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Featured France urges Middle Eastern countries to stop boycott of French products

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Good, more of this needs to happen, a total decoupling between the First and Third world including people-to-people exchange.

We are not talking about clash of civilizations here. The small bigot minority within west which has managed to grab the power and entrenched within western establishments and deep state, they need to be targeted and uprooted. world is sick and tired now of hate against Islam and same old rhetoric, applied since 9/11, it has gone past its expiry date.
ALL other Muslims countries are cucks.

They are but the so called champions of Islam, Saudi and Iran are missing as well.
Pakistan will expel the French ambassador.

France should strap itself in for a long hard journey.
Fair enough France should know whats coming there way when they are planning something big on there end.
Good now we need to get our wives of French make up and chose alternatives.
this might be hard
Boycott France if your a Muslim.
there is a chance that Muslim countries show a united response to France.
I hope that Arab non Arab racism and political differences dont come into play.

good work Turkey for taking the lead to denounce French leader for the hate mongering.
there is no justification to use this thread to fan hatred towards east or west and make derogatory remarks towards White or non white races.

thread bans will take place if hateful posts are made
The president said the teacher, Samuel Paty, "was killed because Islamists want our future", but France would "not give up our cartoons".
"pushed by a radical minority".
No you cheese eating faggots no Muslim wants your future . Simply stop provoking them and stop getting decapitated. Its not only the radical minority which get hurts by your provocations ,it's the whole muslim population across the globe.
And please since you the ambassador of freedom of speech please gives us our right to speak against Jews,criticize your values and traditions openly in France.
This is a moment to witness who's the leader in the Muslim World. We have respect for Saudi Arabia - but the question is if they are willing to take the lead here. Being one of the richest Muslim countries, they have the highest economic weight against France.

Remind King Salman and MBS. We are not against them nor we are angry at them - but remind them that its time when Everyone stands together.
I want to see reaction when Hajji sahbs gonna find out they travel on Airbuses to Saudi Arabia for Hajj and Umrah.
I have thrown away my collection of French perfumes. Sauvage and a few others that I had. I am not buying anything French anymore. No more French cars. No more French clothes and shoes. No more French food. Total boycott.
Save money in that process; support local industries is the way to go.
Save money in that process; support local industries is the way to go.

This is the perfect time to support and fund local businesses to manufacture substitute foreign products.
This is the perfect time to support and fund local businesses to manufacture substitute foreign products.
Are we gonna see a Pakistani A380 equivalent.
Yeah,while the poor and illiterate masses boycott French products,all those Qatari,Saudi,Kuwaiti princes and and princess and other rich muslims will still flock to the Champs-Elysées to buy luxury French products.....
Neither will they stay rich forever nor the French will hold onto Champs-Elysees forever.
Are we gonna see a Pakistani A380 equivalent.

Who said anything about Pakistani by itself --
Look at the Arab shelves even yogurt is imported, what I'm saying is get raw material and facilitate local businesses to build substitute products. You start small and go from there.
Are we gonna see a Pakistani A380 equivalent.

We need to start somewhere. We cannot rely on outsiders forever.
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