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[Gallery] Iranian Armed Forces

Thank you and very impressive. They have done the HUD and slaved the ball and the cannon to the helmet. That is really impresive. However one last question remains... can the ball track the TOW missile to allow the gunner to keep the cross hair on the target while the helo manovers. The first photo shows only the canon no TOW missile is hanging from the pylon...it is possible they have done away with the wire guided missile version and have gone to laser beam riders or even fire and forget version...amazing achivments..
they did it with cobra i think i do not know about toofan

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Thaks for the info..I just hope they have built more than just a few but I guess getting the engines will be an issu.

I suspect that this is an upgrade for existing AH-1Js and AH-1Ts. I have never seen proof that Iran can build the engines and transmissions on its own.
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an image from a parallel world. the WTC skyscrapers are there, shah is in power... image is exotic.
It reminds me of the tv series "Fringe" from a couple of years back,this featured an alternate reality with a non destroyed twin towers and a cold war era "star wars" abm system.I honestly wouldnt be surprised if in this reality iran was run by reza jr.
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I suspect that this is an upgrade for existing AH-1Js and AH-1Ts. I have never seen proof that Iran can build the engines and transmissions on its own.
Of course they can't and last 40 years they get engines from US...for god sake turn on your brains, aircrafts and helicopters had to be maintained and overhauled even If you kept them conserved.... Without production these couldn't fly after 10 years...as any other aircrafts
Of course they can't and last 40 years they get engines from US...for god sake turn on your brains, aircrafts and helicopters had to be maintained and overhauled even If you kept them conserved.... Without production these couldn't fly after 10 years...as any other aircrafts

Maintenance and Overhaul does not equal building Entire engines and transmissions. If Iran could build the Engines and transmissions they would have built new helicopters instead of keeping 50 year old helicopters fleet operational!
Maintenance and Overhaul does not equal building Entire engines and transmissions. If Iran could build the Engines and transmissions they would have built new helicopters instead of keeping 50 year old helicopters fleet operational!
toofans are iranian maded however their engines were not iranian.
Of course they can't and last 40 years they get engines from US...for god sake turn on your brains, aircrafts and helicopters had to be maintained and overhauled even If you kept them conserved.... Without production these couldn't fly after 10 years...as any other aircrafts
Maaaaybe Iran was able to buy some US engines ilegally(loopholes in sanctions regime) or from other countries(probably illegally too). Iran ending up with US engines =/= evidence US is intentionally selling IRan engines.
Isolationism was mostly your choice man... You weren't exactly friendly with the outside world:
Iran hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You shouldn't blame "luck" for people not seeking diplomatic relations with you.
I remember reading something on 70ies Iran and from what I remember;
Iranian conservatists being even annoyed by tourists coming to Iran

what did you expect would happen after these people coming to power?

I am worried for Turkey too... but we have a few fail-safes to prevent sharia from taking over.
Turkish Army most importantly.

How about now? Are you still sure about what you said 3.5 years ago? No offend, I am outsider, just curious.
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