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Free Khalistan!

sir you kill on the daily bases Sikhs,Christians and Muslims we dont kill Muslims in Pakistan or anyother religion people....its just your hindu radicals coming in Karachi and all over Pakistan to create havoc n tensions.
EDITED - Personal attack

Hate and Terror aren't exclusive to one Country/Culture/Creed. The quicker you realize that the faster our people will be freed from 8th century era mindset that's crippling our nation from becoming a power this century.
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Ok, if you are so confident then lets hold a referrendum in Kashmir, khalistan, Tamil Nadu, assam etc followed by the same in Pakistan. Can india afford that????/:lol: Pakistan today is much strong federation then india. :cheers:


Pakistan is very strong, because you have to shout and say everytime that "PAKISTAN IS STRONG", this show how strong pakistan is.

Let us shout once again " PAKISTAN IS STRONG", one more time "PAKISTAN IS STRONG".

Now repeat with me "PAKISTAN IS STRONG".


Ok, if you are so confident then lets hold a referrendum in Kashmir, khalistan, Tamil Nadu, assam etc followed by the same in Pakistan. Can india afford that????/:lol: Pakistan today is much strong federation then india. :cheers:

Yeah my friend.. i dont think india can afford to do that..!!! There is a considerable amount sentiment of sepratism in many parts of india even if not in a majority... like kashmir.. north eastern states.. but not in tamil nadu i belive..!!! But however i belive if we let go.. then the idea called india will fail..!!! But i guess its only time before they come around.. like widely unpopular khalistan movement.. now punjabies and sardarjies are our national pride...and i am sure that they will understand the benifit of being ONE Country like USA rather than large number of small countries..!!!!
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I agree with the topic of thread
Free Khalistan
But .......... on second thoughts
what would be the capital of Khalistan
Shouldn't it be Lahore- the capital during last Sikh empire
shouldnt Khalistan include Talwandi- the birthplace of Guru Nanak, the first Sikh Guru
The list is endless
I once again say
Free Khalistan
I agree with the topic of thread
Free Khalistan
But .......... on second thoughts
what would be the capital of Khalistan
Shouldn't it be Lahore- the capital during last Sikh empire
shouldnt Khalistan include Talwandi- the birthplace of Guru Nanak, the first Sikh Guru
The list is endless
I once again say
Free Khalistan

I will let you in on a little secret...
We wont give up any city in Pak Punjab. But shhhh...not many people know.

On topic. Free Khalistan!!!
Ok, if you are so confident then lets hold a referrendum in Kashmir, khalistan, Tamil Nadu, assam etc followed by the same in Pakistan. Can india afford that????/:lol: Pakistan today is much strong federation then india. :cheers:

i heard some news yesterday ...some talibanis occupied the valley in PAK ??? what was that ??
I will let you in on a little secret...
We wont give up any city in Pak Punjab. But shhhh...not many people know.

On topic. Free Khalistan!!!

Thats it
U wont because u only know how to manipulate people for your own gains and u have no feelings for Sikhs.
So stop this charade of Khalistan

Pakistan is very strong, because you have to shout and say everytime that "PAKISTAN IS STRONG", this show how strong pakistan is.

Let us shout once again " PAKISTAN IS STRONG", one more time "PAKISTAN IS STRONG".

Now repeat with me "PAKISTAN IS STRONG".



Hey thanks for giving us an insight into your stupid self. Congrats, to me you win the competition for the stupid post of the year. Next time please try to use some intelletual faculties to come up with some logic in your post instead of an obvious display of imbecilic and churlish mindset.
I agree with the topic of thread
Free Khalistan
But .......... on second thoughts
what would be the capital of Khalistan
Shouldn't it be Lahore- the capital during last Sikh empire
shouldnt Khalistan include Talwandi- the birthplace of Guru Nanak, the first Sikh Guru
The list is endless
I once again say
Free Khalistan

Going by that analogy, capital of Pakistan should be Delhi......:lol:
However, on a serious note, we can hold a referrendum to ascertain if people of Lahore are really willing to join Khalistan after Sikhs get their right of self determination or win independence by military means from hindustan. :cheers:
Going by that analogy, capital of Pakistan should be Delhi......:lol:
However, on a serious note, we can hold a referrendum to ascertain if people of Lahore are really willing to join Khalistan after Sikhs get their right of self determination or win independence by military means from hindustan. :cheers:

you butchered Sikhs from Lahore and now u r asking for a country for them !!!
where was this camraderie in 1947 . u had problems with hindus, why u butchered Sikhs too back then?
Now when I have shown u the mirror , u r willing for a referendrum in Lahore after Sikhs have been massacared from there?

u never had any love for Sikhs. :angry:
So stop being self appointed ambassadors of Sikhs
People here don't know Sikhism. There are so many families in Punjab where one son is a Sikh and the other is Hindu. The Sikhs were nothing but Hindu children who swore to fight the alien invaders to this holy land.

There is not even a talk of Khalistan in India. There will be several more Stans on our Western border before there this daydream of some here comes even close to the light of the day.

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