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France offers to Indian Air Force for purchasing 40 Rafale fighters

well i am talking about Indian navy and for Indian air force in mmrca yes rafale has chance but still there is competition

i hope India will reply fast and catch the best time:cheers:

yes! and hope for best......I wish IAF will not delay this procurement anymore..
Can anyone say how different would be the maintenance and other ground procedures of Rafales as compared to MIrages??? What i am trying to find out is that will rafale be a completely new platform for us?? If that is the case then buying 40 odd will not make sense unless and until we are saying Rafale is MRCA winner.....

No doubt it is a great platform but we should keep in mind that supporting multiple platforms is a maintenance nightmare......
well if my source is right in mid 2015 iac2 will be ready we have to complete as soon as possible so that we can work on nuke sub

don't tell any one its secret

A secret that you are sharing on a public forum and still calling it a secret....hahaha nice joke
well if my source is right in mid 2015 iac2 will be ready we have to complete as soon as possible so that we can work on nuke sub

don't tell any one its secret

But dude how our ACs related to nuke sub ???
May be India go for f35 for its IAC 2&3

f-35 is a better option!! but dont you think... its too costly as compare to mig-29 and rafale..and its not sure wether america will be ready to provide this 5th gen plane to IN..??
f-35 is a better option!! but dont you think... its too costly as compare to mig-29 and rafale..and its not sure wether america will be ready to provide this 5th gen plane to IN..??

They will .....

Second profit for India to go for F35 is that ..... If India go for F35 then Pakistan cant choose that plane not in small no.
f-35 is a better option!! but dont you think... its too costly as compare to mig-29 and rafale..and its not sure wether america will be ready to provide this 5th gen plane to IN..??

well there is no question for money the question is our neighbor are increasing power day and night we need the best

but yes f35 is an option and Rafael is the second option but i will not say about mig 29 they are not in list
There was talk on forums some time back may be some oldies will remember about total no. of Planes to be procured will be 189 eventually.

who knows the 40 is just first installment and 150 more will follow...
It seems France got the hint that India will be choosing F-18SH for MRCA and thus they offered Rafale seperately. I think if we can afford it then no harm to get these for Navy.
There was talk on forums some time back may be some oldies will remember about total no. of Planes to be procured will be 189 eventually.

who knows the 40 is just first installment and 150 more will follow...

well you are right but let see :cheers:
well there is no question for money the question is our neighbor are increasing power day and night we need the best

but yes f35 is an option and Rafael is the second option but i will not say about mig 29 they are not in list

Going for F-35 for just one carrier is not at all a wise decision..At most IAC-2 will accommodate 40 of these..one hell of a maintenance nightmare ....i'll vouch for RAFALE with active stealth for IAC-2 if RAFALE is chosen in MRCA ...
Going for F-35 for just one carrier is not at all a wise decision..At most IAC-2 will accommodate 40 of these..one hell of a maintenance nightmare ....i'll vouch for RAFALE with active stealth for IAC-2 if RAFALE is chosen in MRCA ...

i am 100% agree with you

but don't you think if f35 join Indian navy then how powerful will be our force

just think about it :smitten:
i am 100% agree with you

but don't you think if f35 join Indian navy then how powerful will be our force

just think about it :smitten:

No F-35:nono::nono: by the time They are done with producing enough for USAF,USMC,USN,U.k,Italy,Netherlands, Canada,Turkey,Australia,Norway and Denmark (Israel and Singapore maybee) the N-Pakfa will be ready.
Even if we go for F-35 we will be getting it around 2035 or later.
Even then the F-35 will be down graded and will have too many curbs.
A downgraded F-35 which will be delivered by late 2035-2040 will not give the IN any decisive advantage.
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i am 100% agree with you

but don't you think if f35 join Indian navy then how powerful will be our force

just think about it :smitten:

Bhai mere..there is no extra point for doing more than what is required..we are not sending these to fight USA or, UK..our single point of interest is our next door neighbors..
and whether they believe it or, not RAFALE with active stealth will be the second best plane in the region after FGFA and much better than anything our FRIENDS can have.. plus FGFA and Su-30 with Brahmos and Nirbhay will be there to inflict maximum damage..
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