1 Please increase the horizontal grid area. This present web area is already increased from 960 to 1200 px, but it still needs to increase at least 1300px if not 1920 px.
It will increase the writing area to a lot extent. it may be more responsive to high-resolution displays. Presently we see the picture-in-picture type situation due to less grid system selection for the web pages.
2 the shoutbox items begin to dance if we take cursor there, The reason is the use of the double line for lengthy captions. there are 2 solutions in my opinion either to cut short these lengthy captions to a single line. or devote 2 tines for each, or increase grid system to higher nos.
3 the number of lines in the shoutbox are only 16, please double these to get more option to see all that is going on the forum.
4 the option to bookmark the contents of ones interest is also missing. please add it,
5 I am checking the new theme, some old areas are still not properly linked, on the clink it does not take to that contents.
6 A lot of new options are there for sharing, these are good to have.