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French court confirms ban on 'burkinis' in city's swimming pools

It is quite deplorable really. There were many who were contemptuous of TLP when they wanted to snap ties with France. And I was frankly among them. In retrospect, they were right. It is time Pakistan and all Muslim countries take a firm stand with France as they have done with blasphemous behaviour by Indians.

How does banning women from wearing a burkini out of choice increase their freedom?
Looking at this directly, it looks like a restriction. But then you have to account for the fact that most religious households are lead by conservative men. And there is pressure from the society, since people tend to band in their own closed groups.
Anyone who talks to women from conservative families knows that they always complain about restrictions from their families, even while maintaining a facade at home.

2) Objectively, why should a society that encourages women to show more skin be considered to have superior protection of women’s rights than one that discourages such?
More skin show isn't inherently superior. Forcing/coercing conservatism is inherently inferior, though.
Further, conservative pressure frequently involves violence.
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The driveway gets wet when it rains, the driveway is wet therefore it must have rained !
@Apollon in real life:
Erm just no. True equality is you don't tell women what they can or cannot wear. Wether she wears a full covering or wears a string bikini that is her business and no one else's.
Hilarious calling this equality.

That being said if they say this is our rules and tough that's fine it is their country.
@waz bhai.

The government in France is not a true secular government. It is more anti-religion called lacitie.
Bikini is not European custom or culture. Just 50 years ago women were fined on European beaches for wearing bikini
I saw picture of nurses wearing 'bikinis' in the Pacific during the war. They were so large that you could barely see anything. Almost a case of T-shirt and shorts.

There has been a change in the West, this wouldn't be Western custom fifty years ago.
French will enforce nude only swimming in public pools just to spite Muslims. other suggestion
1- only topless dinners
2- bikinis as school uniform from grade 9
3- mini skirts with no panties in all public and private offices.
4- all govt office dealing with public must have entrance doors no taller than 2.5 feet and public needs to crawl thru the entrance doors........while following dress code described in no 3.

Take that you Muslims.

p.s. to any French policy makers...if you read this post and like my suggestions please talk to me I have lot more where this came from....at a cost off course
This reminds one of back when pakistanis burnt their own streets in protest of some french statement.
Why do we need to concern ourselves with bathing attire in a faraway part of the world and work up a frenzy over it.
Most of these muslim women are probably Moroccan/Algerian who can barely find Pakistan on a map, try marrying one, and they will be quick to let you know Pakistanis are not good enough for them to marry.
Meanwhile maniacs will burn down a city for their clothing problems, surreal.

but arabs willbe arabs thats why god humilates them.

Is that the reason why the most beautiful Greek women ended up in Ottoman harems at that time?

Even today most of the young Greek women date with foreigners specially Muslim and African when they are 15-30 and then after 30-35+ marry a stable white dude as backup plan

greek on here get pi st becuase like indians they got small l u n d therefore take out frustration out on Muslim issues.
Why dont men have to wear burka or cover up at beach? Explain please

because men are attracted to women its way God created us and even science proves

women are also attracted to men but not in the same way and women have much more control over themselves

human nature is that man will always been attracted to women and if women are exposed it makes attraction worse and can lead to fornication and sexual acts before marriage if man is not married

I guess its opposite to you lot since you change your gender more times than I go to the toilet and do all the unnatural things
The french are the biggest hypocrites and racists on earth.

In France anything anti muslim is defended as freedom of speech. They go out of their way to insult muslims...

but This provokes absolute outrage.


The zionists/macron erupted into rage over this "anti-semitic, racisssssst" mural that had to be removed ASAP.

Dont you dare mention the oversized influence zionists with dual loyalties to the zionist entity have on western politicians.... Freedom of speech ends, where the zionist "jew" begins.
Muslim Countries : Can't wear Bikini's (Western idiots , Bark Bark Bark women are free to wear what they want)
Western Countries : Banned Burkini's, we will not let women wear what they want to..

I mean their hate for Islam is no secret but now its openly seeing the day of light, maybe because Islam is still the fastest growing religion in west.
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