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Free West Bengal Now!

What a bunch of losers these bangladeshis can get?

There is no single insurgency movement in bengal. Plz before pointing maosists related incidents, understand what they are fighting for.. They want a change in style of governanace.. from democracy to Communism..Not a seperate country...
I find it rather funny that Bangladeshis abhor at the thought of having hindus as majority but they think that Hindus want to be as minority in Islamic Bangladesh..
Why you seek religion everywhere ? This is not a matter of religion this is a matter of culture & nationalism ?

I know many hindu bangladeshi families whose women have either been kidnapped and forcibly converted in Bangladesh.
So all this "Free West bengal Now!!" charade and fake bleeding heart towards bengali hindus in India is nothing but classic islamic mentality of dominating other religion's followers..
My challenge to you to give a single proof in favor of your statement . Bangladesh is not a Barbaric state where people are burnt for their religious belief like yours .
My challenge to you to give a single proof in favor of your statement . Bangladesh is not a Barbaric state where people are burnt for their religious belief like yours .

Oct 1990 The government imposed an indefinite curfew on older sections of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, amid mounting tension over the storming of the Babri Masjid (mosque) by Hindus in Ayodhya, India. The curfew was ordered after an attempt by protesters to set fire to Hindu temples in old sections of Dhaka. Police foiled the attempts, but the demonstrators seized cameras of newsmen outside the temple. Maulana F. H. Amini, the head of the fundamentalist party, Khelafat Andolan, protested a recent attack by Hindus on the Babri Mosque in India, but warned that any harm to Hindus in Bangladesh or damage to their property is not permissible under Islam (UPI, 10/31/90).

Feb 1991 The US Dept. of State Dispatch, 1990 Human Rights Report states that: A number of Hindu shops, temples, and homes in Chittagong, Dhaka, and other cities were attacked in October following an assault by Hindus on the Babri Mosque in Ayodhya. There were no confirmed deaths of Hindus in Bangladesh as the result of the rioting, although two or three Muslim looters were shot by police. As in 1989, there were reports of harassment, beatings, robbery, vandalism, and encroachment on property directed against non-Muslims.

Dec 1992 Muslims attacked and burnt down Hindu temples and shops across Bangladesh and disrupted an India-Bangladesh cricket match following the destruction of the Babri Masjid in India by Hindu fundamentalists. About 5,000 young men with rods and bamboo sticks tried to storm Dhaka National Stadium, but they were beaten back by police firing tear gas and rubber bullets. At least 10 people have died, many Hindu women have been raped, and hundreds of Hindu homes and temples have been destroyed.

Oct 1993 Hindus in Bangladesh have decided to curtail this year's Durga Puja (Hindu religious festival) celebrations beginning on the 21st in view of the "atrocities" committed against them following the demolition of the Babri Mosque in Ayodhya, All-India Radio reported (0245 gmt, 16 Oct. 1993). The Hindus have demanded that damaged and destroyed temples be repaired and that an inquiry be held into the attack on a Hindu religious procession in Dhaka in August.

Nov 1993 Several thousand Muslim radicals marched through the streets of Dhaka to demand the arrest and execution of Taslima Nasrin, a female Muslim author critical of male chauvinism and Islamic fundamentalism. Nasrin, 31, has received death threats for her novel "Lajja" (Shame), which condemns Muslim mobs that attacked Hindus in Bangladesh to avenge the destruction of the Babri Masjid in India. The government banned Lajja last July, six months after it was published. The campaign against Nasrin gained momentum last month after a little known group called the Council of the Soldiers of Islam placed a 50,000 taka price ($1,250) on her head at a public meeting in the conservative north-eastern district of Sylhet. The group claimed that Nasrin's books decried the Koran and the Prophet Mohammad, causing offence to the country's majority Muslim population.

Feb 1994 A 15th century temple housing a priceless record of Hindu history attracts thousands of devotees every year to remote Dinajpur, a town in the northernmost corner of Bangladesh. According to government archeology department records, it was built in 1452 by a Hindu Raja (King), who hired architects and artisans from the Mughal court in Delhi to build the temple. Every autumn, after the rainy season is over, nearly 100,000 Hindus and people from other faiths camp near the temple for a 3-week annual fair. Many also come from India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and other countries.

Jun 1994 The federal government has ordered the arrest of Taslima Nasrin, a feminist writer whose novel, Lajja (Shame), led to a fatwa (death threat) being issued against her by Islamicists. 3000 orthodox Muslims marched in the streets of Dhaka on June 3 to protest against her allegedly "anti-Islamic" remarks (Reuters, 06/04/94).

Aug 1994 Taslima Nasrin, the feminist Bangladeshi writer, has arrived in Sweden. She is in Sweden for a writer’s conference and has gone into hiding following death threats by orthodox Muslims. Nasrin's book, Lajja, describes how Hindu homes and temples were destroyed and Hindu women were raped following the 1992 destruction of the Ayodhya mosque in India (Reuters, 08/10/94).

Mar 1995 The US State Department's 1994 Report on Bangladesh's Human Rights Practices indicates that there were no major intercommunal incidents in 1994. However, the report states that the Hindu, Christian, and Buddhist minorities are still disadvantaged in terms of access to government jobs and political office. Further, Islamic extremists were reported to have violently attacked women, religious minorities, journalists, writers, and development workers (03/95).

Jun 1995 The leader of Bangladesh's opposition, Sheikh Hasina of the Awami League, says the religious rights of minorities in Bangladesh have been affected by constitutional changes. These changes led to the removal of secularism as a state principle in 1977 and the institution of Islam as the state religion in 1988. Prem Ranjan Dev, the leader of the Hindu community, called for the repeal of these amendments and for the government to rebuild Hindu temples that were destroyed in 1971 and 1993 (in the aftermath of the Ayodhya incident) (Deutsche Presse-Agentur, 06/09/95).
Jul 1995 The World Hindu Conference calls on the United Nations to investigate threats against the fundamental rights of Hindus residing in Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Kashmir (Reuters, 07/11/95).

Sep 1995 Prime Minister Khaleda Zia donates US $75,000 from the government’s welfare fund to a local trust for expanding Hindu temples and other facilities (Xinhua News Agency, 09/21/95).

Nov 1995 A recent study by a Roman Catholic relief organization, Misereor, says that while there is no major discrimination against religious minorities in Bangladesh, some discrimination is present in certain regions and there appears to be an increase in support for Islamic extremists (Deutsche Presse-Agentur, 11/09/95).
Jan 1996 The police storm dormitories reserved for Hindu and non-Muslim students at Dhaka University. Some 300 people are wounded and 95 arrested (United Press International, 02/04/96).

Mar 1996 The ruling Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) steps down amid protracted shutdowns and violent protests that have left 130 dead and thousands injured. A caretaker government will preside until federal elections are held in June (Deutsche Presse-Agentur, 04/25/96). The US State Department's 1995 Report on Bangladesh's Human Rights Practices indicates that property ownership by Hindus remains a contentious issue. In the early years following Bangladesh’s independence, many Hindus lost their land due to discriminatory legislation, which is still in place (03/96).

Jun 1996 Hindu leaders call for the reservation of parliamentary seats for religious minorities (Reuters, 06/14/96). The Awami League wins this month’s federal elections. Sheikh Hasina becomes Prime Minister. She is the daughter of Mujibur Rahman, the country’s first leader. Hindus have generally supported the Awami League. The opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) charges that the Awami League has a pro-India stance (Reuters, 06/14/96). The US-based National Democratic Initiative reports that Hindus in some areas of Bangladesh, including the Chittagong Hills, were intimidated and stopped from voting in the elections (Ibid.).

Aug 1997 Supporters of the opposition BNP, engaging in a nationwide strike, attack a Hindu religious procession in the Chittagong Hill Tracts region. No injuries are reported (Agence France Presse, 08/25/97).

Feb 1998 The leader of India’s Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party says that Pakistan and Bangladesh should reunite with India. Pakistan dismisses the suggestion as wishful thinking, contending that it reveals India’s hegemonistic ambitions (Agence France Presse, 02/09-11/98).
Mar 1998 Following elections in February, the Bharatiya Janata Party forms a new government in India. Later this month, the major opposition party in Bangladesh, the BNP, calls for a boycott of Indian goods. The BNP accuses the ruling Awami League of being pro-India (Deutsche Presse-Agentur, 03/29/98).

Jan 1999 Police are deployed in the western town of Kushtia after Islamic militants threaten to attack Hindu temples in retaliation for an alleged dishonor to the Koran. On their invitations to a local religious festival, the Hindu community had included a Koranic verse below a picture of a Hindu goddess. The youth front of the Islamic party, the Jamaat-i-Islami says this is blasphemy. Local Hindu leaders issue an apology (Deutsche Presse-Agentur, 01/15/99).

Mar 1999 Hindu women in Bangladesh are reported to suffer greater gender discrimination than Muslim women due to existing legislation that governs the religious community. Hindu women do not have any legal rights to inherit property and as no formal registration of Hindu marriages is required, Hindu women do not have the legal right to divorce. Under the country’s Muslim laws, Muslim women are allowed to divorce under compelling circumstances. While the government is in favor of amendments to the marriage and inheritance laws governing Hindus, it wants the impetus to come from the Hindu community as the government does not want to offend any religious sentiments (Inter Press Service, 03/01/99).

Jan 2, 2004 Thirty persons were injured, five of them seriously, when a group of armed men, led by a local BNP leader, allegedly set afire 20 houses belonging to minority Hindus in Natore district of Bangladesh yesterday (BBC Monitoring South Asia -- Political. 1/2/2004. "Thirty injured, 20 Hindu houses burnt in Bangladesh").

May 19, 2004 US Congressman Frank Pallone spoke out against the persecution of Hindu minorities in Bangladesh and warned the Bengali government, namely the BNP, not to actively undermine the harmony of the region (The Press Trust of India. 5/19/2004. "Pallone asks Bangladesh to stop persecution of minorities).

Oct 16, 2005 Hindu places of worship came under attack by suspected militant Muslim youths in northern Bangladesh. Additionally, five people were injured in an attack Saturday on a Hindu temple in the farming town of Peergacha. (Indo-Asian News Service. 10/16/2005. "Panic after temple, church attacks in Bangladesh")

Jun 8, 2006 Two people were chopped to death and four others seriously injured in an attack by Bengali miscreants at Sakokati village in Gournadi upazila, a local Hindu community. (United News of Bangladesh. 06/08/2006. "Two chopped to death, four injured in attack in Barisal")

Oct 4, 2006 At least 20 Hindus were injured in an attack by Bengali miscreants at Purbapara Kalibari Puja Mandap in Devidwar upazila Monday night. The group attacked on the mandap, damaged valuables, looted gold ornaments from women and beat up people indiscriminately leaving 20 injured (United News of Bangladesh. 10/04/2006. "20 injured in attack at a puja mandap in Comilla.")

Dec 20, 2006 BNP Chairwoman Khaleda Zia issued a statement that Hindus should break with the perception that the Awami League promotes their interests. Instead, they should focus their support on the BNP, which recognizes all Bengalis under one Bangladesh. (Indo-Asian News Service. 12/21/2006. "Zia asks Hindus not to be 'tied' to Awami League.")

MAR | Data | Chronology for Hindus in Bangladesh
বাঙ্গালি বাঙ্গালি ভাই ভাই আসেন সবাই এক হই ।
then why don't you come under india lets make a greater bengal state
ghore te nai noon are baire mithoon
West Bangal is that Bangladesh or India sorry ... don't have by geography cap on but if its west bangal should it not be part of Bangladesh ?
First of all, do you big kids realize that this thread is nearly two years old?

Secondly, the link is not working. Why are people even discussing without reading the damn source? Blind leading the blind?

Finally, are problems in WB a problem for Bangladesh? No.

West Bangal is that Bangladesh or India sorry ... don't have by geography cap on but if its west bangal should it not be part of Bangladesh ?

Actually, West Bengal is in India, not Bangladesh.
Republic of India do not lose the territory. it annexes or make other countries to lose though
1. W Bengal/Pashchim Bangla is truly IOB (Indian Occupied Bengal).The Northerners have never liked Bengalees. That is how Deshbandhu C R Das and Netaji Subash had to leave Congress. Netaji even had to flee. Bengalee Hindus have always opposed Brahmonic hegemony. In fact Brahmins are not indigenous but a few Brahmonic families were imported from Ujjaian by the rulers to provide them the religious advantage. Various reformist movements and teachers have arisen among Bengalee Hindus to thwart the Brahmonic hold. Ma Sarla Devi, Srikrishna Paramhansa, Swami Vivekanonda, Arobindo, Brahmo Samaj movement, Vidyasagar's fight for widow remarriage, etc and so on are innumerable examples.

2. Nehru had planned to annex W Bengal into Bihar - only to rescind in face of bloody protests. All ethnic groups or states have infantry regiment in the million man IA. Recently IA has raised The Sikkim Regt and The Arunachol Regt after The Ladakh Regt. But where is the Bengal Regt? PB/WB is one of the populous stats.

3. There is not a single Bengalee Indian who can call himself an Indian captain of commerce or industry. The Sahara man lives in UP. Dr Chatterjee, the most dynamic Bengalee entrepreneur who had constructed the Chtterjje International Centre as a pride of Bengalees, had to fling himself to death from top of his Center, such was the ill-treatment he was subjected to. The Duckback originally from Barisal is struggling hopelessly to remain in biz.

4. In the elite areas of Kolkata and other towns of PB/WB nobody speaks in Bengali. It's all Hindi and Hindi. Northerners have infiltrated even into villages setting up small shops, etc. All, reapeat all, smart, well educated and well to do Bengalees have migrated abroad or to other places in India. There are huge Bengalee concentrations in Mumbai, Madras, Pune, Bangalore and Hyderabad.

5. Yes WB/PB should free themselves of Indian hegemony. Bengal, Bihar, Orissa including NE had been a sovereign kingdom - our last, till 23 June 1757 when the English and the Hindu Priest of Bardawan conspired to sell us into slavery. Peoples of this region want to regain that self-contained, geopolitically sound, economically potential and resource rich sovereign entity. Yes, various ethnic, religious or linguastic groups could confederate or unite in a loose federation - but therein lies the salvation of this sub-region.

Ne ayya kosi karam pedatha. pichi kuthalu kosavanko. idiocy at best. Even bangladesh will never exist if India doesn't helped you. and you are claiming west bengal as you's. Don't talk this is kolkata they will kick @$$#$.
"Bengalis want freedom" is like saying "the heart wants a new body".

India's heart lies in Bengal.......and in each Bengali's heart lies India.

If someone knows India's history, they will know that Bengal has given rise to more freedom fighters than any other state of India......what did these freedom fighters fight for??......To free India....NOT to divide India in the first place.

1. It is a Bengali who got the first Nobel prize in India(also the first in Asia)---Rabindranath Tagore
A Bengali wrote the National anthem Of India....(his songs are also used as National Anthems of Bangladesh and Sri-Lanka).

2. Through a Bengali's speech in Chicago, the world, for the first time, came to know about the brighter side of India---Swami Vivekananda.

3. This is the only state in India, which has the higest number(two) of Nobel prize winners---Rabindranath Tagore, Amartya Sen.

4. AND India is still paying the price of rejecting a Bengali---Netaji.
this is why India needs west bengal but west bengal doesnt need india.
not to forget, the most important congressman is from Bengal.

Is that supposed to be a kind of mockery??

If so....then let me tell you that, no one is perfect.....BUT when India needed, the Bengalis delivered.....and will continue to do so.
First of all, do you big kids realize that this thread is nearly two years old?

Secondly, the link is not working. Why are people even discussing without reading the damn source? Blind leading the blind?

Finally, are problems in WB a problem for Bangladesh? No.

Actually, West Bengal is in India, not Bangladesh.

Relax bro. Having fun with blood brothers from opar Bangla.....

They miss us more than we miss them. Kindly watch Z bangla. Each and every of their Drama has characters who are ex bangladeshi origin muslims and who uses ridiculous hoy,Khaici jabani mixed dialect....don't know why my mother watches them... have you seen any Bangladeshi media taking the name of India?? Anyway let brothers be brothers. Why you are trying to divide and making a wall of Ambooza cement?
this is why India needs west bengal but west bengal doesnt need india.

did you look in mirror anytime. who said west bengal doesn't want India. you are not west bengali. come out from dilemma, don't let us feel that we did mistake by supporting Bangladesh in 1971 liberation war. No your evil eyes eying on Indian territory. forget not bangladesh is sandwiched on three side by India .

---------- Post added at 12:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:00 AM ----------

Relax bro. Having fun with blood brothers from opar Bangla.....

They miss us more than we miss them. Kindly watch Z bangla. Each and every of their Drama has characters who are ex bangladeshi origin muslims and who uses ridiculous hoy,Khaici jabani mixed dialect....don't know why my mother watches them... have you seen any Bangladeshi media taking the name of India?? Anyway let brothers be brothers. Why you are trying to divide and making a wall of Ambooza cement?

So you are telling him, that you want fun by trolling. good keep it up.

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