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Freedom of speech is 'universal' right, Michelle Obama tells China

I think you are again getting confused between the constitution as a document vs. any single article / law . No law is refereed to be supreme by itself over another in the constitution. that's not how we speak of it in this country

It is you who is confused and is backpeddling to salvage himself.

The Constitution is a legal document, and its tenets are supreme.

No one here is talking about conflicts within the Constitution. Only you brought it up to try yet again to muddy the waters and find a way out of your quandary.

We are debating when a lesser law (i.e. not explicitly written in the Constitution) conflicts with a clause in the Constitution. When that happens, the Constitution wins.

Every time.
Why? Because the Constitution is supreme over all other laws.

Contrary to your claims, the US has the concept of hierarchy of laws and the Constitution sits at the top. The word 'supreme' implies a hierarchy and the word 'supreme' is written explicitly in the US Constitution.

I have addressed the specifics of Snowden. You are just having difficulty comprehending the difference in freedom of speech and his case. You seem to be finding it difficult to understand the notion, that just because a defendant feels he did something lawful makes it lawful. And by citing you relevant examples I am not diverting... rather hoping you would get it.

Your claims are written above where you claimed that freedom of speech was not a license to break laws.

When caught by your own lack of knowledge about the Snowden affair, you are jumping all over the place.
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Typical Razpak, if he is not busy insulting someones mother, he is insulting someone's wife :crazy:

His wife is not being insulted. Just his mentality.

I have no interest in his wife.

But honor is not a word in Indian vocabulary, so I cannot expect you to understand. Bharti.
Typical Razpak, if he is not busy insulting someones mother, he is insulting someone's wife :crazy:

his cousin is out for the night...
It is you who is confused and is backpeddling to salvage himself.

The Constitution is a legal document, and its tenets are supreme.

No one here is talking about conflicts within the Constitution. Only you brought it up to try yet again to muddy the waters and find a way out of your quandary.

We are debating when a lesser law (i.e. not explicitly written in the Constitution) conflicts with a clause in the Constitution. When that happens, the Constitution wins.

Every time.
Why? Because the Constitution is supreme over all other laws.

Contrary to your claims, the US has the concept of hierarchy of laws and the Constitution sits at the top.

Your claims are written above where you claimed that freedom of speech was not a license to break laws.

When caught by your own lack of knowledge about the Snowden affair, you are jumping all over the place.

man kinda sad that you don't even know what you post and get all confused over it. It was you who came citing the article as supreme law and as rebuttal to my freedom of speech comment to the Chinese fella .

it is you that also claims that just because snowden claimed he has the constitution on his side, made him breaking the law a-okay...let alone that claim was true.

This how silly you have stooped to, for the sake of arguing. that and the hilarious part of claiming i don't know what the guy did.

BTW when copy pasting something , please try to comprehend it?
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized
It was you who came citing the article as supreme law as rebuttal to my freedom of speech comment to the Chinese fella .

I brought in the Constitution because you brought in the concept of (breaking the) law.

it is you that also claims that just because snowden claimed he has the constitution on his side, made him breaking the law a-okay...let alone that claim was true.

I am not saying his breaking the law is OK. I am saying he broke a lesser law to be true to the supreme law, in his judgement.
Only a competent legal authority can decide if his judgement was correct and his actions were in accordance with the US Constitution. Until that time, the legality of his actions will remain undefined.
His wife is not being insulted. Just his mentality.

I have no interest in his wife.

But honor is not a word in Indian vocabulary, so I cannot expect you to understand. Bharti.

Grow up man, seriously :lol:
Yes in Islamic culture, kissing someone's wife would amount to beatings whereas in Brazil and some european countries, when a man meets a woman , the they kiss each other on the cheek as part of the greeting. Different cultures.
The highest law of the land in America is the US constitution. Snowden felt that lesser laws violated the supreme law.

Fourth Amendment | Constitution | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Fine...Then let the court weigh the sins of each party.

Snowden is an Assange-wannabe. There are many other ways he could have exposed the wrong doings of the government without endangering the military, the intelligence methods and operatives, and the diplomats, not just of US but of our allies. There would be no shortage of attorneys, low and high, who would have jumped at the chance to represent him. He would have allies in the Congress, as in both houses, and he would have been able to present his arguments in secret, without endangering the mentioned. His life would not be easy but if you think his life is easy now, you are delusional. How is Assange today ?
I brought in the Constitution because you brought in the concept of (breaking the) law.

I am not saying his breaking the law is OK. I am saying he broke a lesser law to be true to the supreme law, in his judgement.
Only a competent legal authority can decide if his judgement was correct and his actions were in accordance with the US Constitution. Until that time, the legality of his actions will remain undefined.

okay, I guess I will give this 15 mins for the sake of a laugh .

tell us what in article IV was broken? you say you know snowden's case right and his argument... go ahead tell me what part of the article you cited was broken ?

we know-

1. warrants were issued
2. we know snowden has many followers in the US that have NEVER EVER brought a challenge to the courts on any constitutional grounds. because they all know that it was done legally...
3. We know that nobody's name was associated with the data UNLESS another warrant was issued if person was suspected to have ties to terrorists.

so go ahead, entertain me with your arguments

Give me your wife for western formalities. Perhaps I can grant you some white points. :rofl:

In Brazilian culture, letting your wife sleep with your best friend is also a part of greeting. Why?

Because you people have no honor. No shame in hiding it. Just be outright and say that your people are honorless. It makes much more sense.

as I told you, you have an outlet to relive yourself... go for it.

and Brazilian cultures they allow wife's to sleep with others ? LOL

It is kind of funny that a mullah wanna be like you lives off our welfare in the US. How shallow do you have to be go live in country where your whabbi attitude is not welcome ...atleast we can thank you for your tax dollars that go to kill your ' same mentality' kind.
Universal, apparently, except for the likes of Mr. Snowden.
So how are those political dissidents in China ?

Ach...I forget...You live in the free West where it is easy to criticize the government without fear of secret polices.
okay, I guess I will give this 15 mins for the sake of a laugh .

tell us what in article IV was broken? you say you know snowden's case right and his argument... go ahead tell me what part of the article you cited was broken ?

we know-

1. warrants were issued
2. we know snowden has many followers in the US that have NEVER EVER brought a challenge to the courts on any constitutional grounds. because they all know that it was done legally...
3. We know that nobody's name was associated with the data UNLESS another warrant was issued if person was suspected to have ties to terrorists.

so go ahead, entertain me with your arguments

as I told you, you have an outlet to relive yourself... go for it.

and Brazilian cultures they allow wife's to sleep with others ? LOL

It is kind of funny that a mullah wanna be like you lives off our welfare in the US. How shallow do you have to be go live in country where your whabbi attitude is not welcome ...

Dear Ugly Yendian, who are you to question my citizenship?


Just because I am not a suck up and *** kisser like you means that my green card will be revoked?


You are more pathetic than Indians in general.
Or better yet, Chinese journalists should ask about it. All is fair in free speech and war.
When the Chinese journalists have the courage to ask about this man...

Liao Yiwu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We will take Chinese criticisms of our Freedom of Speech seriously.

But then again...I do not expect you, a Pakistani, to understand what is this 'Freedom of Speech' thingie...
Freedom of information, expression and belief should be considered "universal rights", Michelle Obama, the US first lady, told students in China on Saturday.

Speaking at Peking University on the second full day of a weeklong, bridge-building family tour of the country, Mrs Obama said:
"It is so important for information and ideas to flow freely over the internet and through the media."

"When it comes to expressing yourself freely, and worshipping as you choose, and having open access to information - we believe those are universal rights that are the birthright of every person on this planet," Mrs Obama told an audience of around 200 students.

"My husband and I are on the receiving end of plenty of questioning and criticism from our media and our fellow citizens, and it's not always easy

"But I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world."

Freedom of speech is 'universal' right, Michelle Obama tells China - Telegraph

Except in Harward in which the talented professor like swamy is removed as a faculty because of writing an article on Islamic terror in india.
Dear Ugly Yendian, who are you to question my citizenship?


Just because I am not a suck up and *** kisser like you means that my green card will be revoked?


You are more pathetic than Indians in general.

thank you for tax dollars that go to kill extremist like you... :P.
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