@Full Moon, first of you got a really good answer from
@drmeson. IMO all of his points are balanced and spot on.
The more views you gather the better understanding you will have. So your approach is sound. However I would strongly suggest you to actually visit Iran. First hand information (Iranians) in the correct context (Iran) is key for good understanding.
Iranians not being in peace with their religion is IMO a too big of a generalisation. I get your point because I have met individuals that, as you describe, are not at peace with themselves and their religion. However there are large portion of the population who are believers and in total peace with themselves. Personally I prefer the Iranians who are true muslims compared to many other Iranians, especially the culture-less-LA-wannabe-nose-surgery-fakes. Mind you I am not a practicing muslim myself.
You having met many Iranians probably know that we have no abundance of self confidence. Iran has been run over by many different nationalities. All of them are inferior to us lol
Joking aside. Personally I think the strength of Iran is the fact that it is such a melting pot with so many influence. I embrace them all, from Greek to Roman to Byzantine to Arab to Mongol to Ottoman. Fact of the matter is that we have influenced all of the invaders so that they themselves carry parts of our culture with them.
Specifically regarding the Sassanian down fall. It was for the best. Iran was exhausted from a 600 years of war with the Roman and then the Byzantine empires. At the time there was a devastating civil war as well.
Let's agree to disagree. I really don't see Iranians core-belief being that the fall of Sassanian dynasty being the most horrendous disaster.
Kul att se en till iranier-svenska här!
Tack för förklaringen! Jag tycker ändå att han håller god ton. Alltså, de andra medlemmarna från SA är helt från vettet, dem kan man inte ens ha en logisk konversation med. Sen tycker jag att det är kul med lite motstånd. Det kan bli lite för mycket ryggdunkningar i det här forumet ibland