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Free Khalistan!

Well atleast we deserve the credit for creating a facade for what we are not. Atleast we are openly an Islamic republic and even then minorities are not subjected to genocides. On the other hand, it is completely opposite for "our esteemed neighbor".

u butchered the minorities out of extinction at ur birth and now claiming that minorities are not subjected to genocide.Pakistan has one of the smallest percentage of minority population in world because they were taken care of at ur birth:devil:

u have done worse than that because u subject ur own people to genocide. Bangladeshis will testify to that.

My interest is basically about "modern hindustan". ancient india came as a passing reference since Vinod mentioned it. But i'm not deceived by the theory presented by him. Show me where was it "one man one vote" democracy in the ancient times.
Pakistani authors....... you dont trust them...so why are your fellow hindustanis running from post to pillar and pillar to post with the story published by one news paper in Pakistan that kasab was Pakistani. You guys are extremely biased and prejudiced towards Pakistani authors but like to quote them when it suits you...... shame :tdown:

In ancient India there were institutions like Sabha and Samiti much like Periclean Athens, precursors of Democratic thought and in some states like Licchavis they were the supreme authority .

And by the way in my post I was quoting an Australian author respected for his sub continental studies.
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I'm sorry but other than ranting and whining(which continues unabated) effiminately, what have you achieved with your perceived friend against your perceived enemy???? Desparation sure shows itself when some dafts even talk about sending troops to af-tan to win favors from the masters.....:lol:

No, you are wrong, there will be many more who will talk about them including they themselves and in the end that is what matters.

Maps....... how many parts of india would you like to see... i ask so that i can make a map for you....:lol: by the way, just see the latest Nokia map, it includes kashmir as part of Pakistan (rightfully). Just look around carefully, you will find that 40% of your country is engulfed in insurgencies. Only if it was easy to see the truth. ;)

we were discussing Sikhs right and u went to america?

By the way since u r so good at map making can u draw a map showing how much of Pakistan GOP controls. The last I heard was that in Swat millitants have given a deadline to close down girls school and GOP seems powerless
Well, must be. I heard certain people also claim that ancient india was the first one to make a nuclear bomb as well, is that true/???

well if u all you do is to visit crank sites and conspiracy theories sites then all you will get is crank information and that is reflected in your posts.

In computer parlance its called GIGO-Garbage In Garbage out.

Just read some good books by neutral authors to enlighten urself. If u want to know ancient India better just read 'The wonder that was India' by AL Basham an Australian author. As regards his credentials In one of my posts in the same topic I have mentioned it.
Well no one can forget 1984 when hindus murdered so many sikhs and almost tore down sikhs' most sacred site, The Golden Temple.
I knew a sikh in college here in U.S. and he told me hindus treat sikhs really bad in India.
Sikhs deserve their own homeland, every other religion has their own homeland except for Sikhism.
Well no one can forget 1984 when hindus murdered so many sikhs and almost tore down sikhs' most sacred site, The Golden Temple.
I knew a sikh in college here in U.S. and he told me hindus treat sikhs really bad in India.
Sikhs deserve their own homeland, every other religion has their own homeland except for Sikhism.
Did you count the number of religions in the world?

Anyway if Sikhs were so desperate about homeland there would be protests atleast to speak of. Instead you see that Punjab recieves more applications for the Indian armed forces.
Well no one can forget 1984 when hindus murdered so many sikhs and almost tore down sikhs' most sacred site, The Golden Temple.
I knew a sikh in college here in U.S. and he told me hindus treat sikhs really bad in India.
Sikhs deserve their own homeland, every other religion has their own homeland except for Sikhism.

I don't know which sikh friend your talking brother..!!! Because sardarji's are the most patriotic and respected community here...!!! We all are past the 1984 riots.. however khalistan movment have died down years go..!!1 Whoever is left. advocating khalistan.. have their own agenda..!!! Coz having sepreate land serves noones purpouse... And these guys are now in canada and not in india..!!!
Raj karega khalasa: over the whole of undivided Punjab and the other parts of the Riyasat of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

In the Indian Punjab it is already their Raj, guess what is the missing piece! :lol:
I don't know which sikh friend your talking brother..!!! Because sardarji's are the most patriotic and respected community here...!!! We all are past the 1984 riots.. however khalistan movment have died down years go..!!1 Whoever is left. advocating khalistan.. have their own agenda..!!! Coz having sepreate land serves noones purpouse... And these guys are now in canada and not in india..!!!

YouTube - Msg 2 RSS,Congress,ShivSena::Khalistan/Bhindranwale Zindabad
Msg 2 RSS,Congress,ShivSena::Khalistan/Bhindranwale Zindabad

YouTube - Sikhs Are Not Hindu, RSS, Hindu Baman Attacks On Sikhs
Sikhs Are Not Hindu, RSS, Hindu Baman Attacks On Sikhs

YouTube - Sikhism and Hinduism are DIFFERENT
Sikhism and Hinduism are DIFFERENT

YouTube - khalistan (sikh student federation speech)
khalistan (sikh student federation speech)

Yes Yes Yes This is Not 1984. Also this is not India...........Ha ha Ha
It is not even a small fraction of the global Islamic terror network of which Pakistan is the internationally proven hub. Trying to compare the two is futile!

Well, hindustan is an internationally proven hub of hindu terrorism on the other hand. Your maths is weak because you may not be considering a srilankan life lost equivalent to a european or for that matter indian life otherwise the fraction that you allude to runs in quite high digits if you ever wish to compile the data for casualties of terrorism in modern world. Add to that the lives lost by people of all neighboring countries at the hand of RAW funded and sponsored terrorist activities. The comparison is germane for those who give equal value to life be that srilankan or bangladeshi or Pakistani or hindustani.

Tamilnadu is a state in India. Some people or politicians may have be sympathetic to their fellow Tamilians in Sri Lanka. They have no capability to train LTTE.

Thats exactly my point. Few "jokers" dont have the capability to train, equip, sustain and support a vicious guerrilla group like LTTE, its only the terrorist state institution of hindustan who have the capability to provide perpetual cover to such fellow terrorist organization.

All states supportin terrorists like the LET (the new AQ) and using terror as a state policy should be persuaded that it is not in their interest, by any means necessary.

:rofl: :lol: Copy cats..................

I am not sure where you got that from? There is a rich Indian mythology that is interpreted by people in different ways. I have not directly seen a reference to the nuclear weapon, but there are tales about really big weapons like Brahmastra and other weapons and their destructive ability was said to be so much that only the modern nuclear weapons can match them.
So a myth at best.:)
I had a dream of Akahnd Bharat yesterday night.

A humble beginning of a great thing!

Ah, one sentence brings out the real face of a hinduvta fascist....:lol: The trap was too luring, wasn't it?????????

We kicked this dream of yours 60 odd years back and still "grapes are sour"...... :rofl:
Is that your wet dream or what?. Show me one article in mainstream news papers about Khalistan movement in recent days.

Nearly 175 terror groups are active in India

Sunday, 13 April 2008

Mumbai, April 13: Manipur has the highest number of terror outfits, followed by Assam and Jammu and Kashmir, according to a list prepared by the union home ministry in consultation with state governments and intelligence agencies.
The home ministry is closely monitoring the activities of nearly 175 terror organisations spread across India and attempting to ascertain their links both within and outside the country. The list includes those suspected of, or indulging in terrorist, insurgent, extremist or fanatical activities. The majority of the outfits are centred in and active in the northeast, according to intelligence sources.

Manipur tops the list with a whopping 39 organisations, followed by Assam with 36 organisations that are under the scanner of the state and central intelligence agencies.

The next is the sensitive border state of Jammu and Kashmir with 32 such groups active, semi-active or dormant. In addition to these, there are at least four other independent groups that are not based in Kashmir but are coordinating or supporting terror groups in the state from across the border.

The surprise inclusion here is Dukhtaran-e-Millat, an all-women organisation that exerts community pressures to further social norms dictated by Islamic fundamental groups.

Most of the groups named in the list are engaged in secessionist activities, mostly armed and violent, either independently or with support from across the border, mostly in regions neighbouring Pakistan and China.

A matter of concern for law-enforcing authorities is that the list - which has been obtained by IANS - is not exhaustive and keeps growing, the sources said.
Thirty groups belong to Tripura, followed by four in Meghalaya, three in Nagaland, two in Mizoram and one in Arunachal Pradesh.

This makes a total of 115 groups in seven states in the sensitive northeast, including those bordering China.

Punjab, which witnessed heavy terrorism in the 1980s, has at least 12 active or potentially dangerous terror groups in the state.

Mumbai Anti-Terrorist Squad chief Hemant Karkare said there are around 8-10 frontline terror groups on which they keep tabs on a regular basis, but he declined to identify them.
'In addition, there are more than a couple of hundred other such groups of which we have knowledge. At times, new ones suddenly crop up, like the Hindu Garjana, which attacked communist party workers in Pune last fortnight. Then we do the needful investigations,' Karkare told IANS, but did not elaborate.

In addition to these state-level groups, the agencies are keeping tabs on the activities of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), Tamil Nadu Liberation Army, Tamil National Retrieval Troops, Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI - banned since September 2001), Deendar Anjuman, Asif Reza Commando Force, Kamatapur Liberation Organisation and the Ranvir Sena.

Even some Nepalis in India have their own struggle group - the Akhil Bharat Nepali Ekta Samaj - fighting for different causes.

Left-wing extremist groups that are under a close watch include the Communist Party of India-Maoist, Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)-Janashakti and People's Guerrilla Army.

As far as Mumbai Police are concerned, they are quite pleased with the recent successful investigations that led to the nabbing of important terror operatives who were reportedly targeting sensitive installations and religious places in Mumbai.

These include terror suspects caught from Goa, Karnataka and from Thane district, bordering Mumbai, in Maharashtra.

Last Thursday, police nabbed two prominent SIMI activists from Mira Road (Thane), Irshad Salim Khan (37) and Israr Ahmed Abdul Hamid Tailor (38), who may be linked to the July 11, 2006, serial bomb explosions in Mumbai's suburban trains.


Are 12 groups good enough for you???????? More will certainly come up in view of systematic persecution of minorities in hindustan.

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