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FSA kills Russian general in Syria

He was an advisor and thus he was a combatant. Nothing but a foreign mercenary. And so in a war you kill the combatants of the other side it is as easy that. Be it a soldier or a general.

saudi once again supporting terrorist acts in other countries......nothing new....FSA is nothing but hired goons by power who themselves are dictatorship.....lol at FSA and their democracy.... they proved that they are terrorist the day they killed defence minister in suicide attack......
I honestly don't know who to root for in this conflict.

On one side is Assad, backed by Hezbollah, Iran, Russia and China. Is a cruel and ruthless dictator.

On the other side are the rebels are backed by Sunni powers and some what by USA. They want to bring in democracy but might end up ushering in an extremist Sunni government which will persecute the large non-sunni minorities in Syria and damage the Christian relics that are in Syria and might become a hot bed of Al Qaeda terrorists.

If I had to choose, I would go for Assad.

Even though he is ruthless, under him Syria is a stable country. And I prefer the Stability of a Dictator over the chaos of Pseudo Democracy.
Isnt it hilarious that GCC themselves ruled by kings and sheikhs want to bring democracy with usa hlep in Syria.:D

saudi once again supporting terrorist acts in other countries......nothing new....FSA is nothing but hired goons by power who themselves are dictatorship.....lol at FSA and their democracy.... they proved that they are terrorist the day they killed defence minister in suicide attack......
Saudis always supported terrorists world over and its the other countries like iraq etc get punished.reason being KSA is outright slave of usa.
Isnt it hilarious that GCC themselves ruled by kings and sheikhs want to bring democracy with usa hlep in Syria.:D

Saudis always supported terrorists world over and its the other countries like iraq etc get punished.reason being KSA is outright slave of usa.

Saudis don't want to bring democracy.

They just want to remove a pro-Iranian Shia Governemnt from Syria and use Democracy as a vehicle to install a Sunni in power in Syria.

In Bahrain where Sunnis are a minority, the Saudis backed the Government, because Democracy will bring a Shia to power.
In Iraq where Sunnis are a minority, Saudis were against the invasion, because Democracy will bring Shias to power.
In Syria, where Sunnis are a majority, Saudis support intervention, because Democracy will bring Sunnis to power.

And same goes for Iran. Iran wanted to bring Democracy to Bahrain, because Shias will get elected and is supporting a Assad because they know once Assad gets removed, this Shia Axis that they have formed with Iraq, Lebanon and Syria will disintegrate.

Both Iran and Saudi Arabia are hypocrites and are using Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Bahrain, Yemen in their Sunni-Shia Cold War.
This is a very foolish and emotional move by FSA, they could have used the general as a bargain chip to soften the Russian stance. Now they are appearing like Taliban 2 in the making!

This will encourage the Russian to move in their equipment and men in the name of securing their intrests and Assad government will give them a "come as you please" visa!

Those calling FSA a terrorist organisation should answer that who started killing the civilians first? Assad or FSA? I find it extremely hilarious to see Pakistanis taking the sides in this conflict. Pakistan itself is being over run by such "FSA" created 20 years ago.

every state in the world when challenged take same actions.....what do you think no civillians got killed in balouchistan, or fata, swat, waziristan, indian kashmir, yemen, afghanistan, egypt, iran, saudi arabia, ......... FSA is a terrorist organization, i like westren countries want democracy in other countries as well because they themselves are democracy ..... but i will never support hired goons by wahabi mullahs who thwmselves are dictatorship using other cou tries for their proxy wars and killing civillians in between..... and for what so that tbey can weak shia iran influence ....or to spread their own ver of islam (i.e in pakistan)....
saudi once again supporting terrorist acts in other countries......nothing new....FSA is nothing but hired goons by power who themselves are dictatorship.....lol at FSA and their democracy.... they proved that they are terrorist the day they killed defence minister in suicide attack......

It wasn't a suicide attack. It was 3 suit case bombs placed in tue conference room.
if I am assad. I will give independence to kurdish people and try to unify with kurdish to defeat FSA.
if I am assad. I will give independence to kurdish people and try to unify with kurdish to defeat FSA.

Same kurds whos under the control of America? What you are talking about will only serve Americans' and Israel's hand in middle-east , my chinese friend you dont know a shxt about current players in this game please inform yourself.
Same kurds whos under the control of America? What you are talking about will only serve Americans' and Israel's hand in middle-east , my chinese friend you dont know a shxt about current players in this game please inform yourself.
kurds are not actualy under control of Usa. they are like pandoras box.
It doesn't matter what side your on the reality is now that the situation is a full blown civil war. The FSA has backers, safe havens, and a very large population to draw fighters from. This coupled with sanctions will bleed the Assad regime till it collpases. And there isn't much Iran or Russia can do about it unless they want to start a regional war. While Iran's Mullahs might be open to it Russia has far more to lose then gain from it. While they would really like to keep the base at Tartus. Moscow is not dumb they won't see it as worth the price to intervene directly.

They would be better to throw thier support to the rebels and make a deal to keep Tartus once Assad falls. Even Russia knows Assads days are numbered which is why they stopped arms sales.

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