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France’s Sale of 2 Ships to Russians Is Ill-Advised, U.S. Warns

Wow. More of the same bullshit propaganda from a nato troll. Who would have thought.

lol So when you dont have anything to say to counter my comment, you resort to personal attacks. In this case i dont think you are the type of person i can have a constructive/respectful argument with. Good night bro. :cheers:
Youre entire post was a personal attack with anyone with a minimum of two neurons in their brain. Cheap regurgitated nato propaganda doesnt deserve more.

lol So when you dont have anything to say to counter my comment, you resort to personal attacks. In this case i dont think you are the type of person i can have a constructive/respectful argument with. Good night bro. :cheers:
Well, the sales of Mistral is business, while the conflict in Ukraine is politic. Beside that, keeping the word and promise is the way of a gentleman. I think it is what French try to show to everyone. They keep the promise. Kudos for French.
Russia paid for them,we have to deliver them to Russia,this is normal.
Russia could order two more Mistral..

No it's not. To use an analogy, you don't sell a gun to someone who recently became irrational and aggressive, even if he paid upfront for it.
If the sale goes forward France's image will get hit hard - and, God forbid, can you imagine the blow-back if we see them used against Georgia or Ukraine in a couple of years?

Besides, the UE must present a single, unified front to the Ukraine crisis (I wish..).Selling warships, especially ones like this, while at the same time protesting to the Russian actions is stupid in the extreme.
No it's not. To use an analogy, you don't sell a gun to someone who recently became irrational and aggressive, even if he paid upfront for it.
If the sale goes forward France's image will get hit hard - and, God forbid, can you imagine the blow-back if we see them used against Georgia or Ukraine in a couple of years?

Besides, the UE must present a single, unified front to the Ukraine crisis (I wish..).Selling warships, especially ones like this, while at the same time protesting to the Russian actions is stupid in the extreme.

There's a Financial penalty in the contract if the French does not deliver the ships in time.
There's a Financial penalty in the contract if the French does not deliver the ships in time.

They should cut it now and accept the financial lose, while trying to sell the ships to another country. It's a case of absorbing the lose now or risk paying a much bigger price in the future,

France's policy is very nearsighted, for some strange reason..
A lot of politics in France says "We are not a puppet of USA". I think it's clear.
We will deliver them and we don't care if in US or somewhere people and politics says we are surrender monkey etc... French bashing n°2. :nana::yahoo::chilli::dance3:
They should cut it now and accept the financial lose, while trying to sell the ships to another country. It's a case of absorbing the lose now or risk paying a much bigger price in the future,

France's policy is very nearsighted, for some strange reason..

Le French already sign the contract. In an international business there's no "backsie."
A lot of politics in France says "We are not a puppet of USA". I think it's clear.
We will deliver them and we don't care if in US or somewhere people and politics says we are surrender monkey etc... French bashing n°2. :nana::yahoo::chilli::dance3:

Don't be silly, it's about EU, not USA

Le French already sign the contract. In an international business there's no "backsie."

And Russia is free to take the issue to the international court, where it will lose. It would probably lose even if the French government decided to cancel the deal and keep the money
And Russia is free to take the issue to the international court, where it will lose. It would probably lose even if the French government decided to cancel the deal and keep the money

It's all there in black & white. The Russian will win in the court easily & if the French can just jump out of the contract. Who will buys French weapons knowing that they can just do that?
It's all there in black & white. The Russian will win in the court easily & if the French can just jump out of the contract. Who will buys French weapons knowing that they can just do that?

Don't be naive

who is saying to us "don't sell those ships to Russia ?" :disagree:

Officially, nobody directly, but you should think about perception and what it means to lose political influence.
To put it more bluntly, what it means for your influence in the EU if you are seen as a Russian ally/puppet/supporter
Don't be naive

are y talking about me or you? The International court is Neutral. All the Rusky need to do is just give the court a copy of the contract & they will win. That's why the French prefer to give the ship to Russia & get it over rather than play politic with people Tax money which Holande seems to avoid like the plague.
it will be bad for france to go on with this deal. Russia is still influencing/trying to break eastern Ukraine and make it its puppet state .Russia is clearly a threat to eastern european countries. Going through with the deliveries will send the wrong message to the government in Kiev and other eastern ruopeans countries who are warry/hostile to Russia.
However, i do know/recognise that the deal will go through, since our governments in the west have become so short sighted as to always put profits/money before anything else. so sorry Ukraine/eastern europeans, but our support will only be verbal not in actions. so dont expect us to take a firm stand on Russia. Every country is only out for their own selfish interests/profits. Unfortunately thats how the current world works. So i will advice small vulnerable countries like Ukraine, Georgia, moldova,Vietnam, Phillipines, who are threatened by China and Russia to think of ways to beef up their defences themselves, while at the same time try and solve their issues with the two countries bilaterally so they can come to an agreement. Because our selfish/silly governments in the West will never come to their help when push comes to shove, instead they will give only verbal support and some foolish/small sanctions they know wont affect China and Russia very much. Unfortunately that's the world in which we live nowadays.

why are those words so familiar, so meaningless, so predictable, so cliche, so boring? is it because they were uttered by another soulless anglosaxon bot?
France should just tell the US to buy that 2 ship and cover the cost / penalty..

US talk as if every country is under its rule... oh wait yes they think they control everyone.. oh wait but no one wants the US empire anylonger...

my prediction : French will disregard any protest from USA and tell them to GTFO

it will be bad for france to go on with this deal. Russia is still influencing/trying to break eastern Ukraine and make it its puppet state .Russia is clearly a threat to eastern european countries. Going through with the deliveries will send the wrong message to the government in Kiev and other eastern ruopeans countries who are warry/hostile to Russia.
However, i do know/recognise that the deal will go through, since our governments in the west have become so short sighted as to always put profits/money before anything else. so sorry Ukraine/eastern europeans, but our support will only be verbal not in actions. so dont expect us to take a firm stand on Russia. Every country is only out for their own selfish interests/profits. Unfortunately thats how the current world works. So i will advice small vulnerable countries like Ukraine, Georgia, moldova,Vietnam, Phillipines, who are threatened by China and Russia to think of ways to beef up their defences themselves, while at the same time try and solve their issues with the two countries bilaterally so they can come to an agreement. Because our selfish/silly governments in the West will never come to their help when push comes to shove, instead they will give only verbal support and some foolish/small sanctions they know wont affect China and Russia very much. Unfortunately that's the world in which we live nowadays.

if this is a real person and not some NSA shill, im really sad that western civilian really uneducated in geopolitics and trust fully their own goverment as if it is the good guys.. They got this crazy idea that Russia and China are the world's monster and it is up to the great white western world to stop them... WHEN IN REALITY, The whole murder, robbery , warcrimes , historically was done by these SAME NATIONS who rob and kill and colonize countries and took away their riches..

The death and destruction upon europe in world war I and II.. even a skeptic knew that was KARMA for centuries of unrestricted killing and robbing..

any amateur in geopolitics knew that this crisis in ukraine was perpetrated by US goverment over the objection of EU. Follow the money trail... who stand to lose money if this crisis blow up ? EU and Russia along with their trade.. Who stand to gain and lose nothing ? US..

Bottom line, US is playing geopolitics with russia at the expense of EU.
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