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Friendly Fire Incident between Iranian vessels in the Persian Gulf


Oct 5, 2016
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Rumors of a major incident occurring in the Persian gulf. Iranian vessel may be struck by missiles. Allegedly, it was friendly fire.

Strong possibility all crew on board are martyred. Major signs of friendly fire strike during live fire military exercises. Live ship mistakenly targeted instead of decoy. Allegedly, Noor Anti-ship cruise missile launched by the Jamaran Frigate honed in on the final stage of flight into the Iranian vessel (Konarak) instead of the nearby decoy target. Lack of communication between the vessels pointed to as the underlying cause.

The Konarak vessel as seen on the first image of the post is clearly not well suited to withstand a strike from a Noor missile. I fear all on board are martyred and the vessel destroyed.
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اگر خودی هم زده باشه باز دوباره بدجوری ریدن. هنوز داستان زدن هواپیما تموم نشده یکی دیگه آغاز شده​

چه کسی به آمریکا احتیاج دارد. ما در حمله به خودمان بهترین هستیم

We don't know if this is an attack or friendly fire yet.
خدا کنه تکذیب شه، واقعی باشه دیگه آبرویی براون نمی مونه.
اگر آنها می توانند موشکی را با قایق خود پرتاب کنند ، تصور کنید که آنها برای آمریکایی ها چه خواهند کرد
America did it?
America did it?
Nope. It was friendly fire. Apparently one of our frigates (Jamaran) has shot it instead of targeting the decoy.
We're still waiting for the news to be confirmed.

It’s saying the ship Andijan was targeted by another one of their ships kinaran... but they are further saying that the news isn’t confirmed yet. So it could be USA.
You can't read Persian. Can you? Because it's not saying what you said. And it's Konarak, not Andijan. Hendijan is the class. And the attacker was Jamaran.
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Nope. It was friendly fire. Apparently one of our frigates (Jamaran) has shot it instead of targeting the decoy.
We're still waiting for the news to be confirmed.

You can't read Persian. Can you? Because it's not saying what you said. And it's Kenarak, not Andijan. Hendijan is the class. And the attacker was Jamaran.

Yea you’re right my mistake...
Some people are saying 40 missing, others are saying 40 dead?
May be the war gaming was sabotaged through jamming, ew?
Anyone know what kind of missile they fired at it?

Apparently the entire ship itself may have sunk but this is not confirmed yet
May be the war gaming was sabotaged through jamming, ew?
The alleged story is that Jamaran fired a Noor missile too early before Konarak could ensure a safe distance from the decoy. The seeker recognized Konarak as the target instead of the decoy and hit it.
Poor coordination at its finest.
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