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FSA using ISRAEL-Made Arms


Balloons are accurate. ErDOGan Puppet, Saudi Puppet, Both Puppets of Israel.

Saudi and Arab Salafis were installed by West, And Turkey and the Turkish Pan Turk People Lost Their Islam a long time ago with Ataturk to Destroyed the Ottoman Khilafat.

Turkey Hosts American Patriot Missiles
Turkey Gave Israeli "Kufar" Jets a airbase to Attack Iraq, Iran.

This is accurate. I would like to add that
Iran is also an Israeli puppet, so is Russia and China. We sent curiosity to the moon to make the Martians our puppets. expect an alien invasion that targets our one and only true enemy the country of Andorra. Their masterminds are so genius that no one except us even suspect them :(

In fact you Rustam is also an Israeli puppet! you just don't know it. I have a Button right in front of me that makes you post unintelligent posts, I press it every morning.

Oops, just pressed it...
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As for OP, this was already discussed in the Syria thread, here's what I said there:

That's one funny video! I am sure that it serves it purpose among the random Syrian but it won't do here on the forum. Those mortars are Florescent light bombs. Now why would Israel go through all the trouble of supplying a weapon that works against a para-military force like the FSA? something they would never use!
Coincidentally all of those weapons are at least 10+ year old, lets reminisce who had access to few Israeli arms at that period?

Anyone with half a brain will realize that should Israel supply weapons to the FSA they would not have hand writing in Hebrew. Funny how on the one had people blame Israel for masterminding and executing world domination, but have no problem to accept Israel is sloppy enough to dump Israeli made weapons with Hebrew writings...
Only a fanatical mind can accept the inconsistency.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/middle...iscussions-thread-2-a-107.html#ixzz2VtGVMVEf\
The Ones They Named Kufar to Mock Dead Muslims from the strikes.

Actually Cfir is a biblical word for lion, which is rarely used in modern Hebrew, we also have an infantry brigade that goes by that name.
Actually Cfir is a biblical word for lion, which is rarely used in modern Hebrew, we also have an infantry brigade that goes by that name.

Why bother replying to a mentally-ill.

FSA have AK 47s...Is Russians Behind arms supply to FSA

LawLz, not this time, you no longer need to refute his claims, the Saudis are the ones arming the FSA. And nothing Iran can do about it.
LawLz, not this time, you no longer need to refute his claims, the Saudis are the ones arming the FSA. And nothing Iran can do about it.

One Is Arming Al qaida backed FSA and the Another one Arming Assad and Hizbullah to claim their Weapons are Battle proven
One Is Arming Al qaida backed FSA and the Another one Arming Assad and Hizbullah to claim their Weapons are Battle proven
maybe not Al Qaida but very probably the extremist Islamist groups
they are many now in Syria and FSA didn't have any choice to accept they are the real fighters in Syria now
Many nations produce Israeli made weaponry under license and may have supplied the FSA with them. The French an example of such a nation. Syria itself may have had stockpiles of Israeli weapons either through arms deals with these nations or captured during the 73 war. Anyone want to see an Egyptian soldier use an Uzi?
France didn't supply any weapon yet.
They are waiting Obama decision.
Yet you offer to Host Israeli F-21 Kfir Fighter Jet.
The Ones They Named Kufar to Mock Dead Muslims from the strikes.


Yo, pinnacle of human evolution. Kfir means little lion in Hebrew...a cub..learn to read.
Yo, pinnacle of human evolution. Kfir means little lion in Hebrew...a cub..learn to read.

Romans and Persians Flourished in Fields of Science, Civilization and Culture at a time when Europeans lived in Caves and Treetops. Iran is 7000 Years old. Dont talk to be about evolution, your entire language is a contribution of Latin and Persian. You are a inferior people with barely a thousands years of History and behind all world problems.

I am not Hebrew, I am Persian, and that word was put there for the sole reason In Arabi Kafir means "Non Beliver". Regardless of the meaning, the sole point doesn't change, Israel KILLED TURKISH CIVILIANS in the flotilla heading to Gaza in 2010, and TUIRKEY does nothing but instead offer to Host Israeli F-21 "Kfir" Fighter Jets.

As for Hebrew, even though our great ancestors such as Kurosh (Cyrus the Great) had to free your Hebrews "Banu Israel" from a life of Slavery from BABYLON, and gave your HEBREW permission to enter Jerusalem after we built you the Second Temple. That Was what we did 3000 years ago. And today you invade, cause holocausts, murder millions in cold blood, fund terrorists, install dictators and loot others. As far as we go, its you chastity belt characterless valueless inferior race of disposables who need to "evolve" from Barbarians and Parasites. You are not even human to look past the destruction you cause beyond your own "tribe". You are a burden to all of Humanity and have been ever since the romans had to civilize you from a life of "treetop monkeys" according to their journals which was roughly two thousand years ago with Christianity, another middle eastern religion,
Romans and Persians Flourished in Fields of Science, Civilization and Culture at a time when Europeans lived in Caves and Treetops. Iran is 7000 Years old. Dont talk to be about evolution, your entire language is a contribution of Latin and Persian. You are a inferior people with barely a thousands years of History and behind all world problems.

I am not Hebrew, I am Persian, and that word was put there for the sole reason In Arabi Kafir means "Non Beliver". Regardless of the meaning, the sole point doesn't change, Israel KILLED TURKISH CIVILIANS in the flotilla heading to Gaza in 2010, and TUIRKEY does nothing but instead offer to Host Israeli F-21 "Kfir" Fighter Jets.

As for Hebrew, even though our great ancestors such as Kurosh (Cyrus the Great) had to free your Hebrews "Banu Israel" from a life of Slavery from BABYLON, and gave your HEBREW permission to enter Jerusalem after we built you the Second Temple. That Was what we did 3000 years ago. And today you invade, cause holocausts, murder millions in cold blood, fund terrorists, install dictators and loot others. As far as we go, its you chastity belt characterless valueless inferior race of disposables who need to "evolve" from Barbarians and Parasites. You are not even human to look past the destruction you cause beyond your own "tribe". You are a burden to all of Humanity and have been ever since the romans had to civilize you from a life of "treetop monkeys" according to their journals which was roughly two thousand years ago with Christianity, another middle eastern religion,

:omghaha: lol, seriously....:lol:

Mind if i ask, you got your period today?

btw son, the same Romans who you claim were not European ransacked your kingdom several times, correct?
And another European, burned down the capitol and chased your defeated king until his cousin killed him?
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