trust no politician because th simply are just FAKE! Atleast m.k ataturk did something real for the nation, he was on the battlefields alongside the army. At one point he gave them the order to die! And they did! That's what I call a leader. One who you can trust, if he says I don't order you to attack, but I order you to die! And they did, because they believed in his true leadership. Today I won't even lift my finger if all those politicians unite and orders me to do!!! That's the differnce.

Mk was not an religious person, he was a true leader which is more needed to lead the nation, to manage a country proporly you need real states men not a cleric! If however you need spiritual guidence, you can go to the mosque, its between you and God, don't have to show it offf, or make propaganda about it. M.K. Have not forbid anyone to do this!

Btw how can the State be Islamic, or muslim, it doesn't have an afterlife function, its only purpose is to serve people, provide security, rule of law. It has no life after death?
Just ignore the flamer, he will probably get permanent banned. I do agree about the Ataturk part though. The problem with today's Turkey is that people think he was a Muslim hero, when in fact he was a strong opposer of Islam, which was very clear in many of his speeches and the policies he implemented.

You speak about Turkey like a super nation, Turkey was on same level as the worse African nations for 7 decades until AKP took over and transformed the country. But indoctrinated people will never be able to understand that. Some think that critizing certain policies of Ataturk is against their nature that is filled with extreme hatred. If you have points then come with your sources and do it in a human way, instead of cursing and insulting a fellow member just because you don't agree with him. That shows just how narrow-minded and ignorant you are, children aged 3-6 do that in Denmark. Oh sorry, children know that cursing wont get them anywhere, their parents slap them when they curse. But you "internet warriors" think cursing behind your screen you are something. You have the worst kind of personality, which is extreme ignorance.
The people called this man “AtaTurk“ aka father of the Turks, one more they named him Kahraman which means HERO. They didn't do this for no reason. I actually don't try to defend the personality M.Kemal here, but if you insult him for being a" double faced" it goes much deeper as this person represent TURKLUK, the Turks. Understand that before him the Turks didn't even exist as a nation! It isn't something gained for free! So if you insult our founding father of the nation and the republic, I will reply the same. Because you're not only insulting him but also everythiinh what he represents, the nation, the republic,the flag, the army and our martyrs aswell!!! Shame on you! Shame!

And if you didn't have bad intentions you would never try to bash him and start to insult him on a international forum.
And besides we already have some sort of reform in Turkiye regardinf M.K, nobody really cares anymore, its not like they praise him all the time like it used to be, everybody writes and talks about him whatever they wish, but what I'm asking for is just don't insult those people man, what the hell do you think you will achieve by calling him amunafik, kafirn unislamic?? He came lived his life, accomplished his missions and left, that was the best he could do that's it! I don't even ask you to show respect but atleast don't insult those men. Because if you look now, you can see that he putted us on the right track, look around you we have been succesfull now thanks to his vision. I'm not saying it was perfect, lots of people suffered but in the end we are better of any country around us even some of most develloped countries. He was able to show us this direction, from now on let's see what we can do for country and people!! Just reconize bro!! He was right, and showed us the right direction!
That's all!
And besides we already have some sort of reform in Turkiye regardinf M.K, nobody really cares anymore, its not like they praise him all the time like it used to be, everybody writes and talks about him whatever they wish, but what I'm asking for is just don't insult those people man, I don't even ask you to show respect but atleast don't insult those men. Because if you look now, you can see that he putted us on the right track, look around you we have been succesfull now thanks to his vision. I'm not saying it was perfect, lots of people suffered but in the end we are better of any country around us even some of most develloped countries. He was able to show us this direction, from now on let's see what we can do for country and people!! Just reconize bro!! He was right, and showed us the right direction!
That's all!

First you insult him with the harshest curses i have seen in this forum, later you delete and edit your posts to make you look differently. I guess you represent your idol very good, constantly changing color. From "aq" to "bro", you need medical attention.

I hope you will get permanently banned, because you have no manner. Your insults and curses just show your qualities as a human being.
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