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France is Racist !

Further there is no concept of hardcore niqab in islam these practices came from pagan arabs who anoynomised female identity out of bigotry.

Yup you are right :agree:
There is big difference in hijab and burqa
Maybe you missed the racist conversation by a long shot .. But at least you understand what racism would be like in .. say a muslim country.

I see why you say that. I wanted to show a parallelism and irony of using that term in this discussion. Didn't want to term that discrimination as racism as they would do that to anyone - even Arab Christians.
I am talking about the general population - not the relations between the 2 states currently - viz. Germany and France. They have a rather bitter past - you are the one who needs to get not some but A LOT of education.

Once again, I am not talking about the French govt. - but the French people looking down on Americans. The French are so embarrassed about liking McDonalds but when approached by a journalist most claimed they were from the Canadian Quebec.

And yes - do read this - consider it part of your education -
Napoleonic code - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
poor you.
i am living here. and you come like a God to explain me this country. Germans and French people have NO problem. This is just your stupid idea ... it is not because it was a terrible war in 39-45 that still now they hate each other.

French people are so much bad considering the US people that everyone hopes to go there. And they don't make a confusion between US governement and foreign policy with the american people.
There is a flag that nobody will insult you if you wear it here : american flag. how you can explain this? mister imagination world

About Napoleon code lol
What is the matter with the Napoleon code with the discussion about racist French people? can you explain more accurately what is the link?

Because the Taliban are ENFORCING a religious dogma requirement that punishes with DEATH the ones who do not conform.

And punishment in France is

leave the university, Leave the Job, Leave teh Office, leave the train. You cant get out. You are an outcast because you are a MUSLIM......Pretty same as death sentence.

Banning the burqa is NOT STRIPPING SOMEONES CLOTHES OFF, it is removing an identifiable item that can be used for discrimination. And if you carry on wearing one, NOONE IS GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!!!

If someone dont want to take it off and you are taking it off forcefully it is stripping.....And again no one is going to kill her but only loose her job, Study etc etc.....No big deal....

The difference is huge, firstly the Taliban KILL, the French do NOT, second, the choice is in women, they can wear whatever they want, in a NON RELIGIOUS IDENTIFIABLE WAY, can a woman wear a mini skirt is afganistan without dying ????

Thats my point.The world kept shouting on top of their throat when taliban not letting women to decide what they want to wear....WOmen abuse and stuff...But now when french govt doing the same its good move against discrimination.

Because a non muslim would very rarely choose to wear a burqa such as a non jew would NOT choose to wear the star !!!

So its against muslims. Muslims choose hijab or Burqa so thats why ban it.....Its the muslim thing.....Its like taking someone identity from her.

Both seems pretty much same to me....I wonder why only ban on Hijab....



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poor you.
i am living here. and you come like a God to explain me this country. Germans and French people have NO problem. This is just your stupid idea ... it is not because it was a terrible war in 39-45 that still now they hate each other.

French people are so much bad considering the US people that everyone hopes to go there. And they don't make a confusion between US governement and foreign policy with the american people.
There is a flag that nobody will insult you if you wear it here : american flag. how you can explain this? mister imagination world

About Napoleon code lol
What is the matter with the Napoleon code with the discussion about racist French people? can you explain more accurately what is the link?

"French people are so much bad considering the US people that everyone hopes to go there" - I would respond to such a statement - only if I knew what it meant. What are you trying to say?
And punishment in France is

leave the university, Leave the Job, Leave teh Office, leave the train. You cant get out. You are an outcast because you are a MUSLIM......Pretty same as death sentence.

If someone dont want to take it off and you are taking it off forcefully it is stripping.....And again no one is going to kill her but only loose her job, Study etc etc.....No big deal....

Thats my point.The world kept shouting on top of their throat when taliban not letting women to decide what they want to wear....WOmen abuse and stuff...But now when french govt doing the same its good move against discrimination.

So its against muslims. Muslims choose hijab or Burqa so thats why ban it.....Its the muslim thing.....Its like taking someone identity from her.

Both seems pretty much same to me....I wonder why only ban on Hijab....



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dude you are hung up on the muslim thing, and to be honest, your persistance and the persistance of other muslims on a PIECE OF CLOTHING is beyond me and beyond anything that isn't religious fanatism.

At the end of the day dude, IT'S JUST SOME CLOTH,

if the woman doesn't wear it, NOTHING FRIKKIN HAPPENS, do you get it, her soul doesn't burn in hell, nobody cares other than uptight religious people who better get something else to do with their lives

the ban is to stop discrimination and help the muslims, you don't want to accept that,

there is nothing I can do... nobody can make the blind see... .

your choice your eyes your brain.. .use it...

dude you are hung up on the muslim thing, and to be honest, your persistance and the persistance of other muslims on a PIECE OF CLOTHING is beyond me and beyond anything that isn't religious fanatism.

At the end of the day dude, IT'S JUST SOME CLOTH,

if the woman doesn't wear it, NOTHING FRIKKIN HAPPENS, do you get it, her soul doesn't burn in hell, nobody cares other than uptight religious people who better get something else to do with their lives

the ban is to stop discrimination and help the muslims, you don't want to accept that,

there is nothing I can do... nobody can make the blind see... .

your choice your eyes your brain.. .use it...

At last the mentality comes out.....So much for discrimination

Your belief is that its just piece of cloth whiles others belief is more than that. Now you are implementing your belief forcefully......

YOu take it off nothing freekin happens....Maybe you are right...But by not taking it off nothing freekin happens either...No one will burn in hell that way either...then whats the fuss....

Your brain, your eyes, use it.......

Anyway my last post on this topic.......Because you are same category of forcefully implementing your belief on others. The ban itself is discrimination. But you dont want to accept that because you just want to implement your belief of "its just a piece of cloth" forcefully.
Indeed what says the law:
it is forbidden to hide its face
what you showed is allowed
about the religious catholic persons: they often are closed in their place and they outside wear light dress, lighter than what you showed
anyway you should know that the religious christians here opposed a law against the burqa

except Parisians who feel superiors and most people in France didn't like them... French people still like USA and consider the country to be the symbol of freedom, good opportunities and they see of course as the same "occident" civilisation (even people here didn't like the word "civilisation").
As it was said many times by politics here you can summarize with their own words like the one of Chirac for exemple:
The US people will always be our dear friends and as the best friends we need to say them when they are doing something wrong
At last the mentality comes out.....So much for discrimination

Your belief is that its just piece of cloth whiles others belief is more than that. Now you are implementing your belief forcefully......

YOu take it off nothing freekin happens....Maybe you are right...But by not taking it off nothing freekin happens either...No one will burn in hell that way either...then whats the fuss....

Your brain, your eyes, use it.......

Anyway my last post on this topic.......Because you are same category of forcefully implementing your belief on others. The ban itself is discrimination. But you dont want to accept that because you just want to implement your belief of "its just a piece of cloth" forcefully.

Dude, I'll try once more, but I begin to think you are a hopeless case..

It is a piece of cloth whether you want to admit it or not.

God didn't make the cloth
His prophets didn't bring it down from heaven
His angels don't sell it in some heavenly shop
It doesn't fall from the sky
It is NOT a symbol of the said religion.The Koran is, a mosque is, the damn cloth isn't
Women who don't bloody put it on don't instantly burst into flames because they opposed his will


You know the Mayans used to carve out the hearts of their own people as well as prisoners because they believed their Gods wanted that.... so to them curving out a heart was more than just a brutal act and I am just a racist against them ...right ???

wake up dude... religious fanatism in any measure is just a waste of your valuable and very short time in this life and on this planet...

do something better with your life, trust me, nothing will happen if women go uncovered in public as nothing has happened for thousands of years so far...

Then banning these items of bigotry and discrimination is appropriate. Do you support banning female genital circumcision, because this practice came from 'pagan' ages and mentality, even though some young girls wanted to have it done on themselves?

Definately I DO..it is only practiced in the bedouin arabs whose practicies have not changed much from pagan era. Doing that to women is part of the bigorty circle which revolves around depriving woman of her identity and feminity..let me list them below.

1. cover face
2. female genitila mutilation
3. enforcing a male chaperone when stepping outdoors
4. not allowing woman to participate in any affaris without male approval
5. Compulsary tie up of female identity with her brother / son / father. Therefore she can only be represented by those and not by herself.
6. In extreme cases like saudi arabia until 2003, completely denying th existence of female identity and forcing her to use and travel on her brother / father identity documents accompanied by them as well.
7. Barring woman from presence in court and treating her witness / evidence suspecious by default and half in value that of man.
8. Systematical dehumanizing of woman through literary and academic means which is prevalent in Saudi education system.
9. Trading woman in favour of a heavy dowry in marriage contract enforced by fathers and brothers.

I think when Muslim world can address their own ailments then they should look for pointing towards France. Meantime I will commend any country which chooses to bar these stupid niqabs which are consider more of a symbol of arab imperialism than Islam. The only recommendation that too option is Islam is headscarves which has significance since the pre-islamic times even in Christian and Jewish culture and is still widely used by them around middle east and eastern europe.

Ohh and an intresting fact that saudis have systematically started to ban niqabs too however there is no public outcry over that so far not even from the "brotherly" muslim countries. $$$$ talk too much!
You are obviously not getting it

Actually it is you who is ignorant here, so let me open your eyes.

The French law banning headscarfs for schoolgirls does NOT bar necklaces with Christian crosses or the star of David. It only bars 'conspicuous' religion symbols. Apparently, Jewish men wearing a yarmulka didn't bother the French for centuries, but as soon as Muslim schoolgirls showed up with a headscarf all hell broke loose and the entire French nation went into a self-righteous paroxysm of xenophobia.

And on the subject of the burqa, since your assertion is that it should be banned because it is an outward symbol of religion, then why aren't the French banning the Jewish yarmulka on men?

Let's cut the crap and say it like it is. These laws are nothing more than typical French xenophobia and the legitimization of Islamophobia in Europe.

I am talking about the general population

Spot on!

I, too have lived in France and it is a fact that the French have a giant broom up their proverbial a$$. They are so uptight about their culture and so averse to external influences that they actually have a full time government department for 'the preservation of French culture'.

It is a standard joke in Europe and the US that if you go to France and ask directions in English, you are as likely to get deliberately wrong directions as right ones.

it is only practiced in the bedouin arabs

Correction: according to Amnesty International, it is practised by various religious and ethnic groups in Eastern Africa and the Middle East. The practise is not restricted to any particular religion or ethnicity.
Actually it is you who is ignorant here, so let me open your eyes.

The French law banning headscarfs for schoolgirls does NOT bar necklaces with Christian crosses or the star of David. It only bars 'conspicuous' religion symbols. Apparently, Jewish men wearing a yarmulka didn't bother the French for centuries, but as soon as Muslim schoolgirls showed up with a headscarf all hell broke loose and the entire French nation went into a self-righteous paroxysm of xenophobia.

And on the subject of the burqa, since your assertion is that it should be banned because it is an outward symbol of religion, then why aren't the French banning the Jewish yarmulka on men?

Let's cut the crap and say it like it is. These laws are nothing more than typical French xenophobia and the legitimization of Islamophobia in Europe.

Spot on!

I, too have lived in France and it is a fact that the French have a giant broom up their proverbial a$$. They are so uptight about their culture and so averse to external influences that they actually have a full time government department for 'the preservation of French culture'.

It is a standard joke in Europe and the US that if you go to France and ask directions in English, you are as likely to get deliberately wrong directions as right ones.

Correction: according to Amnesty International, it is practised by various religious and ethnic groups in Eastern Africa and the Middle East. The practise is not restricted to any particular religion or ethnicity.

Sure I felt it that french are so uptight about their culture.One time when I asked road from a french middle-age woman she made faces to me and muttered to herself.
Actually it is you who is ignorant here, so let me open your eyes.

The French law banning headscarfs for schoolgirls does NOT bar necklaces with Christian crosses or the star of David. It only bars 'conspicuous' religion symbols. Apparently, Jewish men wearing a yarmulka didn't bother the French for centuries, but as soon as Muslim schoolgirls showed up with a headscarf all hell broke loose and the entire French nation went into a self-righteous paroxysm of xenophobia.

And on the subject of the burqa, since your assertion is that it should be banned because it is an outward symbol of religion, then why aren't the French banning the Jewish yarmulka on men?

Let's cut the crap and say it like it is. These laws are nothing more than typical French xenophobia and the legitimization of Islamophobia in Europe.

Spot on!

I, too have lived in France and it is a fact that the French have a giant broom up their proverbial a$$. They are so uptight about their culture and so averse to external influences that they actually have a full time government department for 'the preservation of French culture'.

It is a standard joke in Europe and the US that if you go to France and ask directions in English, you are as likely to get deliberately wrong directions as right ones.

Correction: according to Amnesty International, it is practised by various religious and ethnic groups in Eastern Africa and the Middle East. The practise is not restricted to any particular religion or ethnicity.

Let me open YOUR eyes instead.

the particular French law does not mention any particular symbol, and thus ban all christian, muslim, hebrew and other minor religions' signs.

If your fellow muslims in France feel that ONLY their "signs" are being banned while for example jews can wear their own identifiable "signs" then they should take their case to the court and for sure win it, because the law clearly states ALL religious signs.

Get it now ?

Let me open YOUR eyes instead.

the particular French law does not mention any particular symbol, and thus ban all christian, muslim, hebrew and other minor religions' signs.

If your fellow muslims in France feel that ONLY their "signs" are being banned while for example jews can wear their own identifiable "signs" then they should take their case to the court and for sure win it, because the law clearly states ALL religious signs.

Get it now ?



BBC NEWS | Europe | French clerics oppose scarf ban

The commission's recommendations would outlaw the Jewish kippa, large Christian crosses and the Islamic headscarf, which would be considered overt religious symbols.

"Discreet" medallions and pendants which merely confirm a person's religious faith would be allowed.

Christians don't walk around with 'large crosses', instead wearing pendants, so they are not impacted by this law at all. Jews also were allowed to wear the kippa or yarmulka for centuries without fuss. The law was specifically enacted as a reaction to Muslim girls wearing the headscarf.
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