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Former PJAK member: Iran provided weapons for terrorist PKK

Turks excuse for every of their problems :

" Iran "

and now , Pjak get separated from PKK ... !?


I know Turks won't listen , but i should say if we wanted to help PKK ( real help ) then you should face with some Shahab 3 missile ...

when we can send Faj-5 ( although those were fajr 2 ) to Gaza strip , we can send these toys in our border as well .......


good luck brave tukish keyboard warrior ....
Turks excuse for every of their problems :

" Iran "

and now , Pjak get separated from PKK ... !?


I know Turks won't listen , but i should say if we wanted to help PKK ( real help ) then you should face with some Shahab 3 missile ...

when we can send Faj-5 ( although those were fajr 2 ) to Gaza strip , we can send these toys in our border as well .......


good luck brave tukish keyboard warrior ....

What your regime want is not important. They can not just provide missiles to PKK, if we face with Iranian missiles, what do you think you are going to face with? Turkish Flowers? Nope...

PKK enjoyed support from dozens of different countries for decades. Why do you think none of them has provided PKK with advanced weapons? Because it requires some big balls, which Iran lacks, like the other countries who supported PKK.

Thank you little wheel of the Iranian propaganda machine.
What your regime want is not important. They can not just provide missiles to PKK, if we face with Iranian missiles, what do you think you are going to face with? Turkish Flowers? Nope...

PKK enjoyed support from dozens of different countries for decades. Why do you think none of them has provided PKK with anvanced weapons? Because it requires some big balls, which Iran lacks, like the other countries who supported PKK.

Thank you little wheel of the Iranian propaganda machine.

So,the U.S and Israel who also you accuse of supporting PKK,lack balls?
So only Turkey has balls in this world?

Tell us more about all 192 countries you accuse of supporting PKK to cover your incompetence.:smokin:
So,the U.S and Israel who also you accuse of supporting PKK,lack balls?
So only Turkey has balls in this world?

Tell us more about all 192 countries you accuse of supporting PKK to cover your incompetence.:smokin:

Mate, like i said before, avarage life expectancy of an ordinary PKK terrorist is 2-3 years. Which means, most of them are ending up dead within 5 years at most. When the ANKA and T-129 systems are ready, it will decrease even more. We have killed about 35.000 terrorist, btw.

Unlike Iran, we do not need any excuses to know the capabilities of our country and army. So you should continue to cry about sanctions and show it as the reason of your country's failure. Other than that, you should make a quick research about PKK in google.

Iran providing weapons and logistics
Iraq providing weapons and logistics
Armenia providing logistics and healthcare
Syria providing weapons and logistics
Israel providing training and intelligence
Greece providing training and intelligence
Bulgaria providing safe houses.
Serbia providing training and safe houses

Skandinavians. Providing asylum and safe houses.

USA. Well the are doing there part.
Russia. Was and is probably one of the biggest supporters.
Germany. Provides intelligence and tacktiks.

Don't just blame Iran. PKK is well funded and have a major support from Turkish "friends"
Blame the stupid politicians who tries to collect votes from each conflict.
If you can't make the common Kurd take side of the government. If you can't make them feel safe in there own country (turkiye)

PKK is turkeys own Pandoras Box it's full of stinking Sh.ts lies and backstabbings.

Start with these.

Btw, US and Israel can not even attack Iran, let alone taking the risk of losing Turkey. Turkey is the most important ally of US in this region, even more important than Israel in my opinion. So, yes...
Turks excuse for every of their problems :

" Iran "

and now , Pjak get separated from PKK ... !?


I know Turks won't listen , but i should say if we wanted to help PKK ( real help ) then you should face with some Shahab 3 missile ...

when we can send Faj-5 ( although those were fajr 2 ) to Gaza strip , we can send these toys in our border as well .......


good luck brave tukish keyboard warrior ....

You need guts and balls to send some Shahab or Faj or whatever you call your third world rockets to Turkey.
You cant even deal with Israel or even Saudi Arabia,or should we be afraid of your reverse engineered weapon systems?
Iran does help the PKK,strange news today.
POLITICS - PKK receiving Iranian support: Turkish interior minister
Good luck from a keyboard warrior to the real warrior!
We need more deep state to wipe of armenian terrorism which used be ASALA now other political terrorism agains us.

Iran is now creating problems with Nuclear pakistan. They can't deal with little Jundallah or something so their desperation is hitting hard, protesting about patriots heavily.
Lol,We hanged Jundallah leader in Iran,and since then,they have not executed any terrorism act,I mean they couldn't.Jundallah is now just a name and some few rats spending their miserable lives in Pakistan.So we did defeat them.
The same is right for Pjak,we kicked them in the arse in such a way they begged for a ceasedire and accepted all Iran's condition,and since then,they haven't put their foot in wrong place.
So it's you actually who are incompetent,so desperate that have nothing to except blaming all countries in the world for supporting pkk.
I didn't want to answer you ottoman-turk,the great troll of internet,but you deserved this one.

[TR]AHMET;3643575 said:
Iran and their perverse ideas! they never have done good things for humanity or Islam in their history. Not necessary talk about them much because they not worth.... We know they allways thing bad about us and Sunnis and they have done allways worst! Allah never forgive them. I hope they will change but i don't think so...
Oh,how sweet,look who is talking.
Look at history of your 'beloved religion',Islam and its golden age,guess what?Most of the scientists,scholars,medics,philosophers and other great figures,were those 'Evil Iranians'.

Now tell us some about your 'contribution' to Islam.maybe attacking and caputring your neighbours and terrorizing Europe were parts of the things you did for Islam.Sure,Islam,as the way you believe it,is proud of these 'glorious' contributions.
my god!!..8 pages of cojones measuring contest!!! I told this thread would be a troll magnet and become a flame war at 1st page..I was damn right!!
my god!!..8 pages of cojones measuring contest!!! I told this thread would be a troll magnet and become a flame war at 1st page..I was damn right!!

There needs to be a stronger moderation, off-topic posts should not be allowed IMHO. The situation is such that trolls almost grow from trees among Persians here, pretty much each one of them is trolling.
Turks excuse for every of their problems :

" Iran "

and now , Pjak get separated from PKK ... !?


I know Turks won't listen , but i should say if we wanted to help PKK ( real help ) then you should face with some Shahab 3 missile ...

when we can send Faj-5 ( although those were fajr 2 ) to Gaza strip , we can send these toys in our border as well .......


good luck brave tukish keyboard warrior ....

what you going to export after your oil and gas facilities are on fire ? peanuts and carpets what else?
All i can do is, appreciate Turkey's patience, but i doubt if it Iran understand this language.

What makes you say that.....if anything it is Iran who has shown patience, tolerance, and wisdom throughout the years of agression against its state and has never been quick to escalate situations on some bullshit news.

If Turkish leadership feel that strong about Iran helping the Kurdish resistance then they should man up and Erdogan to make an official statement against Tehran.

I say either put up or shut up.
What makes you say that.....if anything it is Iran who has shown patience, tolerance, and wisdom throughout the years of agression against its state and has never been quick to escalate situations on some bullshit news.

If Turkish leadership feel that strong about Iran helping the Kurdish resistance then they should man up and Erdogan to make an official statement against Tehran.

I say either put up or shut up.

Thank you for showing your true face. I'm not even going to bother educate you about what PKK actually is, since your country have a tradition of showing terrorists as heroes, therefore no one should expect anything good from likes of you. But it is not allowed praising terrorist organizations here.

Btw it is Iran who should stop being a coward and either support PKK fully, with missiles etc... or stop supporting it in a coward way. We can not just give ultimatums to every country who have provided PKK with couple of AKs or shelter. It would mean self-isolation for us, i believe you know that feeling very well.

In terms of teaching Iran a lesson, Erdogan doing something lot better than giving official statement against Tehran. Although, i as a citizen do not approve the policy, but it is going to hurt Iran bad. Do you know what i'm talking about?
Thank you for showing your true face. I'm not even going to bother educate you about what PKK actually is, since your country have a tradition of showing terrorists as heroes, therefore no one should expect anything good from likes of you. But it is not allowed praising terrorist organizations here.

Btw it is Iran who should stop being a coward and either support PKK fully, with missiles etc... or stop supporting it in a coward way. We can not just give ultimatums to every country who have provided PKK with couple of AKs or shelter. It would mean self-isolation for us, i believe you know that feeling very well.

In terms of teaching Iran a lesson, Erdogan doing something lot better than giving official statement against Tehran. Although, i as a citizen do not approve the policy, but it is going to hurt Iran bad. Do you know what i'm talking about?

It is Turkey that must apologize to Iran in supporting her enemies while pretending to be Iran and Muslims friends....Iran should sanction Turkey's energy and remind them that supporting her enemies and continuing to promote separation in Iran will lead nowhere but shame.
It is Turkey that must apologize to Iran in supporting her enemies while pretending to be Iran and Muslims friends....Iran should sanction Turkey's energy and remind them that supporting her enemies and continuing to promote separation in Iran will lead nowhere but shame.

Iran is the one who is pretending. Turkey have showed good faith with Brazil and backed Iran about its nuclear program. But we are done with showing good faith, which Iran clearly do not deserve.

Who do you think it would hurt more if Iran stop selling its oil to us?

About this 'Turkey's support of seperation in Iran'. Can you provide some sources about that. Because i've heard the same thing from couple of Iranians too. When we are saying Iran is supporting PKK, we are actually offering proofs, (official video about Iranian spys in Turkey, confession of terrorists, etc...) can you guys do the same please?
Iran is the one who is pretending. Turkey have showed good faith with Brazil and backed Iran about its nuclear program. But we are done with showing good faith, which Iran clearly do not deserve.

Iran is a independent country void of foreign influence....it has no need to pretend.

Turkey has been doing what the West has told it to do and Turkey's good faith in Iran's nuclear negotiations came to light when they demanded that all fuel be stored in Turkey. No country would accept that type of a setup. Iran is independent like I said and there should be no reason for them to make themselves dependent on another country especially Turkey.

Who do you think it would hurt more if Iran stop selling its oil to us?

Turkey more than Iran......Iran has shown she can endure when need be.

About this 'Turkey's support of seperation in Iran'. Can you provide some sources about that. Because i've heard the same thing from couple of Iranians too. When we are saying Iran is supporting PKK, we are actually offering proofs, (official video about Iranian spys in Turkey, confession of terrorists, etc...) can you guys do the same please?

Are you kidding....just about every Turk or Turk wannabe on this section of the forum supports separation in northern Iran.

we don't need confessions from terrorists in your type of Turkish jails to prove our point.....funny how everyone confesses in your lovely Turkish jails and court system or vanishes in thin air.
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