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France Backs Away From The Chinese Threat

Are you insane?

US was knee deep in Vietnam in 1971 and you think it wanted to start another war with India over Bangladesh?

hahahaha :rofl:

please tell me more :pop:
US was knee deep in Vietnam or not, she was never going to attack India for Pakistan. Remember it is the same USA that forced FM Ayub not to take advantage of India-China conflict in 1962, even armed India to fight communist China, and it is the same USA that stopped all military cooperation following the 1965 war. The 7th fleet had nothing to do with attack on India and its was a bluff USA played to express her 'concern' albeit false over the situation in former East Pakistan. Fact is, Pakistan-US relationship was cold following the 1965; Pakistan had refused to extend the lease of Budbeer airfield near Peshawar from where the U-2 spy planes used to fly, and Pakistan was getting closer to communist China at very fast pace. None of this development was favorable or pleasing for the USA and under this kind of strained relationship between the two countries, its hilarious to even think that USA would attack India to save Pakistan.
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US was never willing to attack India. This is something that you read in your Indian textbooks but it is far from the reality.

And why would Pakistan not stick with the Chinese on a program in which we have already invested with the Chinese and when other alternates are not available? Seems quite logical to me.

They did send their 7th fleet to Indian Ocean.. As I said, it was more of an implicit threat than an actualy intent of attack, but the point was that at that time US and Pakistan were really thick. The same US which in 1990's sanctioned Pakistan to the extent that it stopped the delivery of planes which were already paid for.... So the friendships between nations are generally not permanent and today just like the 70's and 80's, Pakistan is making a mistake of putting all its eggs in a single basket. Back then it was USA.. Today its China
Are you insane?

US was knee deep in Vietnam in 1971 and you think it wanted to start another war with India over Bangladesh?

hahahaha :rofl:

please tell me more :pop:

I guess you are the one, who refuses to belive the truth, basically apart from you guys everyone in the world are lying right ??:rofl:

You like it or not the USS Enterprise did try and help their baby but the USSR submarine reached before they did but neverthe less belive what you have been taught to belive.

Defunct Humanity: 1971. The War of Nerves in Bengal Bay
USS 7th fleet in bay of bengal was a bluff and Indira Gandhi played it perfectly. Attacking India wold have invited Russians too. So i dont think US would have attacked India.
US was never willing to attack India. This is something that you read in your Indian textbooks but it is far from the reality.

Do you stick to these words or where these at the heat of the moment. Bcoz the Nixon-Indiara love and 7th fleets adventure in Bay of bengal is well documented.

And why would Pakistan not stick with the Chinese on a program in which we have already invested with the Chinese and when other alternates are not available? Seems quite logical to me.

Well this logic aint shared by the PAF. or else why go in for French. Probably chineese avionics are a long way off from PAF's requirements.
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