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France says it cannot deliver Mistral warship to Russia over Ukraine

It appears that Francois Holland, aka "soft testicle" (nickname given to him by Martine Aubry, First Secretary of the Socialist Party of France), has outdone even Tony Blair as the US's most docile poodle in Europe. After resisting US pressure for a long time and being fined billions of dollars for doing so, he has suddenly decided to cave in and suspend the delivery of the French Mistrals to Russia. However, not will the US will not return to 9 billion dollars extorted out of Paribas, now the Russian can impose astronomical penalties on France for breach of contract. Double whammy for Hollande!
Now I suspect that this is a measure which will last exactly as long as the upcoming NATO summit and that as soon it is over the "circumstances for delivery" will magically become "right again". As for Russia - no worries. She will either get the ships or get a huge load of money. A win-win situation for sure

But that is hardly the point.
First, whether Russia really needs these French ships is an extremely controversial issue in Russia, especially in the military. I did not take a poll, but my guess is that most of the military don't want them and rather spend the money elsewhere. This was a Medvedev purchase which was far from having a unanimity behind it. Personally, I think that the Mistrals are very good ships, very versatile, and that Russia could use on in the Black Sea and one in the Far East. They also come at at time with the Russian shipbuilding industry is over-worked and does not have the capacity to fulfill all the orders of the Russian Navy. Finally, the Mistrals come with an advanced communication and command infrastructure which the Russian would like to get their hands one. But I have always had a weak spot for French weapon systems and nobody asked me my opinion anyway. Besides, there are cheaper way for Russian to get that kind of capabilities or systems.
I think that the real importance of the Mistral contact was to show Russia, France and the rest of the world that the two countries could work together, even on huge contracts, that France is a credibly supplier and that the Russian and French military industrial complexes can cooperate.
Now the French look like total whips and idiots.

That is really unfair. The French deserve a great deal of credit for doing everything just right, sining such a complex agreement is no small task, and for designing a superb ship. Now all this is compromised by Francois "soft testicle" Hollande who clearly has the vision, courage, intelligence and leadership qualities of a blue-green algae.

I bet you the ships will be delivered more or less on time. But a terrible blow has been dealt to one of values the French hold extremely dear: the independence of their country from all other big powers. If the British are more or less resigned to their role as janitor for Uncle Sam, the French will not accept this and I expect the hatred for the current regime to become even more virulent than it is today. I tend to agree with French economist Pierre Jovanovic when he predicts that "King Francois" (another of his nicknames) will never finish his term in office.
Pauvre, pauvre France...

The Saker
But we are going to run the BRICS Bank with Russia, so you better to get ready with that.

lol Yes i know China is the main player in BRICS. Economically China it doesnt really need it that much(it already provides more funds to the developing world than the World Bank and IMF combined) but politically yes it does. If China wasnt in this grouping we wouldnt even be talking about this, it will be useless. Anyway our relations with Russia was rather very good before the Ukraine crisis, this crisis kind of came in handy since it woke us up from our passive military commitments/over reliance on the U.S. The west/U.S still dominates/controls the world politically,culturally, economically,technologically, financially etc. So Russia should be more careful and stop at its annexation of Crimea, trying to take Eastern Ukraine will be a step too far i think, more sanctions will follow which Russi cant afford in long term, though we will be affected as well, but not as them. Putin should stop arming his rebels and pulled back his troops he deployed there covertly, while the west should pressure Kiev government to negotiate with the rebels for a peaceful solution.

The BRICS bank wont change much, apart from showing solidarity between emerging countries. In addition, India wont allow you to be the obvious leader(they wont want to play second fiddle to you.:lol:). Any grouping without a leader is already doomed, since there will be infightings/no sense of direction/objectives when the need really arises. So its a non starter to us for now.:agree:
You seem quite well versed in many subjects Nihonji.
Yes you are absolutely correct,i red about that as well. The lend and lease act was what doomed our empire. But its understandable, since we had fought/was just coming out from a long tiring war, which had worn out our resources/energy/wealth and destroyed our country. So it was untenable for us to hold on so much colonies/land abroad. We had to make some consessions to the U.S who emerged the strongest and untouched by the war. We would have still lost our empire/possesions/colonies anyway with time.The Lend and Lease Act with the U.S just precipitated it, and gave space for the U.S to emerge as a world superpower with global reach/bases

Destroyers for Bases Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On September 2 1940, as the Battle of Britain intensified, United States Secretary of State Cordell Hull signaled agreement to the transfer of the warships to the Royal Navy. In exchange, the US was granted land in various British possessions for the establishment of naval or air bases, on ninety-nine-year rent-free leases, on:

The agreement also granted the US air and naval base rights in:

Basically they had no choice and deals like this created the ability of the US to project Naval power and weaken British Naval dominance.
lol Yes i know China is the main player in BRICS. Economically China it doesnt really need it that much(it already provides more funds to the developing world than the World Bank and IMF combined) but politically yes it does. If China wasnt in this grouping we wouldnt even be talking about this, it will be useless. Anyway our relations with Russia was rather very good before the Ukraine crisis, this crisis kind of came in handy since it woke us up from our passive military commitments/over reliance on the U.S. The west/U.S still dominates/controls the world politically,culturally, economically,technologically, financially etc. So Russia should be more careful and stop at its annexation of Crimea, trying to take Eastern Ukraine will be a step too far i think, more sanctions will follow which Russi cant afford in long term, though we will be affected as well, but not as them. Putin should stop arming his rebels and pulled back his troops he deployed there covertly, while the west should pressure Kiev government to negotiate with the rebels for a peaceful solution.

The BRICS bank wont change much, apart from showing solidarity between emerging countries. In addition, India wont allow you to be the obvious leader(they wont want to play second fiddle to you.:lol:). Any grouping without a leader is already doomed, since there will be infightings/no sense of direction/objectives when the need really arises. So its a non starter to us for now.:agree:

So do you think that India is even willing to against the wish of Putin?

We will see after that. :coffee:
So do you think that India is even willing to against the wish of Putin?

We will see after that. :coffee:

Loool why not? just like it fought bitterly against BRICS bank headquarters in Shanghai(and had to be compensated with president of the bank. Lol), India will keep having divergent views/agenda/ego with China in BRICS. So expect more infights In these coming years.:D

India will do what it wish and wouldn't give a **** of what Putin wants/think. Since they have noticed Russia is leaning more towards China against the west, because of this they don't trust Russia anymore like before reason why they have recently started purchasing more weapons from the U. S. than Russia. :enjoy:

They(and other Asian countries )will rather have the U. S/western country remain the hegemon/dominant power in Asia than China any day .That's a fact .:cheers:

On another note, Agni V will be tested next coming years, dubbed 'THE CHINA KILLER ':bounce::cheesy:
Loool why not? just like it fought bitterly against BRICS bank headquarters in Shanghai(and had to be compensated with president of the bank. Lol), India will keep having divergent views/agenda/ego with China in BRICS. So expect more infights In these coming years.:D

India will do what it wish and wouldn't give a **** of what Putin wants/think. Since they have noticed Russia is leaning more towards China against the west, because of this they don't trust Russia anymore like before reason why they have recently started purchasing more weapons from the U. S. than Russia. :enjoy:

They will rather have the U. S remain the hegemon/dominant power in Asia than you any day .That's a fact .:cheers:

On another note, Agni V will be tested next coming years, dubbed 'THE CHINA KILLER ':bounce::cheesy:

Putin himself always favors Shanghai as the HQ of the BRICS Bank, and we give Russia 50% of leadership/influence in the BRICS Bank.

Russia is running the BRICS Bank like their own toy just like we did.

Russia performs on the table, China performs under the table, different roles for the same purpose is to challenge the US hegemony.
Good move. These wespons would be used to invade another country if they sold it to Russia. They should consider selling this to Turkey for black sea to keep an eye on Russian behavior. Or to Japan in east Asia sea. I think Japan needs them more.

We were planning to buy 3 Wasp class ships from the US, but these Mistrals also fit the role.

If true, then this is a blessing in disguise for both France and Japan.

I think that it could be a possibility if France sells 1 ship to Japan and 1 to Turkey. This would serve the interests of the wider NATO alliance.

The only bad thing is that the Mistral is smaller than the juan carlos and Turkey wouldn't get any tech transfer.

Navantia Press Release:
Navantia consigue el diseño del LHD que se construirá en Turquía - Ferrol - Diario de Ferrol

Spanish Company will have 800.000 man-hour share.

Total Contract Value = 500 million dollar
Navantia = 140 million euro
Sedef = 300 million dollar

Navantia's Responsibilities:

1- Design
2- ToT
3- Technical Consultation
4- 4x LCM- 1E. Landing Craft
5- Engine
6- Turbines
7- Integrated Platform Control System

Navantia consigue el diseño del LHD que se construirá en Turquía - Ferrol - Diario de Ferrol


The real question is how long will this set back the Russian Navy. Some Russian admiral said that if they had these during the Georgian war, it wouldnt take them 2 weeks.
The only bad thing is that the Mistral is smaller than the juan carlos and Turkey wouldn't get any tech transfer.

The Juan Carlos Class , indeed, is an attractive ship at reasonably priced, too. How many is the Turkish Navy looking to acquire, @Kaan ?
A cargo ship with same displacement would cost that much

Certainly not! Don't simply troll and pull stats out of thin air.

The World's largest container ships, the Triple-E class, which displace 165,000 tons(compared to the Mistral's 16,000 tons) and measure 400mtrs in length(compared to the Mistral's 200mtrs) still cost a fraction of the Mistral's price tag, at 190 million $.

Triple-E Class Container Ships - Ship Technology
It was much later in the war when the Americans introduced the Chance Vought F4U Corsair, that it changed the tide of naval aviation warfare.

F6F introduced in 1943 powered by 2,000 hp engine slaughtered A6M due to superior speed, armor, dive.

J-20 / PAK-FA which are large heavy fighters would slaughter F-3 which is a small light fighter due to superior speed, BVR.

Is F-3 Japan's first light fighter? F-3 in the same class as Tejas, JF-17, Gripen, F-5 / F-20. F-2 is a medium fighter in the class of J-10, F-16, Typhoon, Rafale, F-18.
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The problem with predictive calculations on fighters that don't have (yet) any combat history is that one can't make any statistical comparatives. Perhaps later on when said craft are ready , performance comparisons can be made, who knows, even combat capability as well.

Till then, everything is moot.

The problem with predictive calculations on fighters that don't have (yet) any combat history is that one can't make any statistical comparatives. Perhaps later on when said craft are ready , performance comparisons can be made, who knows, even combat capability as well.

Till then, everything is moot.


Big fighters have more radar range than little fighters because bigger radar increasing radar range outweighs larger airframe increasing RCS, much like F6F is bigger than A6M causing bigger engine increasing speed to outweigh slower speed due to more weight. This means bigger fighters have better BVR than little fighters.

Big fighters have more speed than little fighters because bigger engine increasing speed outweighs heavier airframe reducing speed, much like F6F is bigger than A6M causing bigger engine increasing speed to outweigh slower speed due to more weight. This means bigger fighters have better WVR than little fighters.
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The engine of the Mitsubishi F3, which will be based on that of the Mitsubishi MTDX-ShinShin , will be built by Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries , which will produce 2 x IHIXF5-1 turbofans with up to 22,000 lbs of thrust , and will be capable to super-cruise support (just like the F-22) to allow reaching supersonic flights without even reaching the afterburners. The Mitsubishi F3 Fighter is expected to be a very capable fighter and we are confident of its ability to execute its duties against adversaries.

I am soundly confident of its ability to outperform the J-20 and the PAK-FA.

Best of Luck to All. Le Cheim !
Why can't Russia build their own LHD?

China is building 40,000 ton type 075 LHD so why can't Russia build such warships?
What nonsense.

The fact that Russia has to import such weapons from Europe should be considered an insult to the Russian military-inustrial complex.

Stop importing weapons and start building it yourself.
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