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France offers to Indian Air Force for purchasing 40 Rafale fighters

I think India should just do it ontop of MRCA but a.s.a.p, we need those planes!
It is already expanded to 300. It will most likely involve 2 vendors (to maintain pace of induction as one vendor will not be able to supply the numbers within time). It will also include Indian navy's requirement for 40+ aircrafts.

300...yeh kab hua..?

Buying 300 of them will not be a wise decision..It will have huge implications on LCA and most likely IAF will start searching reasons to avoid inducting these...

Having said that i seriously doubt the no. has been increased..officially this is still 126...
300...yeh kab hua..?

Buying 300 of them will not be a wise decision..It will have huge implications on LCA and most likely IAF will start searching reasons to avoid inducting these...

Having said that i seriously doubt the no. has been increased..officially this is still 126...

I think the no is still 126...300 is just not possible..ifwe are to buy 300 of these then why the additional 42 MKIs ?? though its still possibl that the deal might be shared to two vendors..it will also be a unnecessary investment.
And who will pay for all these multiple aircrafts being used?...the cost is not just the unit price but maintainence and spares and this will increase exponentially more the no of types of jets.
And who will pay for all these multiple aircrafts being used?...the cost is not just the unit price but maintainence and spares and this will increase exponentially more the no of types of jets.

It is reasonable to buy them if the Rafale is the winner of the MRCA competition. But then, there seems to be no word of the price for which they are offering them(the 40 Rafales).
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Why all of us so fickle, we like to grab everything that comes to our bag......
We need to take wise steps to secure the nation, Just sticking MRCA and LCA and PAKFA.....

Thats all, while all these are on track why worrying about depleting numbers?, we still have enough in our kitty to counter enemy....

My openion...
Why all of us so fickle, we like to grab everything that comes to our bag......
We need to take wise steps to secure the nation, Just sticking MRCA and LCA and PAKFA.....

Thats all, while all these are on track why worrying about depleting numbers?, we still have enough in our kitty to counter enemy....

My openion...

buddy do you think at the moment we have enough to counter PLAF??? Don't you think that we need modern fighters to cover up for the crazy number of fighter jets that PLAF possess....We can never match them in numbers but how about evading the numerical superiority with techincal????
buddy do you think at the moment we have enough to counter PLAF??? Don't you think that we need modern fighters to cover up for the crazy number of fighter jets that PLAF possess....We can never match them in numbers but how about evading the numerical superiority with techincal????
I understand your point.
But if I read it carefully then we need to acquire 500 fighters in next 1 year which is not possible, is it?...

The acqusition has a pace and it has to be wise. technically what advantage China has got over us?, First tell me that....what is there in Chinese kitty that cant be countered by India. DF 21??, they will send that and we will send Agni 3.Why so worried????....

However you will at least agree that we are not sitting idle. There are plans on the run. If you look at the latest doctorine we want offensive capabilities in the east but defensive capabilities on the west.

So India is actually raising mountain devisions, Su 30 bases, latest SAMs are deployed there.

It will be an advantage for us to think a war from Chienese side, but I think it will be a mere border war and nothing more and for that you need more advanced Army than an Airforce...

Adding 40 rafales will help with what? you will send all 40 rafales to Chinese border?

In war its not faught with Numbers, if that was the case US would have own in Afganistan and Vietnam.

What Iam saying is if you cant acquire 500 fighters in a year then there no point in talking about it. We are left with some options and we should be happy that there are countries that are helping us come up with numbers.

but we should do what we can do best at the moment.
Dash i was favoring F-35 however some detailed PM from Sancho convinced me that may be its not worth it money....not because it is a lesser plane but because of our needs vs money involved....

I understand your point.
But if I read it carefully then we need to acquire 500 fighters in next 1 year which is not possible, is it?...

No it is not....and neither i said that...However you definitely need planes that can act as force multiplier to negate numerical superiority that chinese have....Don't you think so???

Now if we look at our kitty vs there then MKI has no match...However what about after that??? Our top notch planes are very deadly but how about comparing the rest of inventory??? Once you do that you will see what i am talking about....

The acqusition has a pace and it has to be wise. technically what advantage China has got over us?, First tell me that....what is there in Chinese kitty that cant be countered by India. DF 21??, they will send that and we will send Agni 3.Why so worried????....

What are you talking about buddy??? Acquisition should always be wise and that's what i am talking about....There has to be a reason our ministry has asked our forces to embrace for two front wars...Don't you think so??? Now i am not saying there we are going for war however if we have to prepare for such a case we need to field the best and quick....I am not worried about missiles or any such things...What i am worried about is how much IAF would be able to assist our ground troops if need be....How deep our AF can go inside china and how much we would be able to stop them from coming in.......Will they be purely defensive or offensive??? If i read it correct as per cold start IAF needs to have punitive role...something like "shock and awe"...If you think our current state viz-a-viz China guarantees that then i am all fine...I will leave it to you to judge....

However you will at least agree that we are not sitting idle. There are plans on the run. If you look at the latest doctorine we want offensive capabilities in the east but defensive capabilities on the west.
Not really....We want offensive capabilities in both sectors....Unfortunately we concentrated on western border too much and for too long...Never the less we are catching up and that's why i would like to have best in our kitty....

So India is actually raising mountain devisions, Su 30 bases, latest SAMs are deployed there.
yes you are right....However lot of work still needs to be done....The kind of infrastructure our neighbours have put in their side our forces have a very very challenging task....Mark my words friend....

It will be an advantage for us to think a war from Chienese side, but I think it will be a mere border war and nothing more and for that you need more advanced Army than an Airforce...
I am sorry i do not agree....If i go by our doctorine i.e cold start there is no scope of just Army playng the role....Any case we need to modernize all three forces....Navy is doing a good job followed very closely by IAF and then Army....

Adding 40 rafales will help with what? you will send all 40 rafales to Chinese border?

I was favoring F-35 and not rafale...and yes having such fighters always give you a bigger punch....We have 110 MKI's....I am sure we will not send all of them to China in case there is a war...right??? We are going to field 3 AC and want to be a true blue water Navy....I am sure you agree that AC are not for Pakistan....

In war its not faught with Numbers, if that was the case US would have own in Afganistan and Vietnam.
Exactly...that's why what you field should be top notch...You might have noticed you are speaking my lines here....China has numerical superiority and we need top quality stuff to negate it.....

MKI - MRCA - FGFA : All these will make IAF the best and deadly but how about Navy??? We do need top notch fighters for them as well....Also remember whatever you will get you will need atleast 4-5 years to master it....You would not like to wait till 2020's to have your navy get her first 5 generation plane....

What Iam saying is if you cant acquire 500 fighters in a year then there no point in talking about it. We are left with some options and we should be happy that there are countries that are helping us come up with numbers.

but we should do what we can do best at the moment.
Agree to it...and that's what i am saying...not sure how you got the 500 number though....
I am sorry i do not agree....If i go by our doctorine i.e cold start there is no scope of just Army playng the role....Any case we need to modernize all three forces....Navy is doing a good job followed very closely by IAF and then Army....

My thoughts,

Cold start doctorine i believe was very specific to Pakistan -- I dont believe it applies to China where we will be purely a defensive force (atleast for this decade). You simply cant be offensive against much bigger adversary , leaving your defenses to be picked by the enemy.
My thoughts,

Cold start doctorine i believe was very specific to Pakistan -- I dont believe it applies to China where we will be purely a defensive force (atleast for this decade). You simply cant be offensive against much bigger adversary , leaving your defenses to be picked by the enemy.

Cold Start is a doctorine...It has nothing to do with China or Pakistan...Yes you are right that in present scenario it cannot be applied to China....Also you are right wheh you say we will be a defensive force viz-a-viz China for atleast a decade....But we have started moving towards offensive capability and that's what we all are aiming for...isn't it???

As Dash also mentioned that we are raising mountain division....MKI's on border areas, SAMS and what not....Infrastructure is being improved which sheds away the old theory "Do not develop infrastructure in such areas because it will help chinese more then us"..this speaks a lot about GOI mindset isn't it???....That's why i would love to see best with our Forces and as quick as possible....
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