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[Gallery] Iran - Iraq war

Lt. Gen. Hussein Salem died from a disease April 26, 2014 after a long illness at 11:15 in the city of Istanbul in Turkey, known as one of the finest leaders of the armed forces.

Born in Mosul in 1935 , one of the 33 graduates of the military academy, where he was the first of the session of the Iraqi Military Academy, sent to the British Royal Academy ( Sandhurst ) and graduated in 1956 as a Lieutenant in the infantry. Commander of the eighth ( elite Muthanna forces ) in the Iraqi army in 1980 , then commander of the Second Corps of the Iraqi army in 1983.
He then served as the post of Deputy Chief of Army Staff of the Department, and later served as a military adviser to the commander of the armed forces. To the fact that the late officers in the Iraqi army, the elite Bassel has worked as a professor ( platoon commander ) at the Iraqi Military Academy. Then came as one of the elite officers of the founding of the University of pristine for Higher Military Studies (after rounds in the Supreme Soviet Military Academy ( Vrunza ) , and the Indian Military Academy ( and Ylang Tun ). Took part in the Israeli-Arab wars ( 1967 / 1968 / 1969 ) , and Yom Kippur War in October 1973 AD , the war in the north and Iran-Iraq war.


Mahmra city 1980

Iraqi soldiers in Mahmra port Iran

battle of jazeera 1987


Damaged bridge after Iraqi airstrike

1988 - Iraqi soldiers celebrate


Khafaji battle - captured Iraq gen.

Northern Iraq - AA gunner
66 brigade special forces

من أبـطال ألـقآدسية ... الأسير الفريق الركن صابر عبد العزيز الدوري ( عميد ركن آنذاك ) ,, أثناء إحدى جولات إستطلاع جبهات القتال , قاطع عمليات خانقين ,
عندما كان قائداً لقيادة قوات العباس ( الفرقة ١٧ المدرعة ) ,, عام ١٩٨٤م وتفقد القطعات العسكرية للفرقة و المتجحفلة معها

Iraqi troops fire at Iranian positions


This picture taken after Iraqi troops retook al Faw in Basra





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@Serpentine why the f** none of iranian moderators check this thread ? why the hell these Iraqis are posting the pictures of their massacre and nobody cares ? they can make one thread in their own section and post what the f** ever they want but not in our section
@Serpentine why the f** none of iranian moderators check this thread ? why the hell these Iraqis are posting the pictures of their massacre and nobody cares ? they can make one thread in their own section and post what the f** ever they want but not in our section

I think it's for thread purpose. He's Shia if I'm correct.
@Serpentine why the f** none of iranian moderators check this thread ? why the hell these Iraqis are posting the pictures of their massacre and nobody cares ? they can make one thread in their own section and post what the f** ever they want but not in our section
This thread is called Iran-Iraq war pics, not Iran war pics and whether you like it or not, sad things have happened in the war and by not posting them, you can't hide the truth. Actually I welcome Iraqi members to post pics from the other side of the war. Saddam was a maniac bastard, but that doesn't mean we should censor ourselves.
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