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France’s Sale of 2 Ships to Russians Is Ill-Advised, U.S. Warns

Wow, thats a nice looking ship :smitten:. Anybody know the price tag Russia paid for them?
Youre entire post was a personal attack with anyone with a minimum of two neurons in their brain. Cheap regurgitated nato propaganda doesnt deserve more.
loool How was my post a personal attack to you?:undecided: after all, each and everyone of us here has his/her own personal opinion/view of things in life. Even if you disagree with someone, you should have the coutersy to counter their argument while respecting their point of view as well. Thats how we should act as adults. else the discussion will go down to the level of insults/personal attacks/name calling etc likr the type i have seen in some threads on here. I have never made a comment here while insulting somebody, all the members here who know me/have read my comments can attest to that. :-)
After all, we all just civilians having a discussion on a forum, so we are here to exchange views/opinions not in insults. After all, all what we do/say here wont affect our governments policies in any way. we are just here to give our points of views. So be more respectful to others even if you dont agree with them. Else the discussion will get out of hand/topic, and im not the type to insult people on a discussion forum. Got better things to do than that. We are all adults on here i belive. So chill down and be more polits/respectful in your replies bro. take care bro.:cheers:
France should just tell the US to buy that 2 ship and cover the cost / penalty..

US talk as if every country is under its rule... oh wait yes they think they control everyone.. oh wait but no one wants the US empire anylonger...

my prediction : French will disregard any protest from USA and tell them to GTFO

if this is a real person and not some NSA shill, im really sad that western civilian really uneducated in geopolitics and trust fully their own goverment as if it is the good guys.. They got this crazy idea that Russia and China are the world's monster and it is up to the great white western world to stop them... WHEN IN REALITY, The whole murder, robbery , warcrimes , historically was done by these SAME NATIONS who rob and kill and colonize countries and took away their riches..

The death and destruction upon europe in world war I and II.. even a skeptic knew that was KARMA for centuries of unrestricted killing and robbing..

any amateur in geopolitics knew that this crisis in ukraine was perpetrated by US goverment over the objection of EU. Follow the money trail... who stand to lose money if this crisis blow up ? EU and Russia along with their trade.. Who stand to gain and lose nothing ? US..

Bottom line, US is playing geopolitics with russia at the expense of EU.

lool where did i say the U.S/E.U are the good guys? Iwas just making a remark about geo politics. In geo politics governments use any means(including dirty tricks) at their disposal to secure their own personal interests. Its up to China and Russia to know how to counter these actions by their own means to protect their own interest. In geopolitics, nobody is clean/honest. There is no good guy in geopolitics. Each country will always try to further their own interests no matter the cost to others. so its up to Russia and China to know how to play the counter game(which i must confess Russia plays well.IMO:D).
So its in this regard that i was pointing out that the sale/delivery of the mistral to Russia at this moment where we are in a tense stand off with Russia, doesnt serve our interest/wont be a good move towards our other eastern european partners who .are wary of moscow At least France should delay the sale/delivery untill things calm down in eastern Ukraine which is connected to Russia.
However i know that France will deliever them regardless, as im aware that profits/business/investments trumps anything nowadays. Im under no illusion about that. Thats why i said in the previous comment that countries like Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Vietnam, Philippines, etc should not expect any help from the U.S/west if there is ever any conflict between them and these two countries. the West/U.S will only give verbal support. So i think it will be better for these countries to solve their dispoutes and issues bilaterally with Russia and China respectively. This will be the best outcome these small countries can get short of a conflict which they know they cant win. So in all i was just saying these small countries should be realists insetad of thinking the west will come to their aid. which will never happen, since Russia and China are already too big and the world is too trade interdependent for big powers to fight directly. So diplomacy is the best way IMO.:-)
Take your own advice. Leave the main stream media propaganda for discussions with your grandmother. You cant insult the intelligence of the world and expect them to just go along and pretend its your " opinion ". When its just regurgitated cnn propaganda. Mot of the pdf members know and understand propaganda from the US ministry of disinformation. If you want to peddle propaganda expect to be treated as a propagandist. If you post well thought out analysis and fact based insightful critical opinions that are truly worthwhile and meaningful. Well you will be treated as an intelligent person. But most intelligent people dont suffer fools lightly. Unless we are drunk. Which im not.

loool How was my post a personal attack to you?:undecided: after all, each and everyone of us here has his/her own personal opinion/view of things in life. Even if you disagree with someone, you should have the coutersy to counter their argument while respecting their point of view as well. Thats how we should act as adults. else the discussion will go down to the level of insults/personal attacks/name calling etc likr the type i have seen in some threads on here. I have never made a comment here while insulting somebody, all the members here who know me/have read my comments can attest to that. :-)
After all, we all just civilians having a discussion on a forum, so we are here to exchange views/opinions not in insults. After all, all what we do/say here wont affect our governments policies in any way. we are just here to give our points of views. So be more respectful to others even if you dont agree with them. Else the discussion will get out of hand/topic, and im not the type to insult people on a discussion forum. Got better things to do than that. We are all adults on here i belive. So chill down and be more polits/respectful in your replies bro. take care bro.:cheers:
Peoples of all around globe are the same...
Most of us think about the better future and prosperity but some personas think that they are gods and we are slaves and for that reason they make mix of religion and politics ,because that is powerfull weapon for blindness.
Business is not good to be used like a tool for punishment in the 21 century because ideas,inovations,technologies does not recognize borders.
You speak the truth my friend. It is good to hear people from around the world are only waking up to the truth. Only by waking up to the truth and being united can we throw these evil people off our backs and back into hell where they belong.

Peoples of all around globe are the same...
Most of us think about the better future and prosperity but some personas think that they are gods and we are slaves and for that reason they make mix of religion and politics ,because that is powerfull weapon for blindness.
Business is not good to be used like a tool for punishment in the 21 century because ideas,inovations,technologies does not recognize borders.
when we analyze 10-12 % are too powerful peoples,25-30 are average and rest are poor.
Average people are the core of society,they contribute for most of the money what rich are made but problem is in the fact that most of them live in hibernation.
They not understand the fact that they are power of change.
One reason that most of them is in deep dream are the mas media.
Advice is when you hear the news, to not reacting impulsive.
Use the brain,find more and more informations ,make analyze and bring conclusion.
That is the key for waking up.
the hypocrite Americans have spoken, america should look at themselves first before pointing fingers as they are biggest arms exporter worldwide. The US supplies weapons to saudi arabia the most brutal regime towards women who also supplied troops to crack down on Bahrain opposition protests in 2011 or something.
Ivan Gren amphibious assault ships for the Black Sea fleet to play a part in liberation of Odessa. Sevastopol is only some 300 km from Odessa. Su-35 jets based in Sevastopol will establish air dominance over Odessa :p:
Ivan Gren amphibious assault ships for the Black Sea fleet to play a part in liberation of Odessa. Sevastopol is only some 300 km from Odessa. Su-35 jets based in Sevastopol will establish air dominance over Odessa :p:
Russia, if desired, could reach Berlin and rebuild the Berlin Wall. But will not do this, because Russia does not want to rule the world.
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