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France starts ban on full-face veil

I never said anything hatred about any religion what i meant in the current issue is that you have a french society which is liberal (you might find women without clothes walking in the street and no body is even noticing her)and alienistic on islamic context and due to merely some immigrants who cannot adjust in the society and their dresses, behaviour etc create problems for the french people and prove to be hindrance in their everyday life (these muslim women religious dresses arouse suspicion among the people and are a security concern to an extent)

Why do you define "Liberal" as onle being able to go nude in the streets as per one's will but not fully covered as per others will. The word should have the same meaning, giving freedom of choice, this is what I understand. May be this is some new word which means only what they want, like "you are free to do waht i want you to do".
I myself is an agnostic but born in a hindu family and have friends from many religion including muslim girls. but we were taught about the origin and evolution of great religions in our schools so i have quite some idea about religions.
Are we discussing the importance of religion in life????:azn:
for me its a big zero I like to stick with science and rationality

If this is true, and i honestly believe it to be true, then this should be the case with most hindu religion followers. But then why do we feel so much hatered towards muslims in Indian society? Why so many hindu muslim riots? why demolition of babri mosque? sorry to say but the same feeling is freely and openly expressed not only on this forum but so many other forums? Why so many indian members are expressing their joy on this suppression of basic rights by a supposedly advance tollerant society? why are indian menbers back patting toiher european countries to follow suite? Waht you say is much contradictory to general behaviour/expression.
Why do you define "Liberal" as onle being able to go nude in the streets as per one's will but not fully covered as per others will. The word should have the same meaning, giving freedom of choice, this is what I understand. May be this is some new word which means only what they want, like "you are free to do waht i want you to do".

adjusting with the present french society sir! contrast of burqa with bikini!! imagine a situation where in a beach you have 500 french women with bikinis on and a burqa clad comes here and sitss by a chick sunbathing topless!!

Also you see the difference in mentality you noticed a woman nude as offensive as per french a excessive clothed woman is offensive.
Right to choice of immigrants comes after the Right to way of life of original french
They are not atheists, they also believe in God, Allah is the name we muslims use.

I thanked you by mistake. Yes they believe in a different god who doesn't believe in forcing women to cover up. I said it before I say it again its their country and their rules, you don't like it you stick to your own country.
Wow man........ wats with the hatred? ur so full of ...

God help u.

No! No! he is not showing hatered, the poor guy has no arguments to offer, hence he resorted to a no value single liner. let heim stay he may learn a few things, though i seriously doubt it because hatered filled minds are closed minds.
If this is true, and i honestly believe it to be true, then this should be the case with most hindu religion followers. But then why do we feel so much hatered towards muslims in Indian society? Why so many hindu muslim riots? why demolition of babri mosque? sorry to say but the same feeling is freely and openly expressed not only on this forum but so many other forums? Why so many indian members are expressing their joy on this suppression of basic rights by a supposedly advance tollerant society? why are indian menbers back patting toiher european countries to follow suite? Waht you say is much contradictory to general behaviour/expression.

TO answer that you just have to read last 1000 years history of subcontinent. I personally don't think its any justification. It was a different time and different ways.
If this is true, and i honestly believe it to be true, then this should be the case with most hindu religion followers. But then why do we feel so much hatered towards muslims in Indian society? Why so many hindu muslim riots? why demolition of babri mosque? sorry to say but the same feeling is freely and openly expressed not only on this forum but so many other forums? Why so many indian members are expressing their joy on this suppression of basic rights by a supposedly advance tollerant society? why are indian menbers back patting toiher european countries to follow suite? Waht you say is much contradictory to general behaviour/expression.

Don't go over babri again......a reminder the mosque was created by a mughal ruler by destroying an already existant hindu temple if you know
some hindus are religious and some are not. I don't reflect the present day hindus. but i can say i reflect the present day youngsters for us an ipad or a dell laptop is more attractive than some religious books...riots if you say then i would say its an expression by uneducated and religiously motivated extremist minded youths.....In India presently there isn't much hatred about muslims the reason is as i already mentioned the present priorities of an average indian. religious hindus don't go and fight the muslims unlike the muslims they just simply avoid them.......anyways have you heard about APJ Abdul Kalam, Aziz Premji, perhaps zaheer khan or yusuf pathan rings a bell??
If this is true, and i honestly believe it to be true, then this should be the case with most hindu religion followers. But then why do we feel so much hatered towards muslims in Indian society? Why so many hindu muslim riots? why demolition of babri mosque? sorry to say but the same feeling is freely and openly expressed not only on this forum but so many other forums? Why so many indian members are expressing their joy on this suppression of basic rights by a supposedly advance tollerant society? why are indian menbers back patting toiher european countries to follow suite? Waht you say is much contradictory to general behaviour/expression.

So you see the extent of islamophobia in indians your religious nutjobs and terrorists have created!!! fruits of a tree who's seeds were sowed a long time ago!! even the mughal period contributed to it with oppression of hindus
I thanked you by mistake. Yes they believe in a different god who doesn't believe in forcing women to cover up. I said it before I say it again its their country and their rules, you don't like it you stick to your own country.

No problem, you can take your thank back, or is there something i can do to reverse that thank? let me know.

In Pakistan there are normally 30~35 students in a college/ university class, give or take five. Some are very good students they alwys ger good grades, they always follow the instructions, some are back benchers like me, they waste their time, don't pay much attention in the calss, don't complete the assignments and fail. But despite all that disparity and opposite behaviour one thing they have in common is the teacher. It's the same teacher.

There is but only one GOD, call him by whatever name, but there is only ONE GOD. So the only one GOD gave the same lesson / same instructions to all mankind, some follow him, they will ultimately pass with good grades, some are just ignorant fools, they are going to fail big time, and there is not going to be a retake on this examination, this life is the final exam, one chance, pass or fail, you choose.

Just assuming that their god is different who does not tell their women to cover, ask them does he tell them to be homosexuals? does he tell them to be lesbians? does he tell them to opeate strip clubs? prostituton houses? pron? dont wait for their answer, i'll tell you NO. Strictly NO. Even hindu religion does not tell these things. hence they are are not following their god, if they think he is different form our GOD. the think life is differenbt form religion. They treat religion like a piece of dress. they can prostitute for the whole week and then go to church on the 8th day and think all is well. Religion is like an operating system, all other systems reside on operating system and must be compatible. Religion is a way of life, it guides and directs you, otherwise it is useless.
No problem, you can take your thank back, or is there something i can do to reverse that thank? let me know.

In Pakistan there are normally 30~35 students in a college/ university class, give or take five. Some are very good students they alwys ger good grades, they always follow the instructions, some are back benchers like me, they waste their time, don't pay much attention in the calss, don't complete the assignments and fail. But despite all that disparity and opposite behaviour one thing they have in common is the teacher. It's the same teacher.

There is but only one GOD, call him by whatever name, but there is only ONE GOD. So the only one GOD gave the same lesson / same instructions to all mankind, some follow him, they will ultimately pass with good grades, some are just ignorant fools, they are going to fail big time, and there is not going to be a retake on this examination, this life is the final exam, one chance, pass or fail, you choose.

Just assuming that their god is different who does not tell their women to cover, ask them does he tell them to be homosexuals? does he tell them to be lesbians? does he tell them to opeate strip clubs? prostituton houses? pron? dont wait for their answer, i'll tell you NO. Strictly NO. Even hindu religion does not tell these things. hence they are are not following their god, if they think he is different form our GOD. the think life is differenbt form religion. They treat religion like a piece of dress. they can prostitute for the whole week and then go to church on the 8th day and think all is well. Religion is like an operating system, all other systems reside on operating system and must be compatible. Religion is a way of life, it guides and directs you, otherwise it is useless.

thanks for the lecture!!:coffee:
So you see the extent of islamophobia in indians your religious nutjobs and terrorists have created!!! fruits of a tree who's seeds were sowed a long time ago!! even the mughal period contributed to it with oppression of hindus

I am afraid I cant agree with you argument because this terrorism is like 5/7 at most 10 year old. but thhe hindu hostility towards muslims is centuries old. There was no such terrorism in pre partitin days, then why did a hindu wrote a very controversial book about islamic personalities? why were there so many hindu muslim riots before partition? why were there so many riots before 9/11. Why riots and killings of sikhs or christians for that matter they can not be associated with current terrorism which has nothing to do with Islam.All these events only prove that what you said about hindu religion teaching peace and tollerance towards other eligions seems untrue.
No problem, you can take your thank back, or is there something i can do to reverse that thank? let me know.

In Pakistan there are normally 30~35 students in a college/ university class, give or take five. Some are very good students they alwys ger good grades, they always follow the instructions, some are back benchers like me, they waste their time, don't pay much attention in the calss, don't complete the assignments and fail. But despite all that disparity and opposite behaviour one thing they have in common is the teacher. It's the same teacher.

There is but only one GOD, call him by whatever name, but there is only ONE GOD. So the only one GOD gave the same lesson / same instructions to all mankind, some follow him, they will ultimately pass with good grades, some are just ignorant fools, they are going to fail big time, and there is not going to be a retake on this examination, this life is the final exam, one chance, pass or fail, you choose.

Just assuming that their god is different who does not tell their women to cover, ask them does he tell them to be homosexuals? does he tell them to be lesbians? does he tell them to opeate strip clubs? prostituton houses? pron? dont wait for their answer, i'll tell you NO. Strictly NO. Even hindu religion does not tell these things. hence they are are not following their god, if they think he is different form our GOD. the think life is differenbt form religion. They treat religion like a piece of dress. they can prostitute for the whole week and then go to church on the 8th day and think all is well. Religion is like an operating system, all other systems reside on operating system and must be compatible. Religion is a way of life, it guides and directs you, otherwise it is useless.
Its their way of living,their life,simple as that.They may or may not be following their religion the way it should be but again thats their choice.
For france i can understand,but in case of ny other country banning burqa it could be equated to religious intolerance i guess.
adjusting with the present french society sir! contrast of burqa with bikini!! imagine a situation where in a beach you have 500 french women with bikinis on and a burqa clad comes here and sitss by a chick sunbathing topless!!

Also you see the difference in mentality you noticed a woman nude as offensive as per french a excessive clothed woman is offensive.
Right to choice of immigrants comes after the Right to way of life of original french

You are comparing a right with a wrong and trying to prove that wrong is right. a million wrongs don't make a right, wrong.

I do not agree, nudity is still considered offensive in most parts of the world including france, try going nude on a city streeet, you will be arrested.

Usually burqa clad women don't go to beaches.

It's not adjusting, adjustmnet they (muslim) women have already done, by covering themselves on seeing so much nudity. What you are saying is compulsion against the will. Ironically these same french hipocrio tes are leading from the front in bombarding Libya to liberate them from a ruler who is (according to them) suling the people against their will, Is it not the same these french are trying by passing the law by not allowing women to wear a piece of dress against their will.

Talking about right, why then this same western media makes noise when some african country prohibited it's citizen women from wearing trousers. If the french can make the law so can all other countries. Why do they make so much noise about compulsory hhead scarf in Iran, its their law. Just imagine how much noise will they make if some muslim country passes a law banning women from wearing trusers. This is hipocricy at its peak.

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