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Four explosions in Quetta

Who says we are supporting them.......We are just "not opposing" them... if u get my drift....:devil:

Both are not the same thing....And As per our sources its Full form is Balochistan LIBERATION Army which means Freedom fighters just like u guys think of Kashmir Mujra hide din(comes out at night) :P

We have more liberation armies aka freedom fighters in India then :)
Think about the guys who have to go about removing the bodies or parts, seeing all the blood and gore. These things can give terrible nightmares and permanently scar a person.

When you do this for a living, you become desensitized to it. There is no CISD or Psycho Social First Aid in Pakistan for first responders/ other allied professionals. You learn to deal with it in your ownn way, I speak from first hand experience. after a while you learn to block out some things, but you can never get over the smel of blood... Especially at mass casulty incidents.
We have more liberation armies aka freedom fighters in India then :)

YOu mean Maoist.....You need to Learn more about them

NAXALS- Naxalite or Naxalvadis (meaning Terrorist in Hindi language), also calling themselves Maoists are a group of violent communists who have rejected parliamentary democracy and have vowed to rule the people by imposing dictatorship of their party.

This is there main Agenda not Seperatist State..

IF u talk of ULFA ..its Almost in it Graveyard only Last Ceremony is to be performed by uprooting them from there foreign Roots..

Whereas Balochistan u see is a Different Issue....There many Party Interest Involved in this,,it will be done by Hook or by Crook.....And we would like to Thank the Help of PA And ISI they are giving in providing Conducive Atmosphere... :wave:
well it's confusing.... If your masses have all this information is your government and security establishment sleeping?

According to my information from reliable quarters our establishment has succeeded in blocking atleast 200 suicide as well as other big attacks.

Muharram was the most highly sensitive period specially 9th and 10th of Muharram when thousands of Pakistanis take to street to commamorate shahadat of Imam Hussian (RA) ; these were highly prone to suicide attacks but the our army/intel and other security orgs did wonderful job and you had seen the result NO such incident not a single one.

These terrorists waited for a relatively normal period and you seen the result.

The situation at Afghan front is normalising so the terrorists find joint cause with BLA in Balochistan.

Asymmetric warfare is not our forte... we fight in a significantly different scenario... on the borders, under Geneva conventions, with honor and dignity... This bleeding by thousand cuts is your policy thats imploding in your country.

1. honestly speaking asymmetric warfare was also not our forte and its good that this WoT has added experience to our forces' planing and execution.

2. i dint point at India yet but you see a straw in your hat then well we have seen your so-called in 71 with terror training camps on Indian soil.
Security forces have to be lucky all the time, terrorists, just once.

So its damn hard to avoid terrorist attacks in such a violent environment.
We have more liberation armies aka freedom fighters in India then :)
That is your biggest problem...You have invested so much resources against India that now you don't have enough resources to save yourself from these kind of incidents......
US asks Pakistan to ensure protection of minorities

WASHINGTON: Strongly condemning a series of terror attacks this week targeting Pakistani Shia Muslims, a US Congress-established body on religious freedom today asked the Obama Administration to impress upon Islamabad to ensure protection of minorities in the country.

"The murder of innocent civilians because of their religious beliefs is outrageous and tragic, and we extend our condolences to their families," said Katrina Lantos Swett, chairman of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF).

"In response, the Pakistani government must take concrete and meaningful action to protect the minority Shia Muslim community," Swett said.

"Over the past year, more than 400 Shia reportedly have been murdered. If the government doesn't crack down on militants openly targeting Shia Muslims, the body count will continue to rise and the religious life of the Shia community will further be threatened," she added.

The USCIRF statement comes in the wake of Thursday's bombings, which killed 120 individuals across Pakistan, including 81 who died in twin bombings on a pool hall in a Shia area of Quetta in Balochistan province.

Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, a Sunni militant group affiliated with the Pakistani Taliban, claimed responsibility for the attack.

"The Pakistani government has not acted and the worsening climate has reached critical levels for all religious communities in Pakistan, Muslim and non-Muslim alike," said Lantos Swett.

In addition to the increasing number of targeted attacks on Shia Muslims, USCIRF is aware of 17 individuals who are on death row and 20 serving life sentences under Pakistan's blasphemy law.

Furthermore, the murderers of Shahbaz Bhatti, the assassinated Federal Minister for Minority Affairs, remain at large and the investigation has ended.

The Ahmadi community continues to suffer from violence, discrimination and abuse, and Hindus increasingly are among the victims of Pakistan's climate of intolerance.

US asks Pakistan to ensure protection of minorities - The Times of India
That is your biggest problem...You have invested so much resources against India that now you don't have enough resources to save yourself from these kind of incidents......

The Indian North East trouble is self-created. Pakistan has nothing to do with that.

we have not invested even 10% if we did or do the situation will be different as and when suitable
The Indian North East trouble is self-created. Pakistan has nothing to do with that.

we have not invested even 10% if we did or do the situation will be different as and when suitable

So we can expect more FD investment from pakistan then. :P
When you do this for a living, you become desensitized to it. There is no CISD or Psycho Social First Aid in Pakistan for first responders/ other allied professionals. You learn to deal with it in your ownn way, I speak from first hand experience. after a while you learn to block out some things, but you can never get over the smel of blood... Especially at mass casulty incidents.

Well most of our guys who work in govt mortuaries etc drink heavily to block those things out..maybe your guys use hash as its available in plenty there. I'm not judging them but from their pov I think thats ok.

Why Indians want to support BLA terrorists here?

2. BLA terrorists have been targeting Sunni Pukhtuns in Balochistan since long to change the demography viz a viz Baloch population. Hazara Pakistanis are peaceful citizens and do noy support BLA terrorists. The BLA has now found an excuse to taregt Hazara non-Balcoh Pakistanis to add to demographic change.

3. LJ is a terrorist organisation that has been killing shia as well as sunni Pakistanis since it had become a part of al-qaeda and TTP.

4. The TTP terrorist attacks in KPK are being coordinated by LJ terrorists just on the same day a Sunni Tableghi ijtima was targeted by these terrorists resulted in killing of many Sunni Pakistanis.

5. here BLA and LeJ find a common cause that is destabilise Pakistan. the marking is on the wall. BLA-LJ joint attack against Hazara Pakistanis to terrorise common Pakistanis and esacpe in name of secterian color.

Who supported BLA..get over this insecurity first. I was just saying this attack was committed by LeJ and all you could do was blame BLA as if they did this when there is no evidence and leave out LeJ who were the actual culprits. To defeat an enemy you have to identify who you are fighting first. You pakistanis are confused at the first step. But hey is Pakistanis killing pakistanis. At the end of the day they are not my people and other than hoping this would end there is nothing I could do.
Well most of our guys who work in govt mortuaries etc drink heavily to block those things out..maybe your guys use hash as its available in plenty there. I'm not judging them but from their pov I think thats ok.

Who supported BLA..get over this insecurity first. I was just saying this attack was committed by LeJ and all you could do was blame BLA as if they did this when there is no evidence and leave out LeJ who were the actual culprits. To defeat an enemy you have to identify who you are fighting first. You pakistanis are confused at the first step. But hey is Pakistanis killing pakistanis. At the end of the day they are not my people and other than hoping this would end there is nothing I could do.

I used to cope with it by praying and hugging my children when I got home everyday. Everyone has their own mechanism, I do know people who drink or take substances to deal with it. Who am I to judge...
So....shouldn't this be an answer to the killing of the Indian soldier? Immediately after 'India' will retaliate.....this happens and happens where India has the strongest connection with the terrorists? I think the message was loud and clear taking lives of about 100 innocent people!

thats what I meant in a way that India doesnt need to retaliate
BLA and Lashker Jhangvi have done a much better job for it

sorry sir, but your moronic comment doesn't deserve any response

dont take it the wrong way. look at it like this
for argument sake,you are pee'd off due to actions of someone and decide to take action and in the same time that person or his loved ones have to suffer a tragedy and you say to yourself
"serves you well buddy... I really dont need to do anything now"
I used to cope with it by praying and hugging my children when I got home everyday. Everyone has their own mechanism, I do know people who drink or take substances to deal with it. Who am I to judge...
Right Sir. This exposure to violence can affect someone and he may become one. We have seen PTSD soldiers committing worst crimes. You are right about lack of support system for our soldiers, especially for psychological care. Look at suicide incidents in Kashmir in India.

Only people like you now what violence is and in any war the looser are the civilians and the soldiers. Many loose lives, many loose humanity.

Take all these war mongers to one terrorist attack site where body parts are littered everywhere, they will puke, faint and will have nightmares for days.

thats what I meant in a way that India doesnt need to retaliate
BLA and Lashker Jhangvi have done a much better job for it
dont take it the wrong way. look at it like thisfor argument sake,you are pee'd off due to actions of someone and decide to take action and in the same time that person or his loved ones have to suffer a tragedy and you say to yourself
"serves you well buddy... I really dont need to do anything now"
After that 2 Indian soldiers killing, I thought that something like this will happen and may be it will be orchestrated by RAW, a huge MAY BE, but I thought it might happen.

The people who paid the price has nothing to do with this event.

Another possibility is a third party or vested party who don't want Indo-Pak peace, they used that killing as an opportunity to attack Pakistan to create more tensions.
on the main subject.
the shia population is doing a sit in with their dead demanding army rule in Quetta which wont do much I am afraid.
the killers, their leaders (ex killers) and their financiers are well known but remain untouchable.

these killings are reported to be a result of some Police/ FC raids which resulted in seizure of large cache of explosives and guns from Deobandi sectarian organisations like sipah sahabah / Lashker Jhangvi and there were arrests as well.

but thats how far it goes in terms of Governement response to sectarian terrorism on Hazara and other shia in general. they would take few leaders of banned outfits in protective custody for few months and let them go after few months and the same people will visit a place like DI khan/ Parachinar or Quetta and inspire their followers to spill the blood of infidel shias
followed by protests by shia, some customary remarks from government, some FC/ police patrols on the main roads and some customary arrests and the cycle continues

if Indra Gandhi failed to sink our 2 nation theory then these sectarian terrorists will complete this unfinished job by condemning shias to death who form the biggest minority group of Pakistanis about 20%.
Have you seen any action by Military against these Terrorist NOP where are the intelligence agencies this isn't the first attack on shias do you want me to draw you a picture.

They created this group to Liberate Kashmir and fight India they wanted to bleed India financially so India will pack up and leave. Really who was the genius that came up with that Idea General suck and blow.

This is the reason they are Not Taking any action against these Terrorist cause they still think they will be able to use them But in the mean time they are allowed to kill shias.

It takes its name from the late Sunni Cleric Haq Nawaz Jhangvi, who spearheaded the anti-Shia campaign which began in the country 30 years ago as a counter-movement to the Iranian Islamic revolution.

Mr Jhangvi was a founding member of Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP), a group blamed by many for introducing sectarian violence to the country.

Researchers say that the Islamisation policy introduced by Pakistan's former military leader, General Zia-ul-Haq, in the 1980s allowed the emergence of SSP in 1985.

Dear, I respect your sentiments and can understand your anger. But, This is the time that we as nation needs to understand that it’s war of existence of Pakistan – people are being exploited on line of sect and ethnic basis and no-doubt our past policies are reason for this. Falling in trap where people stop trusting its own forces and look for external forces for help is all the enemies want. Latest example is people of Hazara protesting & asking army to intervene but go and check HRW reports it as people are protesting that it’s being done on behest of army – total propaganda to create environment for intervention. Don’t you know the strength of Shias in army? Are you saying – If it’s being done by support of Army than those shias in army are more than happy to kill their own people for personal goals? Don’t you know the big number of Hazaras is part of armed forces as well? Are the cold blooded enough to see their community being mass killed?

Shias are being targeted specifically & highlighted because it’s biggest minority and have power to stand and is try to create general perception, something we see when a crime is committed by Muslim religion is highlighted but not if it’s by non-muslim. Main goal is to provoke and hurt them to the point where they are ready to pick arms and support external forces. You can see latest examples of different countries; all you need is to swap the sects/religion in those examples. And no, none of country will come to help because innocent people are being killed but those countries are waiting for right time (or infect supporting it) to achieve their objectives.

After soviet war, US left us with thousands of trained fighter with no rehabilitation plan for them and our generals thought to engage them and use same tactics against India. But after 9/11 things changed, Musharaf changed the policy overnight and withdrew support again without any rehabilitation which left mullahs without source of income. So, they joined anti-pak camp and now this monster like other frictions is out of their hand. They have alliance with TTP in KPK & working with support of baluch separatists in Baluchistan. And you are full aware from where TTP & BLA gets financial and logistic support. You are fully aware that in Afghanistan which countries support Northern Alliance. So, none of savior you might be thinking is actually caring about people of Pakistan, everyone is working for his own interests. I don’t know you are aware or not – but most of supplies when Pakistan blocked NATO routes were not actually coming via NDN.

Let me clarify my stance, I am Pro-Army & Anti-Generals but I think this time Army needs support of people. Maybe, there are still some frictions in ISI who are marking LeJ’s leaders as assets & enemies and want to payback of what’s happening (I am against this policy) but overall the stance is to kill all who are involve in terrorism against state. But army is on back foot because other pillars of state media, judiciary & civil govt. is against them and don’t let go any chance of pulling their legs. In this case as well, some people are blaming army when army is not present in Baluchistan and FC is under civilian control. Media & courts don’t let intelligence agencies to work – They have to capture and interrogate the suspects to find leads and plans of enemy, they don’t have crystal ball which will give them all information. But, media & courts even declare the person who is part of terrorist organization and hiding in mountains as missing person. And persons killed by terrorists are being projected as extra-judicial killing.

Regarding Islamisation & radicalization – let’s not forget that foundation of this laid not in 80s but 70s when ZAB used religion first time for domestic and international politics. He set the precedent of declaring Kafar by declaring Ahamadis Kafar constitutionally. Named atom bomb – Islamic bomb and changed the mind set of people from being Pakistanis to being Muslims. For Zia foundation was ready and he built building on these foundations. After Zia, PPP was in power for 2 times and it’s their third turn where they are completing 5 years. 2 govt. of PML and a decade long strong dictatorship by Musharaf. So, blame also go on all these governments for continuing wrong policies. It’s time instead of blaming we start awareness to give better Pakistan to our next generation.

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